Sudden (Seaburr)

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I was going through my school Google Drive, and found some shit writing from two years ago, so I fixed it and made it fan fiction. Enjoy the plot 12 year old me made. Could have been better.

Burr POV

We quickly pulled into the fair’s parking lot. We all knew our guy would be here, we had figured that much out by now. The few other people who were working on this case with us were here too, but who knows where they were. We were all over the fair, watching for anything suspicious. Samuel and I had been partnered up and were walking around aimlessly while talking and laughing.

Suddenly, I heard a scream coming from a black trash bag being carried away by a broad, tall,  black man with very fluffy hair. He was taller than me by about six inches. The man was dressed in average clothes. He continuously glanced around as if he was paranoid. He walked away from us, but not before making eye-contact with us. He started running when he realised who we were and we followed him through the enormous crowds who didn’t seem to care that someone was being kidnapped. He got into his car and I got into mine and followed him.

Samuel and I  followed the mysterious person cautiously through the crowded roads of  New York City until we drove out of town completely. Only a few miles out of the buzzing city, we entered a ghost town.  He pulled up to what we quickly learned to be an  abandoned jail next to what we presumed to be an equally abandoned court.  We continued to drive around a corner and hide while we watched the man drag the black bag  inside. The man dragged the bag and there was no movement from within it, though we could clearly see the shape of a body contained in it. 

Once he was in the building, we followed him inside, guns pointed at anything that might move.  No one was there except some rats, but I don’t know that those count. Samuel was the first to look down and realize what was there. I thought I would faint when I realized what he was staring at. We were standing in one of the few things we didn’t expect. Blood. Now blood isn’t the thing that surprises us. What does shock us is that it’s coming from none other than the dead body of Charles Lee, one of our coworkers. He had been stabbed to death, I tried to count how many times, about sixty. To us, that meant one thing. It was obvious that this was personal from the level of overkill.

We started to feel something wrap around our necks. It had the texture of a rope. We were too paralized at the sight of a former friend's dead body to defend ourselves. I already knew what was happening, I just didn’t know that I really cared anymore. I tore my eyes away from the body, only to find the man from the fair standing mere feet away from me, next to the partner we knew he had. The new one was clearly the dominant one of the pair, though I recognized him. The only problem was I had no clue how I knew him.

“Well we meet again, Burr,”  said the one I recognized faintly, “The reunion will be cut short, sadly. Although, maybe your little boyfriend could stay a while…”

They both laughed as fear came over me and I looked at Sam. I tried to reach for his hand before realizing there were handcuffs around my wrists. He looked at me with fear in his eyes. I heard him whisper an “I love you,” to which I responded with the same, and also some tears.

“Bitches,” laughed the other. “Oh, Lexi, they still think they're smart!” They laughed harder as the dom, “Lexi,” pulled a lever I hadn’t noticed before.

And with that Samuel  and I felt the floor move from beneath us. It all happened in slow motion. As we took our last breaths, I heard the beginning of a scream from Sam before I blacked out. Now no one is capable of warning the others. And no one will know it’s these two who killed hundreds of people. So now, I suppose we’ll join Charles and rant about how upset we are about them getting away. Though the brain may run through several different hells or heavens in the time between now and when we're dead. We will live for infinities.

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