"Fishing" pt. 2

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Part 2 of the last chapter.

*smut warning*

Jefferson POV


This is going to be one interesting vacation.

Should we just tell Washington? What if he somehow finds out?

My mind was racing as he lead us into the yatch.

"You are both abnormally quiet, and not fighting. Should I worried?"

"NO," Lex and I responded at the same time, we gave each other a worried look. We both knew this was going to be hard.

What if we make it too obvious? At least we aren't sharing a room... I don't know if that would be a blessing or a curse.

So many images and thoughts raced through my mind. What we could do if we shared a room...

We got to the place where Washington gave them our tickets. The girl at the desk looked at all of us, but kept glancing at Lex while they talked.

Uh, who gave her the right?

I started glaring at her. She didn't notice until I cleared my throat. She looked scared, as she should. We started walking away, toward our rooms, and I smiled to myself. I could see Lex rolling his eyes at my protectiveness. I smirked and shrugged in response.

"Oh! I thought I got three rooms. I guess I must have only got two." Washington turned toward us. "Looks like you two will have to share a room."

Well my fears were confirmed.

He did that on purpose didn't he?

Alex POV

I felt myself blush and I couldn't hide it. Washington noticed and almost smirked. He definitely planned this. I could see my Thomas blushing as well. Then I remembered we were supposed to be enemies.


"AGAIN, WHY WOULD I NEED TO?" Thomas played along.

"Boys, boys, calm down. I'm sure it'll be fine. But first I will make a few rules."

Thomas and I looked at eachother. What if he knew? Or what if he found out?

"Rule number one, no fighting. This entire week. I think a week without fighting shouldn't be too much to ask for"

We nodded while rolling our eyes at each other.

"Well if h-" Washington started talking again before Thomas could finish his comment.

"Rule number two, don't do anything too illegal. That's all. Also, here are the keys to your room. I'll let you two get settled in. I made sure to get sound proof rooms in case you do end up arguing."

We nodded and walked into our room. It had a rather cabin-y feel to it. It was completely chestnut wood and the bed was in the corner of the room, it must have been a queen size. Washington knew he only got two. He had to have known. We walked in and shut the door. As soon as it was closed I voiced my theory.

"He planned this." We said at the same time.

Thomas took a step closer to me, leaving his suitcase at the door and I let go of mine. I stood there as he sauntured up to me. It reminded me of the Drarry scene in prisoner of Azkaban. He started unbuttoning the rest of my flannel, and I didn't object. My hands went to do the same to his, except I think the flannel I was wearing was actually his at some point. He leaned in and nipped at my ear.

"You know, we could make the best of this situation, and we have some time," He whispered in my ear. I could feel my member growing stiff and I could see the tent in his pants from where we stood.

"Might as well," I replied, biting on my lower lip.

He smiled and we started making out. He licked my teeth to ask if he could get dominance. I opened my mouth so he knew he had it and we continued like that. He had his arms around my waist and picked me up during a break we took to breath. He set me on the bed. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist, trying to get him closer. All the while he pushed me back so I was laying down. I felt one of his arms go to my waist and started pulling my shorts off, his other hand holding him up near my head.

After I minute laying like that I started pulling his shorts and boxers off, revealing his already hard member. His lips broke from mine and he trailed them down my neck, kissing and biting all the right places. I just told people I had a girlfriend named Eliza and she gave me the hickeys. Washington may notice whether or not they were new. I was moaning quietly already.

Damn he's good at this.

He eventually threw my shorts on the floor near where his were thrown only a few moments prior. We both stared at each other for a moment. He moved a little so I could feel member line up.


"Do you still have to ask that?" I almost laughed. It had been three years since we started dating and he was still going to ask me if I was ready. If anything, it was kind of cute.


He pushed in quickly hitting my prostate. I was not ready for that. My hand went to his hair, tugging on it lightly. He started moaning too.

"D-daddy- yes~ ahh~"

I started moaning again as my dick was getting harder. We started kissing again and I moaned into his lips every few seconds. His strokes were getting sloppier and I knew what was going to happen before he said anything.


He was caught off by himself in a way. I could feel his cum inside me and smiled into a kiss as he rode out his high. He pulled out and kissed down my chest to my member. He looked up at me as he kitty licked my tip. I nodded and he smiled.

"Magic word?" he asked, teasingly.

"Fuck you"

"Just did, baby"

"Whatever. Daddy~" I moaned as he went all the way down, knowing what I words would involuntarily come from my mouth. And I knew he loved every moment of it.

He started to give me head. I was a moaning mess. After a few minutes I came and he swallowed it all.

Just as it happened we heard a know at the door. Washington's knock to be exact. He knocked on a door seven times. Always seven. And in a certain pattern too. He hesitated on the seventh knock.

We jumped up, cursing and looking around. What were we going to do? There was Daddy's cum all over the sheets and- I just called him Daddy in my head. I need to break this habit before it happens in front of people. Or at work. It definitely needs stopped before I call him that at work on accident.

We had most definitely not unpacked. We looked at each other in panic. The door opened and Washington had his phone out, taking pictures of us. And we were completely naked about three feet apart, next to a bed with jizz all over it. We would never hear then end of this. God, we are so screwed.

1244 words
Thank you all for reading, have amazing day/night!

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