Gloves? Really? (Mullette)

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Fan art is mine. Based off a time when Laf met a girl who was wearing gloves with his face on them and his reaction was basically 'wtf"

Lafayette POV

Today is beautiful. It's a warm spring day and I'm in my favourite place, America.

I'm currently walking to Washington's house. I know he died a few years back, but I've heard his house has become somewhat of a historical museum. Right now I'm just trying to avoid walking into anyone, because the streets are extremely crowded. I'm just trying to push through the crowd to get there before it closes for the day. I'm treated like a hero here's and I had been asked to speak about Washington. I'm supposed to speak tomorrow, but I still wanted to see the old place again.

Suddenly, a younger women walked into me, or I walked into her. I wasn't really paying attention if we're being honest. I quickly opologize and help her up. Only to notice something unusaul on her silk gloves...

Wait...Why is my face on her gloves? Who did that? I mean, the picture is really accurate... That's creepy.

I quickly ask her in where she got her gloves and we make eye contact for the first time and her cheeks turns light shade of pink as she looked away. She told me she found got them from a tailor and this tailors address. This was going to be interesting without a name for this tailor.

Around an hour later, I had tracked down the shop that sold gloves with my face on them. Why? Just why? Who would even do this? This is just weird. I walked in to the shop hesitantly. It looked like the business was still new. There were a few people walking around the shop along with someone at the desk, a boy. The boy had fairly short unruly hair. I would guess he was only, maybe eight or nine years old.  I asked him where the tailor was, and he pointed to a back door and called out a name I had never expected.

"Hercules Mulligan, someone wants to see you."

His English was surprisingly good for a child. I was surprised to hear his name, but I don't think I was anywhere near prepared to see my old friend and lover come out from the storage room. When Hercules looked up from the lavender material in his hands, he froze, staring at me. The child could practically tell this was going to be a mess of either love, yelling, or tears, and he walked into the storage room and closed the door to prevent him having to be around for it.

"Mon ami, I did not know you were even in Virginia. I thought you stayed with Alexander in New York." I spoke carefully, trying not to let my voice crack. My former lover was standing in front of me, and I couldn't show any signs of affection for him because people were walking around his shop. I wish I was able to call him Mon Amour again.

"I- umm- I guess you saw the gloves? Heh" He laughed nervously, he was staring at me, like he was almost begging for something he knew he couldn't have. I knew exactly was that was. I could tell all our more intimate moments were flashing through his head like they were in mine. I closed my eyes for a few seconds, just to see the images clearer.

"Oui. Why did you make those?" I asked with a smile and small laugh. He was nervous, I could tell he was. But he also wanted to make a move, he kept glancing down at my lips, then again I kept staring at his.

"Well- um," I saw his eyes light up slightly, "Here, it would be much easier to explain in my apartment upstairs." He opened a door to reveal a set of stairs. "I'll be up in a moment." He motioned for me to walk up while he called the boy who had gone to the storage room. I heard him say, "William, keep working for now. A friend stopped by. I'm not going to be down for a few hours," as I walked up the dark wooden staircase.

I made my way upstairs and he followed. The stairs led to a sitting room and a kitchen. There seemed to be a hall coming off the kitchen, but I couldn't really tell. The space was pretty organized. I thought it best to compliment him on tidiness, he was never this organized during the Revolution.

When I turned, I felt his lips pressed to mine. I kissed him back, putting my arms around his neck and his slipped around my waist. The kiss was a bit sloppy, but passionate, almost needy. When he pulled away, we were both out of breath. I rested my read on his shoulder for a moment.

"Mon Amour, I missed you, so much."

"I know, I missed you too, Laf." His words were sweet. I love his voice. I pulled my head back up and placed a small peck on his lips.

"So, why did you make gloves with my face on them Mon Amour?"

"Well, you fought in the American Revolution and then drafted a declaration with Thomas Jefferson, and then fought in a French revolution. You're kinda famous. And they reminded me of you."

"Oui, I suppose I am," I laughed lightly. Hercules picked me up bridal style and kissed my cheek. I smiled as he set me on his love seat and sat down beside me. I rested my head on his shoulder and took his hand in mine, intertwining our fingers.

"So, shall we continue what we were before our group split ways?"

I moved so I was sitting on his lap and I kissed him softly. "Oui, if you are up for it."

He smiled and kissed me again, "Of course"

We kissed again, and his hand went to unbottoning  my shirt, and I started doing the same with his. He pulled my white button up shirt off with ease and my hands rested on his chest. I moaned into the kiss and I could feel him smile against my lips. He pulled away for a breath and he rested his head on my shoulder.

"I love you, Laf"

"Je t'aime assi, Hercules"

1074 words
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