Happy (Adreinne×Lafayette)

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Another historical ship. If there is a ship name, please leave it in the comments. Based off when Lafayette came back from America and Adrienne was so happy she fainted.

Soulmate AU

(Tattoo on arm of their first words to you)

Lafayette POV

We walked around the ship, curious about when we were to arrive in France. My best friend and his soulmate, Alexander Hamilton and John Laurens, had decided that it would be a good idea to take me on a vacation to my old home. I will admit I missed it dearly. The breeze was light as we ventured onto the deck, the salty ocean air filling our lungs. Alex took John's hand and they smiled. While they were being all lovey dovey, I walked to the edge of the ship, leaning on the railing. I could make out land in the distance. I was almost home!

I turned to tell Alex and John, only to find them making out. I rolled my eyes at them, even though I knew they couldn't see me. I was tired of the food this ship had to offer. I wanted bagettes and French pastries. Maybe my soulmate is somewhere in France. My thoughts went back to the tattoo on my arm. "ça va, mais je pense que tu es mon âme soeur" I mentally translated it to, "it's okay, but I think you're my soulmate." It's almost funny. It was French, so maybe she was here. Or he, or they. I really don't care as a pan twenty-six-year-old human being.

We got off the ship after about forty more minutes, which Alex and John spent doing their soulmate-things (holding hands, kissing, coupley things), as I call them. I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and the redhead and blonde followed me off the ship. As I was pulling my hair out of my face and trying to explain French culture to both of them, I wasn't really looking where I was going and suddenly walked into someone. We both fell back, and I quickly opologized to the person I ran into.

"je suis vraiment désolé. Est-ce que ça va?" I looked up to find a beautiful woman sitting in front of me. Her phone was a few inches away from her, and she looked at me with shock. She hesitantly spoke,

"ça va, mais je pense que tu es mon âme soeur"

I froze and smiled at her. "I do believe we are soulmates."

I got up and offered her my hand. I pulled her up. Her skin was warm against mine. I handed her her phone and turned back to the couple I refer to as Lams. They were staring at us, which wasn't much of a surprise because they are both fluent in French. They clapped slowly and I asked the girl for her name. Adrienne, a beautiful name, belonged to her.  I told her my full name and then explained that my friends call me Lafayette, which she was welcome to do.

"Ok, but I'm calling you my Baguette."

I was suprised for a second and then I processed what she had said and blushed at the nickname.

"Would you be interested in getting lunch together tomorrow then?"

"I thought you would never ask."

I smiled at her response and we exchanged phone numbers before Lams dragged me to the hotel we were staying at. I checked us in and led the other two to our room. Two beds, baby blue walls and a window looking toward the Eiffel Tower in the distance. John and Alex sat on a bed and claimed it as theirs and Alex took out his phone while I grabbed a book and read on my bed. My phone made a noise a few minutes into my book and Lams looked at me expectantly. They were both leaning over Alexander's phone. 'Great,' I thought, 'now he's writing a fan fiction. Just great.'

I pulled out my phone and checked it. It was a message from an unknown number reading

Unknown: Hey, it's Adrienne. We still on for lunch tomorrow? Also, do you live here or are you visiting?

My Baguette: Hello, yeah we are still on for lunch as far as I know. I'm visiting France with two friends cause it's my old home.

I quickly added Adrienne to my contacts, when I felt the bed dip. I looked up to see John on my left and Alex on my right. They looked at me innocently and I rolled my eyes at them and went back to our conversation.

Adrienne💕: Ok, I'm actually here visiting family. Where are you from?

We texted for a while before I heard Alex whisper under his breath, "I'll have to add that to the fan fic." After that I shooed them off my bed and told Adrienne I had to go and that I would text her more tomorrow, then scolded them and made sure they wouldn't post it without letting me see it first. Then I read it and it was pretty good, I just had to make a few changes for accuracy.


(Time skip to the next day)

I woke up the next day at 8am and took a quick shower and changed into a pair of black high waisted skinny jeans and debated on wearing my rainbow crop top before remembering this would be a straight relationship before saying  'fuck it' and wearing the rainbow crop top because I'm allowed to look gay as fuck whenever I want to.

I let my hair down and grabbed my phone to text her

My Baguette: I'm ready to go, where do you want to meet up?

Adrienne 💕: There's this nice Cafè just outside your hotel. Meet me outside the hotel in 10

My Baguette: I'll be there💘

I left quickly, Lams still asleep on top of eachother, and walked to the nearest flower shop. I got a variety of flowers and got back to the hotel a minute late. I spotted her quickly and was about to apologize when she quickly pressed her soft lips against mine. She pulled away without giving me time to kiss back.

"It's ok. Let's go," She turned and started walking. We got to the shop in a few minutes, talking about random things along the way. I held the door open and gave her the flowers.

I love her already.

1080 words.

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