Ep. One (Sequel)

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It's a late night and Normani is peacefully watching Netflix. She haven't really seen or talk to the other girls lately which is bothering her but not to an extent. Speaking of, Normani gets a phone call from her ex girlfriend and pick up without even looking at the screen to see who it is.

"Hello?" Normani asked and she can hear Dinah panting.

"Is your phone on silent, I've been calling you since forever?" Dinah asked.

"What do you want?" Normani asked eating her ice cream, she on her period y'all.

"Uh, I lost my keys and I'm at your door plus it's freezing out here." Dinah knocks on her front door causing Normani to sit up.

"Hold on." Normani hung up the phone and sat finishing her ice cream for a couple more minutes.

Taking her time downstairs, she opens the door to Dinah sitting on her porch half asleep. Humming, she pulls Dinah up and in the house.

"It's so warm." Dinah sighs.

"No one told you to wear a shirt in winter." Normani crosses her arms.

"Yeah I know." Dinah flops on the couch and keeps her feet off the furniture.

Normani roll her eyes and make her way upstairs. She sits down on her bed and watch Netflix until she falls asleep. When it's the next morning, she makes her way downstairs and slaps Dinah's foot causing her to jolt awake.

"Why didn't you go to your girlfriend's house?" Normani questioned plucking Dinah's forehead.

"I forgot she existed." Dinah yawned before cuddling with the pillow.

"Dinah, get out." Normani demanded.

"Why you so meann?" Dinah asked getting up.

"Of course..." Normani said smelling the alcohol on her.

"It's a pr relationship, that I don't want to be in." Dinah defended.

"Not my problem." Normani rolled her eyes and Dinah connected their foreheads.

"Can we be best friends again?" Dinah pouted and Normani scoffed.

"I have Ryan for that." Normani crosses her arms.

"Who you haven't talked to because she's been hanging out with mines." Dinah hiccuped.

"You're a mess." Normani rolled her eyes and walked away which Dinah followed.

"I wanna break up with her so badly, like you did with me but her dad is scary." Dinah tells her.

"Dinah...can you just leave?" Normani ask her quietly.

"Alright, but we are going to be best friends." Dinah smiled innocently as she made her way out the house, sloppy.

"God she's annoying." Normani sighed as she made herself some breakfast.

When they broke up, everyone and I mean everyone was shock. Many theories erupted and people was just curious as to why. Even though Dinah was hurt and still is, she decided that Normani can have her space but she still want to be around her not cut her out her life. Dinah on the other hand made her way to the studio to see her bandmates their.

"Where were you?" Tori asked.

"At Normani's house, I knew she wasn't sleep and you guys were so I went there." Dinah replies messing up Tori's hair.

"Make sense." Lauren chuck Dinah her keys and Dinah smiles.

"Huh, so that's where they were, thanks." Dinah gives Lauren a thumbs up and Lauren shrugs.

"Why didn't you just go to Simone's house?" Lauren wondered.

"Ion know her like I know Manz." Dinah put her hands in her front pockets.

"Maybe try spending more time with her?" Tori suggest.

"I so spend time with her, she only likes me as a friend also." Dinah huff as she sits down.

"Let's just get started." Lauren ushers and they spend all day in the studio.

The girls plus Simone comes over to hang out since Lauren did invite them.

"Hey DJ." Simone waved and Dinah waved back.

"You're Dinah's new girlfriend?" Ally asked.

"Yes I'm The Rock's daughter but no, Dinah and I are just staying friends." Simone replies.

"Y'all do look cute together." Camila comments causing Lauren to put her hand over her mouth.

"We get that faking this relationship all the time." Simone smiles and Dinah huffs out a breath of air as she looked through the tinted windows.

"Basketball game?" Dinah mentions and Simone lights up.

"I thought you were joking!" Simone jumps and Dinah showed her the tickets with a smirk.

"You know how hard it was to get these? This is Rihanna level type shit." Dinah crossed her arms and Simone crashed into them.

"Thank you thank you thank you, you're the best." Simone squealed as she hugged Dinah tightly.

"HA, someone finally admits it. We are going with my best friend Justina because this is apart of her birthday gift." Dinah gives Simone her ticket and checked her watch.

"The party is going to be fun." Lauren pipes in.

"Yup." Dinah agreed.

"When are we leaving?" Simone asked.

"As soon as I get here." Justina jumps on Dinah back almost causing both of them to tumble down onto the ground.

"Get yo fat ass off of me." Dinah scolds.

"Hey, is it really that big?" Justina looked at her ass and scratched her red hair.

"This shirt is new, thank you." Dinah wiped off her shirt to see if they're any wrinkles.

"Well y'all have fun." Ally smiled before hugging Tori.

"Tell Ryan to come over at my house." Normani finally speaks up causing Simone to look at her.

She slaps Dinah in the back of her head and Dinah goes red.

"What was that for?" Dinah almost yelled.

"You dated her, how did you even pull that off?" Simone asked causing Normani to blush.

"Ouch! That hurt worse than your slap." Dinah dramatic ass put her hand on her heart.

"Come on hoes, and i gotchu Normani." Justina practically drags the two out the studio and to the car.

Normani feel a buzz in her pocket and she sees it's from Ryan. Smiling, she leaves making her way home to greet her bestfriend who she haven't (again) seen for so long. Of course she said her see you laters to the others before leaving as the others chilled and hung out.

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