Positive Tension

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Positive Tension

Caleb looking at me with his lustful stare. I told him to look away for me to position on the bed. Not surprised by telling me no.

"Why are you naked?" he asked.

"Well, your coupon said full body massage. I just thought... Well you see when I went to spas they massaged me naked so..."

He was just looking at me. I told him to turn around again which he did. I put the towel down and laid in the bed face down. I called him to come and I felt him sat in the bed.

I felt his fingers trailing down my back. It was gentle and warm. It made me lean more to the bed. One thing about me is I'm ticklish. I could really feel him smirk or smile or I was just imagining things.

He massage my shoulders and it made me moan from the pleasant feeling he gave me. Oh gods. He was very good. I wonder if he always do this to his playthings. He is a player after all.

His session with my back made me so relaxed. I actually whined when his hands left my back. It made me leaned on my arms and look at him.

His eyes met mine. I could see the lust in his.

"Why d'you stop?" I asked.

"I was going for your lower limbs but clearly you don't want me to stop." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes at him and plopped my head back to the pillow. He did his magic on my feet. Oh shoot. It really made me moan again.

"Stop it love." Caleb said. He gripped my legs tighter. I knew exactly what was wrong.

"Caleb?" he pulled me and flipped me over. I covered my b.reast. Caleb scrambled over me and his position was like before. He was in a push-up position again and I was under him.

He brushed his lips through mine. I smiled when our lips parted. Still covering my b.reast and eyes closed I felt his body leaned against me. he kissed my forehead, my nose, and I was pretty sure that he was gonna kiss my lips too but he kissed my cheeks instead.

I opened my eyes to see his dark lustful eyes looking at me. I too was feeling lustful. I want his lips through mine and I want to kiss him like the one that we did on the bar.

I pulled his head closer to me getting my b.reast exposed but his torso was pressed against me so he didn't see it.

He kissed me over and over and over again. His warm lips were pressed through mine he does that over and over and over again. I partly opened my mouth for the next level of kissing. But the problem is I didn't know how to.

Caleb put his open lips through mine and we slowly let them shut. I had no idea what to do.

"I really don't know what to do." I admitted to him while our lips where still together.

"I'll teach you." He replied biting my lips. I scowled at him but he continued kissing me. "Just follow my lead."

He led me through the kissing. Well it was my first time doing it with him sober.

The kissing was kind of hot. His hands wanders through my skin. He gripped my hips tight and I felt his fingers slip through the garter of my panties. I think he was tugging my panties down.

To my surprise I didn't stop him. Am I ready for this? I thought that he was gonna tug my panties down but he didn't he just played with it.

We were still kissing when my phone rang. It was on the side table. Caleb stopped me from getting it. The ringing stopped but it rang again after.

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