Hate The Sin, Love The Sinner (Jamilton)

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Welp here we are. Idk what this is based off of. Um, I came up with this halfway through writing it.

Hamilton POV

I was walking to my church. I'm a surprisingly religious person, or at least I get told that fairly often. I don't know why people say that though. It could be the swearing at other politicians, there was that Reynolds Pamphlet thing, but that was just a cover up for my affair with Angie, but hey, nobody needs to know about that. There was also John Laurens but I think that will mostly just be known in fan fictions, where being gay is encouraged.

Yeah, I have no clue as to why people are surprised that I'm Catholic.

It's almost snowing as I open the church door, letting some random older lady glare at me and walk in first. People are so rude, yet I shouldn't be surprised because this is Manhattan. I walk in after her, and almost double-take at the sight in front of me. Thomas fucking Jefferson. In a church. Talking to a priest. Since when was he religious? What the fucking hell is happening.

"Hamilton," I hear someone call, breaking me from my glare and thoughts. I turn to see the owner of the voice, a darker skinned man with a mohawk. James Madison. Backstabbing motherfucking asshole. Speaking of assholes, what the absolute fuck is Jefferson doing here.

"I didn't know you were religious Hamilton." James muses.

Why am I always greeted like this here?

"I could say the same to you and Madish- son," I reply coolly.

"Why don't we all sit together, there are few seats left, but three next together towards the back?"

I looked to see the chairs he was reffering to. They we're there, and no one could see you in those chairs. They'll probably kidnap me. I decided I couldn't hate the idea of sitting with them for two hours more, even if I did hate every second of it.

"I would love that," I responded, you know, like a liar.

Madishit and I sat down in a pew next to each other, Jefferfuck joining us shortly after. They we're definitely going to try and kidnap me, but I'm not going to stop them. If they kidnap me, they can also have my debt.

The pastor started talking so I pulled out my Bible but froze when I felt a hand (that was not min) on my thigh, and an arm around me. You can't do that in church it's like, illegal or something.

Nevertheless, I felt a blush creep over my face as I turned to Jefferson, who was smiling cheekily, knowing exactly what he was doing, his hand moving towards my inner-thigh, where my dick is, rubbing it a bit, just to get me fucking hard and then moving his hand so it was placed next to my dick, which was now hard thanks to that bitch. Madison wrapped his figures in my hair, tugging slightly, forcing me have to hold back a moan.

I blushed and swatted their hands away, knowing we couldn't do that in a church.

"Later," I whispered, trying to get their hands off of me, quickly.

Speaking of quickly, I also missed their touch almost immediately.

~time skip till after church~

As church let out, Thomas, James, and I were the first people out. James and I quickly followed Thomas to the Jefferson Mansion. The whole way there, whether it was Thomas's hand gracing over my dick or James's hand occasionally touching my hand, they were touching me. Even if it was more cute than what we both knew Thomas had in mind.

After what felt like forever, we arrived at Monticello and before I could begin to take in the architecture and my bust sitting in his kitchen, Thomas quickly pinned me to the wall while James joined in a make out session while having both hands on Thomas's and my own ass's, giving the occasional squeeze.

After a few minutes of making out and Thomas grinding on me, James said he had to leave, and he left, getting a quick goodbye from both Thomas and I, who got back to it pretty quick and started stripping each other, until we were both in nothing but boxers.

"Stay her a minute," He muttered with a devilish smile on his face, before walking away. Damn, his face is kinda nice with all the hickeys on his neck. He'd probably look so good with sweat dripping down his face, pounding into to me, breathing heavily, moaning...

Then it hit me that I'm probably about get fucked by my political enemy. But out of politics? I don't know, fuck buddy? Boyfriend? The thought Eliza ran through my mind before I realized I'm basically single cause of that Pamphlet thing. Eh, that's okay, she was controlling anyway. She yelled at me for inviting John to our wedding night, but I didn't see the problem.

Jefferson walked back in with a box labeled 'TOYS' with something sticking out of the top.

"What...?" I trailed off, confused. Part of me hoped toys was referring to sex toys, cause if we are being honest, bit of a bondage kink, hitting is good, not really into the Daddy kink, but if they have it, I'm okay with it.

"Lay on the bed"

"Facing up or down?" I questioned, walking over to the bed.

"Facing up," He replied, following me and letting his hands smooth over most of my body before placing the box on the bed after I laid down on the soft silk sheets. He swung his leg over, straddling me with a graceful ease. He pulled out a bit of rope from the box and I smiled as he moved my hand up to tie it to the bed frame.

"This okay?" He asked.

"Too lose," I looked him in the eye. He almost laughed and tightened it enough.

"Better?" He asked, still smirking, feeling me get harder and grinding on me, just to create friction. He quickly tied my other hand up, before taking both our boxers off and throwing them aside. He leaned down and kissed me again, trailing down my neck. He made eye contact with me, then pulled our lips together,one of his hands was holding him up.

I felt something at my entrance and before I realized what was about to happen Thomas slammed into me. He had to be at least seven inches and damn he was thicker than the strap-on Eliza used. I whined into his lips and he gave me a moment to adjust, which he spent kissing my neck.

I moaned as he started thrusting into me. It took a minute for him to find my prostate without preping first. I noticed a bottle of lube so he probably already used some.

I came within minutes and he jerked me off as I came down from my high. I quickly became hard again from the over-stimulation and minutes later I felt his strokes get sloppier as we came together.

Thomas kissed me a bit, before pulling out and untying me. We lye on the bed a few minutes before we both fell asleep.

1218 words
Have a nice day

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