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I wake up to the sound of my mom yelling at my brother.
" Luke "
" yes mom?"
"Come take the dog out"
I have mastered the skill of shutting out the noise from down stairs. I look at the alarm clock sitting on my night stand.
Ugh that means school will start in an hour. I get up and get in the shower. After my nice, warm shower I decide on wearing jeans and a hoodie to school on this cloudy Monday. I walk down the steps and to the kitchen. On my way I pass the study and see my mom sitting at the desk with a pile of bills in front of her.

We have never been finically stable ever since dad died. He was killed in a car accident about 7 years ago. I continue walking down the hall and into the kitchen. When I walk in I am met by a not so cheerful Luke and a sleepy dog on the floor.
" Morning Nala" I say to our dog. "Morning Luke" I say to my twin brother.
We aren't identical we are fraternal twins. First we look nothing alike second, he is out going and I am not.
The list continues.
"Morning" he says back to me.
I grab my cereal from the cabinet and get a bowl. We both eat quickly so we won't be late to school. I get my bag and lunch. I am walking out the door when I yell,
"bye mom"
I always walk to school but Luke takes the bus. I don't have any friends here so I walk to school alone. I mean who would be friends with me? I get to school about five minutes later and go strait to my locker. There aren't much people in the halls right now and I wonder why. Then I look at my watch and read the time.
Oh that's why, I am late. I get my stuff quickly and head on to class. When I get there I see the teacher at the board writing something. I think he won't notice if I just go and sit down. I get to my seat successfully, but right as I sit down the teacher calls out
" Nice of you to join us Miss Laine". What? How did he notice me. He didn't even turn around.
"I suspect you know to see me after class" he states. Ugh that means dentition. Oh well. "Like I was saying. Today we will be telling the class about yourself." the teacher says. He continues with other boring stuff but I don't listen until he calls my name. "Autumn Laine. Your up. " Great. ( note the sarcasm) I get up from my seat and get in front of the class.

"Hi. My name is autumn, I am 16, and I have a dog named Nala"

"do you have any siblings?" Someone asks.
I think a minute. I know Luke doesn't want anyone to know that me and him are siblings so I just say no.

"Ok thanks Autumn" the teacher says " you may sit down"
good. I go back to my seat. The rest of the class goes and soon after the bell rings. I go up to the teachers desk and wait for my punishment.

"I will let you of the hook this time but it will be the last time your late right?" "Right" I say as I leave the class. After two more classes the bell rings again. By the fourth class I get so bored I ask to go to the restroom. When I get there all stalls are open so no one is here. After playing on my phone for a while I put it up and are about to leave when someone walks in. Then I see who that someone is.


She stares at me then looks around to make sure no one is here. Great I was hoping I could go the day without seeing my bully. She walks up to me and punches me right in the nose. I stumble back against the wall. I manage to get around her and lock myself in a stall. Then someone else walks in. "Hey Mack" they say. "Wanna ditch?" They ask "sure" Mack says. They both leave. I come out of my stall and look in the mirror. There is blood coming out of my nose. I pull out my makeup that I have just for this. I apply it on my nose and wipe the blood away. I think she broke it because I can't smell and it really hurts. I exit and go back to class. Before I know it I am back home and eating dinner with mom and Luke.

"Guys I need to tell u something. I lost my job today" my mom says.
Luke and I both drop our forks. Could this day get any worse?

A journey to change AutumnWhere stories live. Discover now