I do (Jeffmads)

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I wrote most of this is study hall. Also, angst.

College AU

James POV

I hesitantly looked down into the bath of bloody flowers I just coughed up.

Yeah, I know.

An entire bathtub.

Full of flowers and blood.

Out of all the people I could get this because of, it had to be him. Dammit Thomas. I would be lying to myself if I said I didn't think it was almost cute, the way he takes care of me. It can get a little over baring sometimes, but I know he just doesn't want his friend sick with anxiety and severe depression and whatever random illness I come down with.

There's the problem.

We are only friends.

It's also why I just finished painfully coughing up blood and marigolds.

He offered to come in and comfort me as I choke on petals, even though he thought I was just loossing lunch or some shit, but, in all honesty, what good would that do? It would just make it worse, really.

He was still trying to come in, even though I had locked the door. I knew he was standing on the other side of it, asking if he could come in every other minute. And everytime I would only be able to reply with more hacking because his sweet voice is so-

And the thought of him brought more petals to my lungs as I continued coughing. I was pretty sure he already knew about me having it, since about half our dorm had bloody petals hidden in it.

I looked up again. Great, more blood this time.

Behind me I heard Thomas walking away which either meant he was giving up or getting a bobbypin to pick the lock.

Most likely the latter.

Soon enough I was coughing again and my Thomas had picked the lock, rushing in to make sure I wasn't dead or dying. I turned and swallowed the petals back. He only stared in shock.

"I-... I thought Hanahaki wasn't a real thing..." He trailed off at the end. I knew what conversation was about to come and it, if anything, frightened me.

"So did I untill about a month ago." I responded, trying not to choke. Tears were in both our eyes as he stared at me and the bathtub full of blood and his favourite flowers.

I could feel myself breaking more and breathing became harder the more I realized what this meant.

"Come on, we're going to the hospital." He turned, tears were streaming down both our faces. I felt breathing becoming more difficult and started taking shallower breaths. I didn't have the time to get to the hospital.

"I'm not getting the surgery." I called after him.

"Jemmy-" He started, in a warning tone.

"I am not going to a hospital." I told him firmly and raising my voice as much as I could with the petals.

"I can't loose you dammit." He yelled.

"Then love me." I whispered back. I didn't know if he hear me at fist but then he froze, shocked the words came out of my mouth. I started coughing again. I didn't have the strength to move so they could go into the bathtub with the rest.

I felt my throat closing up as he made his next movement.

"I do" He mumbled.

I felt my throat clear up as he put his lips to mine. It was suddenly much easier to breathe. I coughed again and vines of marigolds came out and at last I could breathe like a normal person again. I looked up at Thomas and he smiled. He stood up and held out a hand. I took it and he helped me out of the bathtub. Finally.

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