it hurts... pt.2

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In conclusion, I am one sad fuck who needs friends. Based off Found/Tonight (I have a Spotify playlist called "Hamilton artists" by Caity and all the songs I base these off of will be on there)


There's no way in hell...

Or heaven, cause that's definitely where he's from.

The number of my secret admirer is John Laurens.

Well, now I know this is a prank.

"What are  YOU doing on MY phone?" I hear my sister practically scream.

Play dumb.

"What do you mean, this is my phone," I quickly reply with some confusion. All the acting like I'm ok all the time has paid off.

"I'm pretty  sure that ones mine."

"Well I'm really sure it's not," I snap.

She rolled her eyes and lie back down after mumbling a few things. I breathed out and smiled to myself. I did that dammit. Woo!

I put her phone back and grabbed mine. I unlocked it and went to texts.

&Peggy: Since u already no who I am, I went on my sisters phone & found out who u r

John❤😭: Oh? And who am I?

&Peggy: John Laurens

John❤😭: well, since now you know, do you want to hang out with me sometime?

I almost squealed. It's like 2am on a Saturday night, and my crush wants to hang out with me? I reply "yes" and get board after figuring out a time and day, and go on Liz's phone. I found his number and tried to see if they ever texted. And boy did they. I scrolled through to mostly see her flirting with him and then him occasionally responding without much detail.

I picked up Angelica's phone to see about the same thing. It was almost nice to know my sisters couldn't get the one guy I wanted.

Unless they expected this...

I heard the voice in the back of my head whisper. I was never going to escape this. It always came creeping in. Always invisible, yet always there.

I sighed and sat Angie's phone down. This was going to be hell. Great. (That last part was sarcasm)


Date night❤
John POV

I was nervous. And scared. And excited. And sad. And just about every other emotion out there. Some call it kshkahsksjwbajsjs and I call it "What The Heck is This." I felt bad for Peggy, I really did. I know things haven't been easy for her, and she says she likes being a loner, but I doubt that. She's so sweet though. I know she's been mistreated because it's all her sisters ever talk about.

Some examples:

"Oh look at our 'sister'! She's such an outcast" (Yes, they put quotes around sister.)

"Did you hear she got cheated on? Again! Ha, what a loser." (An angsty story for another day)

It makes me sad. I know this is just a stupid dare, but I meant everything I said to her. I really do love her. I don't want to hurt her, I really don't. Which is exactly why she can't know it's a prank. Cause if she did, she would never trust me again.

After over thinking every choice I've ever made and walking, I arrive at Central Park, where we agreed to meet. She didn't want her sisters to see us and that's why I didn't pick her up, though I did offer, of course.

I saw her sitting on a bench by herself and walked over to her.

"Hey," I said as I sat down beside her.

"Oh, hey," she responded, rather shocked.

"Why the surprised tone?" I asked.

"Well, I didn't think you would actually show up..." she trailed off and I stared at her in surprise.

"Why wouldn't I? Your amazing and beautiful and your you!" I said, still somewhat taken aback.

"Yeah, I'm me. Exactly why you wouldn't come," she mumbled.

We continued talking for hours on end. Eventually it got dark out and I had to get home before one of my siblings was a the tattletale and tell dad that I missed my midnight curfew. We parted ways, but I managed to peck her cheek before walking away, which made her blush.

I hope she never finds out.

708 words
I'm starting school so I may not always be able to update, but I'll try

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