it hurts... (Jeggy)

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STRAIGHT. ANGST. Y'all don't even know the emotion I've put in this one and the last one 😔😔😔 also thank you guys so much for 300 reads ❤

Modern AU


I hate being the middle child more than anything. From when I was three till I turned twelve, I hung out with Eliza and Angelica. When we had sister sleepovers in the living room, it was them. I was just an extra. Even in my own room. They would eat the snacks I had, text people, make it so I was never involved.

One night I remember well, I started texting Jeremiah's friend to see if he had any advice. Turns out they were texting him too. Eliza always had a new boyfriend and Angelica was good with makeup, meaning she always had a boyfriend. And I was good at... Nothing. That's what it always felt like. They never acknowledged me. That's just how it was.

Then I got tired of their shit. I started hanging out with Cornelia and Catherine. That went really well, at least for a while. Their friend hung out with us all the time and she and I became close. And then the C's and her got in a fight and Lindsey stopped hanging out with them. And Cor and Cat got closer. And so, they talked about who-knows-what and I got left out again.

Why am I always a third wheel?

Why don't they care?

I see the looks they give me.

So that brings me to now. Sitting in my room, with a book and earbuds in. The playlist full of sad and music that a serial killer would hate because it paints them inaccurately. And the book transporting me to a world where maybe I fit in and maybe my dad doesn't watch "step daughter" and "daughters friend" porn. Maybe I have real friends there. Definitely a possible love interest and not John Laurens, a friend of Eliza's current boyfriend. If either Eliza or Angie found out they would date him without hesitation. And then he would think I was just like them.

And so no one knows. And no one cares. I go unnoticed, but that's how I like it.

And then I got a text.

I heard my phone buzz and the music get quieter while the notification went off. I finished the paragraph I was reading and put a book mark between pages. I picked up my phone.

Unknown #: hey, got your number from a friend

&Peggy: Hi, um... Who is this???

Unknown #: your secret admirer😘

I continued smiling. I couldn't help myself. Someone liked me?!? Or was this just a prank? It's neither of my sisters numbers so... But maybe the number is in one of their phones? And so, I made a plan.

Plan #
Step 1. Invite Liz and Ang to sleep over in my room
Step 2. Once they're here, let them talk. Don't tell them.
Step 3. Wait till they fall asleep
Step 4. Steel their phones
Step 5. Look up the numbers in their contacts

Step one:

&Peggy: Hey, you guys should sleep over here tonight!!! It'll be fun!

Liz: kk Ang, you bring popcorn, I'll bring a movie?

Ang: yee

I smiled. Step one of Plan #: done.

Step two:

I let them watch the movie. When it was done they talked for hours and I texted my secret admirer.

&Peggy: Hey, sorry it took forever to reply. I've just been questioning whether or not this is a prank.

Unknown #: it's not

&Peggy: that's exactly what someone who was pranking me would say 😝😭

It was taking a few minutes for him to respond so I started eavesdropping on them and got some tea mostly just about Liz is dating some Alex dude and Ang wants a threesome. I got through a descriptions before I felt my phone buzz again.

Unknown #: I'm not pranking you. I love the shade of your eyes. They get darker when you're mad. They used to get brighter when you were happy, but I haven't seen that in a while. I love the bright red shade of lipstick you use. It makes your yellow pop more than the dark red. I love your yellow, it's the cutest thing. I can tell your still your happy, perky, go lucky self, even if your depressed at the same time. I can catch you staring at the same man more than twenty times a day. I know who your crush is and I wish with all my heart you would look at me that way. Your yellow fits your personality. That's why I wear it sometimes. It makes me happier to think that we are wearing the same colour. I would love for you to know who I am. But if you did, you would look at me differently. But then again, then you wouldn't be so alone all the time.

I read it at least five times before I started understanding a word they sent. All of that. How could someone feel that way about me? I'm the outcast. Nobody's liked me like this since... Well honestly never cause all my boyfriends were either dicks, emotionless, or we were too young. Heck I'm just going into ninth grade!

I put my phone down. I could only be on my phone so long before my sisters got suspicious that I had friends. I stared at the floor and spaced out. They really thought all that about me? Who would actually think all that? I only became more desperate to find out who it was as time slowly went by.


After another hour Liz and Ang finally fell asleep. Both phones were charging and by some miracle, they didn't have passwords. I took Angelica's phone first and wasn't surprised to see a picture of her and Eliza as her lock screen. I quickly went to her contacts and searched the number.

There was one that matched.

I had to read the name over and over

Because there is no way that was him.

1035 words
Life lesson: never invite your friends who are dating each other to your house when no one else is going to hang out with you.

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