Episode Twenty-Two

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"Dinah please calm down, it's almost Christmas, everyone is supposed to be happy and enjoy each other time..." Normani explains.

"Fuck Christmas, that hoe is dead." Dinah scoffed.

"Dinah..." Normani trailed off.

"How could she just walk in there and just say some shit like that?" Dinah asked.

"Dinah..." Normani sighs before pushing herself in the room since she was in the doorway/hallway.

"She knew about his condition and didn't give a fuck, like that's some hoe ass shit." Dinah roll her eyes.

"DINAH ENOUGH!" Normani slams the bedroom door shut causing Dinah to look at her in shock.

"Nor-" Dinah tries to speak but Normani cuts her off.

"I can't right now, I just can't!" Normani opens the door before walking out, slamming it on the way as Dinah went after her.

"Woah, is everything okay?" Tori asked but Normani just brush past her and walks out the front.

"Normani wait." Dinah runs after her and the rest of them follows.

"Can you stop for just one second, just stop? It's clear to you that Gabriella, Solána, Ryan and I are keeping something from y'all meaning y'all don't know the full story. So shut the hell up!" Normani yells as Dinah swallows the lump in her throat.

"Okay I'm sorry. Whatever it is, it must be very hard for you five because as soon as you four talked to her, y'all changed. Can you just tell me what it is and talk to me?" Dinah asked taking a step forward which resulted in Normani taking a step back.

"I can't." Normani looks away and Dinah sighs before turning to the other four.

"Give us a minute." Dinah tells them and they nod before going back in the house.

Dinah stands next to her before sitting down and tugs Normani hand to do the same which she complies to. Dinah wraps her arm around Normani's shoulder and Normani lays her head on Dinah's shoulder.

"I'm scared..." Normani finally admits.

It's true, that's how all the girls felt. That's why they been so protective of Zendaya and so clingy on their boo things. They don't want what happened to Zendaya to happen to them so they hide themselves. Dinah look at Normani and kiss her forehead.

"You have nothing to be afraid of, I'm here to protect you and I will protect you." Dinah confirms and Normani sigh.

"That's what I want, I don't want to be alone and vulnerable." Normani let the tears fall and Dinah looked up at the birds.

"You see them?" She points at the birds flying around from one tree to another.

"Yeah, what about them?" Normani asked sniffling.

"That's you and I, when we aren't together...we still flock our wings." Dinah tries to explain but Normani just looks at her in confusion.

"What?" Normani asked.

"I'm saying is, nothing is stopping us from flying away because no matter if our wing is broke, we get back up and keep trying to fly. Don't let whatever is scaring you stop you from being you because I really don't like this new you and I don't like this new me. So together, let's be a better us, not new us...better." Dinah wiped her tears before placing a kiss on Normani's salty lips.

"When did you become a poet?" Normani giggled as they parted away.

"I don't know, I was just trying to cheer your moody ass up." Dinah admits with a laugh as Normani smile.

"Cuddles will help also." Normani raise her arms and Dinah jumps in them.

Picking both of themselves up, they made their way inside and the other watch them confused as they walk back to Dinah's bedroom.

"Well..." Ally mutters before going back to watching TV.

"Well indeed." Camila looks back at her phone.

As soon as Normani and Dinah enter the room, Dinah gets a phone call from Ella.

"Hey Ella, what's up?" Dinah asked.

"Solána is being very distant from me." Ella sighs while looking at her girlfriend.

"The fact that you use her first name makes me concern." Dinah lays her head down on Normani's chest.

"Everytime I try having a conversation with her, she just zones out. Everytime I touch her, she jumps. I don't like whatever is happening because I want my girlfriend back." Ella huffs.

Normani pulls out her phone and dial up Gabriella.

"Hey girlie." Gabriella greets first.

"Get Kehlani phone and Zendaya's number." Normani instructs.

"Gotcha." Normani hears Gabriella put down her phone and hear a low groan in the background.

"THANK YOU BABY!" Gabriella squeal before picking up her phone again.

"Whatever." Kehlani speaks before a slap was heard.

"Owie, she slapped my ass." Gabriella rubbed the stinging spot as Normani laughed.

"Send me the number and we'll discuss with Zendaya on what to do with these, girlfriends." Normani looked at Dinah who was still talking to Ella.

"Kk." Gabriella sends everyone (of the girls who know the secret) Zendaya's number.

Minutes later, they were all put into a phone call with Zendaya who was currently in the hospital.

"Hey girls, what's up?" Zendaya asked.

"We need to do something, I can admit that we have been acting strange and Ella isn't liking it..." Solána frowns as Ella sits on the edge of her bed with her head in her hands.

"You girls want to tell them?" Zendaya questions.

"Yes please, I don't think they can take it anymore." Normani sighs.

"Okay, meet up at the gym in 20 minutes, I'm at the hospital right now." Zendaya tells them.

"Why what happened?" Gabriella asks.

"I'm just getting checked up, no worries." Zendaya looks up and doctor before hanging up.

All the girls did the same.

"We are going to the gym in 20 minutes okay?" Normani asked and Dinah nods.

And in twenty minutes, everyone was at the gym. Solána hugs Ella which took her by surprised. Gabriella was still as happy as ever skipping around with Kehlani hand in hers. Justina had no idea what was going on as Ryan tugged her in the gym. Zendaya was standing in the ring looking around the place and they all stop.

"Oh, finally." Zendaya says looking at them all.

"What do you want?" Justina asked and Ryan hit her stomach.

"When I came here, I didn't tell y'all the full truth. Yes, I'm pregnant with Masi child but I didn't willingly sleep with him. After Gabriella and Kehlani left the club, I bumped into him. He kept checking me out and when I was about to leave, things esculated into him...raping me." Zendaya admits keeping her tears in.

"Jesus Christ." Ella mutters.

Dinah crotches and put her face in her hands.

"I don't want y'all to take pity into me, I'm just doing this to relieve the stress off of y'all girlfriends' shoulders." Zendaya explains and Dinah look up at Normani.

"That's what you're scared of?" Dinah questioned.

"Yes." Normani nods and Dinah gets up before hugging her.

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