Lams Letters

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My own art. I'm disappointed if you don't know about these. Thank you all for the reads, votes, comments, all of it. I love you all. (Also not the actual letters, just what I remember of them)

Modern UA

Alexander third person

Alexander had a crush on John for years. He was able to ignore it most of the time. Until high school, that is.

Alex was helplessly in love with John Laurens. And being the gay person he is, was acting like a teenage girl fangirling. So, Alexander did the only logical thing to do.

No, he didn't tell him.

Alexander wrote him love letters.

Writing was his thing, so it was easy enough to write the said letters. His brother Lafayette would always tease him about it saying, "Why do you write every second you're alive?" Alex would just roll his eyes in response.

So, he started writing,

Dear John,
  Cold in my proffesions...

He kept writing for a few hours. This wasn't the first letter John was receiving. Alex wrote one on a daily basis and would slip it into John's locker during class. Alex thought that John's best friend Peggy knew it was him, but she didn't seem to be informing John about it. It wasn't until the last day of school during their Junior year that John really had a conversation with about it Alexander.

Alex knew there was a graduation celebration at the school for the all seniors that day, and since one of his friends was graduating, the whole group would be going. That included John since he was best friends with most of Angelica's sisters.

John third person

John was nervous, but at the same time, when wasn't he nervous? His life long crush was going to graduation and since they were both going to see Angelica graduate, they would be sitting near eachother in the bleachers.

He hoped Alex was the one writing the letters. Peggy told him that she thought it was Alexander almost daily, but the youngest Schuyler, Catherine, thought it might have been someone else writing the letters. Cornelia ended up stalking Alex to see if she could find anything.

Cornelia and Catherine were the forgotten Schuyler sisters. Angelica and Eliza were always popular and Peggy managed to fight her way into the picture because she always knew when, where, and who's when it came to party's since she was friends with everyone. But the youngest two were forgotten for the most part. So John was one of their only friends, and he was always there for the younger three.

Cornelia didn't find much. She did get coffee with Alex once though, and that was enough to confirm the hand writing was the same and that he was into the revolution. When John found out he was ecstatic. He tried to convince the three to have a party, but Peggy knew that every weekend, there would be party's for the next two months so she was able to shut it down quickly, but they did end up at someone else's party to celebrate.

So when graduation came around, he was about to not see Alexander for three months so he figured he could ask Alex if it was him. So then it wouldn't be awkward. And if by some mericle it was Alexander, they could hang out. It couldn't hurt any thing, could it?

Alexander third person

Alex decided it was time to tell John he was writing the letters. He knew John, or at least the younger Schuyler sisters, thought it was him. He figured graduation was the perfect time because John wouldn't like him and then they wouldn't have to see each other for three months.

Alex was nervous. As nervous as one could be when you had written to someone that they stole your affections and wanted to show them that physically. He didn't know how well the 1700 english writing terms were working. He used it to his advantage that John knew a lot about the revolution, so he guessed it would be best to write like they did then. Alex also was fascinated with the revolution as well, so it was easy for him to include facts and write like one of his favourite founding fathers, Lin-Manuel Miranda who founded the national banks and was a rather odd one when it came to his love life.

Alex had planned for hours on what to say, and managed to get an "it sounds good" from Laf and his boyfriend Hercules. Alexander was still nervous though.

When graduation finally came both Alexander and John were nervous for what lied ahead. Alex got there before John and he sat and talked with Eliza, Laf, and Herc. He told them what he was going to do and got it all planned out. He was going to sit next to John and tell him right before graduation  started, then John would say he didn't feel the same, and as soon as graduation was over Alex would go hide under the bleachers until Laf texted him that they were leaving.

When John got there with Peggy, Cornelia, and Catherine he was a nervous wreck. They walked over to their section to find everyone else already there. John sat down next to Catherine, who was cheering him on and held back a squeel when Alex came over and sat on the other side of him. Cornelia was behind John and Peggy sat in front of John and next to Eliza and Laf and Herc. Graduation was about to start when Alex finally spoke up.

"Um, John?" He asked, his voice shaking, as everyone's attention was being called to the football field


"I wrote the letters, and I meant every word."

With that, Catherine stared at them in awe and pulled out her phone. A second later Peggy's lit up with a message,


John rolled his eyes as he read it over Peggy's shoulder, he heard Cornelia squeeling behind him. His phone started blowing up. He looked at it and it was all "I told you so"'s and "congrats"'s he put his phone on do not disturb so it would stop vibrating. He was nervous, but felt confident, knowing Alex wrote the letters that this wouldn't make any thing worse. Alex's hand was resting on his thigh and John quickly took his hand and moved theirs to the space between them. Alex looked at John in surprise, but looked away quickly, a blush spreading over Alexander's face.

John smiled to himself and was sure his face had to be red by now. They let go to clap when Angelica's name was called and then, before they left, John had given Alex his number and Alex, right before he got in Lafayette's car, kissed John. On the lips. Alex pulled away quickly and yelled a good bye out the window. He was ecstatic as he texted John a "Hey" And looked out the window. This was going to be the best summer yet.

1194 words
Thank you all for reading, have a marvelous day/night!

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