Little Burr (Hamburr)

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Based off people calling Burr "Little Burr" at collage. Happy Pride Month and Juneteenth!

Modern college AU

Aaron POV

It's the start of my Freshman year of collage. Yes, I look young, and yes that's because I'm only sixteen and surrounded by twenty and thirty year olds. I skipped seventh grade and sophomore year so now I'm here, at Kings Collage.

I walk into the huge building in front of me, managing to get a few weird looks from some people. I decide to just ignore the looks because I know that I'll just have to get used to them. I walk to the office, which I only found thanks to some signs pointing toward it, and see a woman -probably around 40- sitting at the desk. She sees me and shock crosses her face for a moment, followed by slight confusion. She probably knows that I got here off of scholarships and my age isn't helping me to not shock people.

I make my way to the desk and she smiles kindly at me.

"Hello, are you looking for a tour of the collage or are you visiting someone?" She asks. Great, I'm already getting mistaken. It's not like that's surprising though.

"Actually, I was hoping to get my dorm number and my schedule?" I ask. I have no clue what I'm doing, in all honesty. And I'm also slightly terrified because of the little social anxiety I have.

"Oh, sure, what's your name?"

"AARON BURR?" I hear a familiar voice scream. I turn to see who it was, with absolutely no surprise.

"Fuck," I mumble. I turn back to lady, hoping I can get out of here before the "Revolutionary Set" gets here.

"Aaron Burr," I tell her, anxiety clearly in my voice. Her eyes widen. Yup, she knows who I am. She nods quickly and turns to her computer. I feel a tap on my back. Shit. I turn around to face the most obnoxious person I know and sigh.

"Hi Hamilton"

"Hey Burr, wait for me?" He asks, excitedly.

I turn and take my papers from the lady's hand and start to speak, "I really should-" I cut myself off, knowing I'm not going to have any friends here, so I might as well wait for some random person from high school. "Yeah, yeah I'll wait."


I spend the time it takes for him to get his papers right outside the office door looking over my schedule. Dorm 1780. Alexander walks out of the office and stands next to me, leaning against the wall. I take my eyes off my schedule for a second to see that there are now three people standing on the other side of Alex. John Laurens, Hercules Mulligan, and Lafayette, also known as the Revolutionary Set. We all went to high school together. I think Hercules skipped a year at some point.

Oh great, I think, these people are probably going to be my only friends now.

I look back to my schedule when I hear the French accented Lafayette,

"So what dorms does everyone have?"

Hercules and Lafayette share dorm 1781. I think they like each other so that might be nice, and I'll be across from them. With any luck they'll be quiet because there is no way dorm walls are soundproof. John has dorm 1776 so he'll be a floor below the rest of us. And then we find out Alexander and I share a room. Great, I get the one that never shuts up. Not going to lie, it's almost cute though. Not as cute as his smile, but eh.

In the elevator, they all talk while I listen. So far I've learned Hercules and Laf are secretly dating, and I figured that out from them holding hands. Alex is bisexual, John is pan and apparently crushing on Peggy. They already knew I was gay since like my eighth grade. Hamilton winks at me and bites his lip when he says he does have a crush. Lowkey though, I am kind of scared now, not that I would mind sharing a dorm with my boyfriend, and not just my kind of annoying crush.

We all get to our dorms with our stuff. Hamilton and I walk into our dorm after saying bye to just Laf and Herc because John already got in his and his roommate turned out to be some random person named George.

Once we get in, I pick the room on the left and wave to Alex before going in. I set up all my stuff in about  fifteen minutes because I'm an orphan and I don't have much. I lay on my bed and look at my phone, no notifications. No surprise there. Hamilton walks in my room, mostly just because I forgot to close the door.

"Hey, I was thinking, wanna have a small party tonight? Only the Revolutionary Set and if you wanna invite someone else."

"Sure," I reply simply, "do you need me to do anything or are we just going to play truth or dare or some dumb thing?"

"Good cause I already invited them and I was thinking about getting drunk-"

"Dude I'm sixteen. You guys can but I'm not."

He stayed silent for a minute, just long enough to hear a knock on the door. "You keep your wits about you. I like that." He winked and walked away.

I felt myself blush lightly as I walked to my doorway.

"Also," He said, walking back in with the Revolutionary Set, "your little for college."

The Revolutionary Set was quiet for a moment, all of them smiling. Then Hercules looked at me, a grave, silent, strange sort of animal, and dared to say, "Little Burr."

Everyone else burst out laughing as I rolled my eyes and led everyone to the living room. They sat in a circle. Truth or Dare I guess.

"I'll ask first," John declared. "Little Burr, truth or Dare?"

This is going to be a long 4 years.

"Truth," I say. I'm going to play this safe.

"Who's you're crush?"


"Um, you're going to force my answer, aren't you?"

He hummed a response and I groaned. Might as well make it easy for them then.

"Alexander." I mumbled.

Alex blushed and smiled.

"What was that, mon ami?" Lafayette asked, knowing exactly what I said and smirking.

"I said Alexander" I repeated, now fairly annoyed with all of then, but they all just started whooping.

I glared at each of them and Alex took my hand in his. "So, Lafayette, truth or dare?"

1101 words

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