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Based off the time Washington took Alexander and Jefferson on a fishing trip. Also includes a mention of the time Hamilton's ship to the soon to be USA caught fire.

Modern AU

Washingdad POV

It seemed like Hamilton and Jefferson hadn't stopped argueing since I started this law firm four years ago and hired both of them soon after. Now they're the two best layers here. They were okay with each other at first, but then they learned more about each other and... the fighting started. I have never understood how either of them got as much work done as they did. They were constantly fighting with each other and working non-stop.

They both deserve a break. Maybe a break together would help them work together and just be more chill and figure it out. I think that's something the kids say. "Be more chill."





I could hear them from my office and at this point, everyone here low-key shipped them. I can only imagine how Aaron Burr handles this. His office is in between Alexander's and Thomas's. We have all come to accept that this has become our daily lives and learned to tune out their voices.

I started looking up some fun vacation things we could do for a week. What? It's not like I'm leaving them unsupervised for a week. Someone has to be there to take a photo of them making out and send it to everyone else. There would be a huge party when we got back.

Fishing on a yatch... Never heard of that before but it just might work. It should give them enough time alone too.

I booked two rooms beside eachother. I would have to pretend only getting two rooms was an accident. This is going to be fun.

I just then realized they had stopped fighting. Burr probably snapped on them again today. So, I casually walked into Hamilton's office and pointed at him. He looked up at me, obviously confused. He was holding a quill and some ink was on to the side of his papers.

"Fishing trip tomorrow. 1 week long."

He looked confused at first, then as if he was about to argue but shrugged, thanked me, and got back to work. I left his office and walked to Jefferson's. About the same thing happened and I went back to my office and texted my wife Martha so she knew what was happening.

A little while later Burr walked into my office.

"Aaron Burr," I looked up and nodded slightly.

"Sir," He responded.

"What do you need?"

"Thank you for getting rid of Hamilton and Jefferson for a week. I didn't think I would get a day of peace in this building, much less a week. Just, thank you." Aaron said smiling.

"You're welcome. Thought you could all use a bit less of their constant quarrels."

"But, sir, does that mean you're going with them?" Burr asked.

"Yes, and that's just so I can make sure they end up together."

"Send me a picture when it happens?"

"Planning on it" I informed him before he walked out, closing my door behind him.

|°°° time skip - next day °°°|





I rolled over and looked at the time on my beeping alarm clock.


I hit my alarm so it would stop beeping and sat on the edge of my bed. I looked back a Thomas, who was still laying in my bed. I had to admit, I was going to miss him for the next week. Today was the beginning of the week long vacation with my Da-Washington, I thought, Washington. He wouldn't tell me if anyone else was going, or who they were. I didn't even know what kind of boat we were going on. If we are being honest, I'm kind of scared of boats. When I first came to America, I was 17 and my boat caught fire. I haven't been on a boat since then.

I had already packed last night, so I didn't have to worry about that. I got a shower so I didn't smell like sex and sweat and I got dressed. I was just wearing a colourful half unbuttoned flannel, beige shorts, and a pair of sunglasses pushed up onto my head.

"Watcha doing, darlin'?" Thomas asked, still obviously tired causing a slight southern accent to slipp into his sweet voice.

"I have to leave. I won't be back for a week." I told him.

He sighed. "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you, too, baby"

It was the middle of July and this wasn't a normal thing for Washington to just announce a vacation. So what in the ever-loving fuck was he up to?

I walked out of my apartment, with my suitcase, to the New York subway. I paid and went through, while some teenagers jumped over the one to my right. The train I always took to work came within a few minutes and I got on. It was kind of crowded, but it always was. I held on to the bar above my head and got off at my stop and walked to the docks, which Washington gave me directions to over text last night. I got to where I was supposed to meet him. The only boat there was a yatch. Oh no. Holy shit. I swear if he got us rooms on there...

I saw Washington standing alone on the dock waiting for me. I was a about fifteen minutes early, but I walked up to him.

"Good to see you, son."

"Notcha son," I mumbled back. "So are we waiting for anyone else?"

"Yes, actually. He should be here soon."

There was silence for a moment before I heard someone behind me. I knew that voice all too well.

"Hey Washington, are we staying on the yatch, or is there another boat I just haven't seen yet?"


I glared at Washington, keeping up our almost constant act of hating each other.

Thomas seemed to only now realize I was standing there with Washington. I turned to face him. He froze.

"Come on boys, this will be fun!" Washington said, walking toward the yatch.

We sighed and gave each other a side glance, knowing this would make it hard to hide our relationship.

"Sure." Thomas looked down at me with a small smirk suddenly playing at his lips.

This was going to be interesting.

1147 words
Next chapter is a part 2 to this. Have a nice day/night everyone!

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