ow (Lams)

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Avove is my own fan art. This will be short. Based off the time Laurens hit his head trying to get out of bed for a battle.


John POV


That's what I woke up to at four in the morning. Great. I jumped up in the bunk beds we were in, forgetting I slept on the bottom with Alexander last night, and I hit my head on my bunk. I fell back on the bed as Alex jumped over me. This was great.

"Ow..." I muttered as Alex got dressed and Lafayette rolled his eyes before looking at me with surprise as he got changed.

"Wait, mes amis, why is John in the bottom bunk?"

Alex and I were silent for a minute before Lafayette spoke again.

"Je le savais! Putain Je le savais!" Laf practically screamed.

We looked at each other nervously. Was he going to tell anyone? Would this be the end for us? Was he going to hate us?

"ne vous inquiétez pas mes amis, votre secret est en sécurité avec moi" Laf laughed as we blushed.

"Merci" We replied in unison.

I got out of bed and got dressed quickly, only now remembering we were under attack. Washington stormed in just as we were about to go out and into the battle.

"WHAT IS TAKING YOU- NEVER MIND JUST GET OUT THERE," he yelled at us while pushing us out. We ran out into battle, ready to die. We made eye contact and nodded before running off in separate directions, each of us praying this wasn't the end for each other.

289 words
Also French is google translated so if there's any mistakes feel free to comment and I'll fix them.

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