Oakland pt 2

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Angelica_jefferson requested. Just smut.

Jeffersons POV

When we finally got back to my old bed at Jemmy's place around 2am I was a bit buzzed, possibly maybe a little bit high, and also horny as fuck.

Lexi walked in behind me and I smiled as I watched him just yeet himself on the bed. He put his hands under his head on the pillow and looked over at me.

"Aren't you gunna change into something more comfortable to sleep?" I asked. He laughed and rolled on his side facing me. He too was a little buzzed and high.

(It's not my fault Jemmy thought chainsmoking was a good idea)

"Make me~" He responded and bit his lip. Damnit. He's going to be the death of me.

I sighed as I felt my jeans tighten and started to blush a little as I threw a pair of my sweatpants at him.

"You're no fun~" I heard him whine.

I turned around and started rummaging through my suitcase to find another pair of sweatpants or something to sleep in. I heard Lex get out of bed and walk over to me. I stood up and turned around as he got to me. He was still fully clothed, to my disappointment and had not put on the sweatpants I previously threw at him.

"Baby~" he whined looking up at me.

I rolled my eyes and contained a smile as he started palming me. I tilted my head back a bit before deciding we might as well.

"Fine," I said before picking him up, his legs wrapped around my waist, arms around my neck, and his lips also made their way to my neck, kissing and biting.

I crawled on to the bed and put him down while staying directly above him. I started grinding down on him while began our make our session. I slipped my tounge out of his mouth just long enough to get our shirts off. He started tugging my jeans down and he managed to get mine and his off. We broke for air.

He started palming me through my boxers and I put my head on his shoulder.

"Let's get rid of these," He said suggestively, while tugging my boxers down a bit. I bit my lip and helped him get my boxers off, followed by his. I jerked him off a little bit before opening the bed side drawer I used to keep lube in. I smiled when I saw there was still some left.

I put it on my hands and jerked myself off a bit as Lex started fingering himself. I moved his hand away from his entrance after a moment and lined myself up before going in. He was already used to my size because this was a nightly thing back in New York. I went in and gave him approximately three seconds to adjust anyway before I started pounding into him.

He started moaning my name as I continued, along with some words in Spainish, the main one being Papi. I moaned as I got closer and rested my head on his shoulder. I bit my lip and started jerking him off at the same time. After another few minutes I came inside him while he moaned and came aswell. I smiled as I heard the words fall rapidly from his mouth. I smiled and pulled out, flopping myself beside him. I listened to his heavy breathing for a few moments and matched mine with it.

"So, how do you like it here so far," I asked, breaking the silence.

"Good, James and Adams are nice."

"Yeah... "

The next morning

I woke up at 8 next to Lex, my favourite way of waking up. I got clothes on and walked to the kitchen to find Jemmy and Adams making coffee.

"Someone had fun last night," Jemmy laughed.

"Uugghhhh, I forgot these walls were so fucking thin," I cursed myself.

They handed me a coffee and we started talking about what to do today.

Alex walked in around 9 in jeans and a NYC T-shirt.

He looked adorable.

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