Niagara (Thomgelica)

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Requested by Angelica_jefferson based off that time Thomas invited Angelica to Niagara Falls which kinda works out cause I was just there like last week or two weeks ago, I don't know anymore. Also someone please request something with angst or gay fluff or straight smut cause I've noticed I haven't written any of those and I was very tempted to making this angst.

Angelica POV

"You may now kiss the bride."

That was the last thing I heard before I felt his soft lips connect with mine. I smiled through the kiss as the applause of our family and friends began and a few "ew"'s from children could be heard. Thomas pulled away and put his forehead against mine, smiling and staring in to my eyes. I stared back, smiling as well. He took my hands again and we kissed, it was shorter this time. He gave my hand a quick squeeze before walking down the isle, the bride maids and grooms men following us. Happiness filled the room.

"Ang, you good?" I blinked to see Thomas looking at me as if he had asked a question.

"Um, yeah, sorry. Just thinking about our wedding day," I smiled as he wrapped his arms around me.

The hotel we got for our honeymoon was nice and all, but boringly average. Two beds, random art, big window, air conditioner under the window, small closet by the door, bathroom across from that, and the other basic hotel room stuff.

He kissed my forehead as I learned into him. The beds were fairly comfortable, but like I mentioned before, average.

"So, what do you want to do first? Cave of Winds, a trail, Maid of the Mist, we could go to goat Island and see the falls from there. I heard from James that we could zip line on the Canadian side, but there's also a they're and there's an aquarium." Thomas said, looking at some pamphlets we picked up.

"Cave of Winds sounds fun," I voiced after a moment of pondering what to do with our time.

"Cool, let me put the directions in my phone then we can head out."

I sat up and got on socks and slipped on a pair of watermelon themed shoes my friends painted for me. Thomas quickly came up behind me and got his shoes on. I turned to him as he opened the door.

"Ladies first," He smirked.

"Oh, what a gentleman," I replied before laughing.

We walked out and got to the Cave of Winds in about ten minutes. We walked into the elevated that took us down near the falls and put on our plastic rain coat things. As we walked towards the falls, Thomas and I "aw"ed at baby seagulls until a person held up a snake and Thomas tried not to scream while I laughed at him until he ushered me past the person. I'm just going to blame that on being in New York.

We walked together and talked for a few moments before the falls were louder than our voices. The water rushed over the rocks only inches away from us and ran on and off the wooden platforms holding us up. We laughed as the water sprayed us and the wind tugging our hoods on our coats off every few minutes. We held each other's hands while walking back, smiling and laughing as we took the plastic raincoat things off.

We walked back and looked at all the seagulls because there must have been a thousand, if not more, of them and the baby's were so cute. We stood there until we saw someone pick up a snake for the second time today, and so Thomas made me get back on the elevator and we walked to Goat Island from there.

We leaned against a failing where we had a pretty good view of the falls and talked as it got darker and the lights turned on, making the falls look what ever colour the light was. Thomas pulled me in his arms again, resting his head on my shoulder as I snuggled into the crook of his neck. I closed my eyes and breathed in his cologne and he held me tighter. I kept my arms around his neck as we started swaying to imaginary music.

I picked my head up and looked into his eyes. He smiled and glanced down at my lips. I smiled and he looked back up, quickly realizing I noticed. I just leaned up a bit and connected our lips. I felt him smile and move one of his hands to my cheek. He pulled away and I leaned into his hand more. He smiled and pecked my lips again before I yawned.

"Tired, eh?" He asked.

"Thomas, your Canadian is showing," I replied, laughing.

"Yeah right. But let's get back to the hotel. I'm tired too, we've done a lot today."

825 words

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