I Was Tagged

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This is my reason for publishing on Sunday and not Friday. I will still be giving y'all a chapter on Friday tho. So might as well get this started.

1. Do you fancy anyone?
A. I feel British and B. Yes.

2. Do they like me?
.... I don't think so. Most are dead and two are famous.

3. Middle name?

4. Single or taken?
Single, but if my ex asks I'm taken by someone named Marquis Lafayette because Kyle's a connard.

5. Last person I texted?
My brother.

6. Last song I listened to?
Stay Alive (I'm listening to the musical on Spotify rn)

7. Battery percentage?

8. Girl Best Friend?
June & DepressedGirl163

9. Boy Best Friend?
My brother

10. Favourite shipping name?
Lams or Mullette

11. Why I made my account?
I wanted to read more Hamilton fan fics. I found them lol there's like 400 and I'm reading all of them.

12. Current lock screen:

(Fan art isn't mine and I'm sorry I can't give credit to the person who made this art)

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(Fan art isn't mine and I'm sorry I can't give credit to the person who made this art)

13. Birthday?
May 11th

20 people? Idk that many people on here soooo...

Cause you're the only one of my friends who hasn't been tagged.

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