Isabella (Kingsbury)

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Yes, this will be based off Isabella by Anthony Ramos. I may do some similar stuff with other songs and ships (Mind Over Matter, One Thing, The Truth, I'm Not A Cynic & more. Requests are welcome)

Modern detective AU

Samuel POV

I woke up to my alarm clock beeping and one of my favourite songs starting to play. I turned my alarm off, though the music stayed on, and looked at the time.
5:30am great,
I thought to myself sarcastically. I hated getting up this early, but being a detective I had to wake up at 5:30am if I wanted to get to work by 7, so here I am. Awake. Early. Fun.

I reluctantly got out if bed and got a warm shower and washed my hair. I changed into my uniform and watched the sunrise until 6:30, then left for work. The drive was almost considered as long so I put on a playlist from Spotify and sang along to the music. It was a mix of mostly RNB, pop, and some songs from a few musicals I like.

I used to be really into theatre but everyone would argue with me on irrelevant and pointless topics so I ended up out of that club. Instead I followed a day-dream of being a detective in New York. Pays great, but I'm still paying for student loans from years ago.

I pull up to the building after the about half an hour ride. I walk in casually and get to my office after a few minutes of people socializing with me and me trying to get away from the disgusting human race. Ew. There is one person of the human race I would not mind socializing with though...

I spend a few minutes contacting organizations that were helping find a few kids, aka mostly just Thorn. I sometimes donate, it's a good cause and what they're doing is amazing. I spend a few moments putting leads together. Not much was found, but every little thing helps. I work on these types of cases cause no kid should have to even worry about what would happen if they were kidnapped.

My boss opened the door and calmly walked into my office. He does this every day at 7:36am exactly. Not a minute before or a minute late.

"Hey," he says smoothly. Just like every other morning.

"Hey, George," I reply. We are on a first name basis mostly because we have accidentally met at a few bars and talked.

I look up when he placed two small rectangular pieces of paper on my desk. I look closer and said pieces of paper are... plane tickets? Why are there place tickets on my desk?

I raise my eyebrow, questioning what he has planned. He sighs and looks down at me with those beautiful eyes. God, I could get lost in them forever if I could. He walks around my desk and behind my chair.

"You remember your last case you had where that Hamilton dick ended up free and then he threatened you multiple times?"

I sighed. Of course I remembered it. He called me a dog, I mean, I took that as being called cute cause dogs are adorable, but he still called me a dog. And stupid now that I think about it.

"Um, y-yes. Why a-are you asking though?" I stuttered. How could I not stutter though? George King is hot as-

"He's waiting outside with a gun and asking for you only."

I looked at him in shock. I did not think Hamilton would be back to killing this quickly, nor did I take the threat seriously

"Is that why there's p-plane tickets on my d-desk?"

"Yup. We are going on vacation. Off charts. The connections I have got me a jet and a private island we can go to for the week it will take him to track us down. So, let's go away, Sam."

"Us? Together?" I was a bit too nervous at this point. Together? Like on a private island by ourselves? I mean, no one would hear the- no. I am not finishing that sentence.

"Yeah. You've been working too hard lately, too. Long hours, and long days. And I don't know how long we have till he storms into the building looking for you. There isn't much time to think about this now."

I stood up and turned so I was facing him. I sighed. "Let's go," I said before he grabbed my hand and lead me out the back door. I blushed when he took my hand in his. His skin was warm to the touch. However, he would probably leave me here if he knew how I felt about him.

Once we got the car he opened the back door for me and told me to lay down on the seat until he said I could sit up. It was a few minutes before we passed the building and he told me I could sit up. He turned the radio up at a stop light while I climbed into the seat beside him. He smiled at me and looked me up and down. I felt myself blush and I could see his smirk grow and something new start to show in his gorgeous eyes.

There was a honk behind us and he moved his eyes back toward the road and started driving. I put my arm in the console to try and relax and looked out the window. I felt his hand make it's way closer to mine and felt my blush grow, along with something else that was increasing, as his hand took mine. I looked over at him in surprise and he started to move his hand away, but I kept my hand in his. He smirked at me with an almost devilish smile.

Maybe this vacation wouldn't be so bad after all.

1010 words
Thank you guys so much for 150 reads!!! Also Hamilton died today. I'm sad.

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