Candles (Burrdosia)

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Based of the time Burr shot at a candle to light it and caught himself on fire. In memory of Theodosia Prevost Alston. (She died the day this was posted) also, keep scrolling down.

Modern AU

Aaron Burr POV

It was a long day, with the defending of Levi Weeks still hanging over my head. And also Hamilton, but there's always Hamilton. Why can't he learn to shut up? Like really? I was tired. Really tired. I could probably sleep standing up at this point. But I also knew fully well that I can't sleep standing up because Dosia needed to know I was alive. I just got home though, so it wouldn't be long until I could sleep.

Dosia, my wonderful wife, was waiting for me in our room. She was scrolling through Instagram and keeping a few conversations going on her phone while I sat down next to her on the bed.

"You're beautiful" I wispered.

She replied with, "I know," before I slipped under the covers and turned to lie on my back. She turned her phone off after a minute or so and laid down beside me, looking up through the window we put above our bed when we built the house so we could stargaze every night.

"It's really dark in here. Like I know it's usually dark, but like, darker than normal. Can you light a candle?" she asked me.

The only light we had other than our phones were some candles that were there for a completely different reason. Anyway the closest thing was a candle. We were both too tired to actually get up, but I knew Dosia couldn't sleep somewhere this dark. I got an idea. My pistol was under the bed. I've heard you can light things with a gun. That's a thing right? Yeah, sure.

I reached under the bed. Wait... Ok there it is. I pulled it out from under the bed and aimed it at the candle.

"Are you sure that's going to work, Baby?"

"Honey, don't question my metheds, just, lemme do this so you can sleep."


She obviously didnt think this would work, so I would just have to prove it to her.

I stot at the candle.

I hit the candle, suprisingly. (I don't have great aim)

It caught on fire.

It also fell on me.

And then the blankets caught fire too.

Before I realized what was happening, Dosia was hitting the fire with a pillow to put it out, which worked.

"I'll go get the matches." She almost laughed.

I was going to prove it would work.

So, I set the candle back up.

I shot at it again.

I hit it again.

It caught fire.

Dosia ran in, hearing the bang from the gun.

The candle fell on me.

The blankets caught fire.

And then Dosia beat me with a pillow for the second time that night and put my gun under her side of the bed.

"Are you burned?" Dosia started.

"Um, no. I don't think so," I informed her.

"Let me light the candle, Aaron."


"Stop. You are the one thing in life that you can control. Not me."

I crossed my arms knowing she was right, and laid back down as she lit the candle, without catching herself on fire.

"Show off," I mumbled.

She laughed and laid beside me again.

"Sing?" she wispered.

"Theodosia writes me a letter everyday. I'm keeping her bed warm while her husband is away."

She snorted at that.

"He's on the other side, trying to keep weird trends alive. Well he can have all the trends, cause Theodosia she's mine. Love doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints."

I heard her snoring lightly, and I fell asleep next to her.

I wish I was able to hear that again, and not just from memory.

653 words
I bet you weren't expecting that.

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