Episode One

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Tori sat strumming her guitar as Dinah played the piano and Lauren messed around with the drums.

"We should join a band." Dinah joked causing Tori to laugh as Lauren thought about it.

"That's an amazing idea!" Lauren stopped hitting the drums as the other two looked at her like she's crazy.

"I was kid-" Dinah spoke but Lauren cuts her off.

"It's hard to find a job, and we can start a whole career." Lauren got up and paced around the room.

"Uh..." Tori trailed off.

"Tori, you know how hard it is to learn the guitar, if Ed Sheeran got famous from playing the guitar and also singing then why can't you?" Lauren asked.

"That's not that bad of an idea." Dinah was agreeing with Lauren.

"Yeah, and Dinah, you know how to spit like Jay Z and sing like Chris Brown. You would instantly gain fame for doing both." Lauren told her and Dinah nodded with a smirk on her lips.

"Are you sure bro? I heard the music life is hard." Tori fidgeted with her guitar and Lauren nodded.

"What are you going to do?" Dinah asked.

"I'm amazing at making beats and stuff, just leave the music part to me while y'all use your instruments." Lauren told them causing Tori and Dinah to look at each other before nodding.

"Alright, I'm in." Dinah agreed putting her fist out.

"In from the start." Lauren connected the fist.

"Alright, it's the least I can do." Tori smiled as connected their fist causing them to smirk.


"Bro I can't believe this, our song is actually charting." Lauren jumps up and down.

"They must like how unique we are." Dinah counts the money in her hand.

"What are you going to spend that on?" Tori asked sitting down.

"My family. Family is always first." Dinah told them and they nodded.

"Do y'all watch X Factor?" Lauren asked sitting down turning on the TV.

"No why?" Tori asked.

"There's this new girl band and they rock." Lauren responds as Dinah roll her eyes before leaving.

"Where are you going?" Tori asked.

"To see my siblings." Dinah told her then left.

"I'mma go get this guitar customize, my appointment is in five minutes." Tori said and Lauren paid her no mind.

Tori shrugs before leaving. After the girls finished performing Lauren starts clapping before looking around.

"Hello?" She called and slouched on the couch.

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