A Funeral (Lams)

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Picture is my own fan art. Based off the time Hamilton was in a battle at sea and had to swim back, but everyone thought he was dead.

Alexander POV

It has been a really long day. First, a battle at sea, and then we lose, and then I almost die, so I have to walk all the way back to camp from shore after swimming for probably an hour. In conclusion, today sucks. At least when I get back I'll get to change out of these soaking wet cloths and cuddle with my dearest Laurens, probably.

I get back to camp and almost immediately, a shocked Hercules comes running up to me. What is he doing out, it's probably one in the morning?

"You need to get to Washington's tent."

Herc started dragging me towards his tent without another word. I didn't put up a struggle though, I was exhausted. I just fought in a battle all day and then I swam for an hour straight to keep from dying. After a minute or two I could see the light in the tent. Along with the light came a few sad-sounding words and- wait is that John crying? What happened while I was gone? I immediately broke free of Herc's grip on my arm and ran to the tent. I think he ran after me, all I could think about was why was John crying? Who hurt him? Who caused his pain? The sobs of greif got louder as I reached the tent.

I was about to rip the tent door open and Lafayette came out and almost ran into me. He hugged me as soon as we made eye contact. I could tell his eyes were red and his cheeks were left tear stained from the brief second of eye contact. I hugged him back while he cried softly.

"You're going to get your cloths wet."

Lafayette pulled away and laughed lightly at me.

"Oh, Alexander!" Lafayette choked out.

"What's wrong? You look like you've been crying for some time."

Laf gasped and his eyes lit up with sudden realization.

"Get in there. Now." Lafayette's voice cracked as he said it.

Lafayette moved away and pushed me in, causing me to almost trip. When I looked up, I saw both Washington and John staring at me. Both looked like they were crying, but had frozen when I came in. I looked between the two in confusion. Was no one going to tell me what happened?

John was the first to truly realize what was happening, I think. Because out of no where I heard another cry break out from him as he got up and ran to me. He practically jumped on me, hugging me. The force almost caused me to fall, but I caught my balance in time.

"Oh, Dear Boy, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you," He repeated quietly while crying into my shoulder.

I wispered reassuring things to him while hugging him and rubbing his back lightly. I looked at Washington. What was going on? Honestly, I swear if someone doesn't tell me what's going on...

Washington blinked away tears from where he was sitting at his desk.

"We thought you were dead, son."

"At this point I don't think it's possible for me to die at the hand of someone else," I replied.

Washington chuckled lightly and sadly, and wrapped his arms around John and I. We stayed like that for a few moments. I think after that they both realized that I was soaked and let go. The three of us sat down at Washington's desak and I explained what had happened.

"You really outa get into something warm before you catch a cold." Washington told me once the story was over.

"Probably. I will see you tomorrow. Good night, sir."

"Good night, son."

John was sitting beside me and stood up with me. We walked out of the tent and since we were the only ones who weren't in our tents and sleeping, it was safe for him to hold my hand and put his head on my shoulder. I smiled as we walked. This man truly does have all my affections.

"I love you, Alexander."

"I love you too, John."

When we did finally get back to our tent, Lafayette and Hercules were already asleep, in the same bed, predictably. I changed into new cloths and left the others out to dry. John was already sitting in his bed, waiting for me, it seemed. I sat down beside him and he was quick to turn toward me and throw his arms around my neck and kiss me.

It took me a second to realize what was happening, but as soon as I did, I found myself kissing him back and wrapping my arms around him. He pushed me back on the bed, never breaking away from me, but he took one of his arms from around me. I felt his free hand start to find its way under my shirt while the other pulled on my hair gently. I moaned quietly into the kiss and felt him smile.

And, oh, did that lead to so much more...

(Including him re-learning the length of my nose)

896 words
Thanks for reading! Love you all

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