Broken Wrist (Thomas×Martha)

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Ideas are in italics. Based off the time Jefferson broke his wrist trying to impress a girl. I DON'T REALLY LIKE THIS ONE EITHER, PLZ TRY SOME OTHERS BEFORE LEAVING

Jefferson POV

It was a beautiful summer day in July. It was warm, though a light breeze was messing up my hair a bit every now and then. I was laying in the grass in a park, on a picnic with my closest friend. We had decided to meet somewhere outside, since I had just gotten back from France three months ago and it was rather cold there most of the time. We had written letters to each other pretty often while I was away.

I was just sitting there, telling Jemmy of France, ya know, minding my own business, when the most beautiful girl I have ever layed eyes on walks on a path a few feet from us.


I didn't realize I was staring and stoped talking at first, but James did.

God, she's gorgeous.

Then again, who wouldn't be staring? Her skin was pale, and her brown hair flowed lightly as she walked, her smile made my heart flutter, and I couldn't help but take in every detail of the woman walking in front of me. She had a basket at her side as she walked toward a group of people.

I recognized the small group quickly as the Schuyler sisters. Angelica, Eliza, and Margarita, who raised an eyebrow at me.

Merde, she caught me staring, didn't she?

Jemmy smiled at me wickedly, as I watched the girl, who's name I don't yet know, sit with the sisters, her back facing me.

"You should talk to her if you like her that much. "

Jemmy was the one who got me out of my trance.

"Was I really being that obvious?" I started panicking, "How am I going to get her to notice me? I mean of course, I'm amazing. And anyway, who wouldn't notice me? I'm wearing magenta and red is attracts the eye. So she should look at me right? She's totally going to notice me, right?" I realized I was panicking.

I never panick. What. Is. Happening. Merde, she's got me helpless already.

"Well first I only noticed because you stopped mid sentence, and were openly staring at her. I don't know, how will you get her to notice you? You always have a plan for, like, everything."

Calm down. Calm down. You will get noticed. She has to notice you, you're you! Jemmy's right. I need a plan for this.

Then the best plan popped into my mind.

"Ya know what? Yes, I do have a plan."

"Thomas, No."

He must not be able to read my mind, because I thought it was a great plan and I didn't see anything that could go wrong. I mean, it's simple enough.

"Oh, but Thomas yes."

He laughed and tried to stop me as I got up and walked to the nearest tree, which wasn't too far away because there were oak trees everywhere and I saw people climbing them like, all the time, so it would be safe, right? I heard Jemmy in the background of my thoughts,

"Thomas, no, this isn't safe, oh my gosh you are so dumb, THAT TREE BRANCH IS GOING TO BREAK THOMAS GET DOWN HERE!"

Just as I was stepping to the next branch up, the last branch I was on broke. It was fairly small so I thought it wasn't a big deal.

"See? I'm fine. Calm down."

As I sat on the larger branch, I heard the unmistakable and beautiful voices of the Schuyler sisters coming over. Probably to yell at me for climbing a tree. Hopefully, their friend came with them. She is the reason I am probably around twenty feet up in a tree right now...

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