Episode Thirteen

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Everyone settled down after partying last night as videos surfed the internet. Normani was the first up and kindly cooked breakfast for them. That got the first couple of people to wake up.

"Hey bestie." Ryan yawned and Normani looked at her outfit questionably.

"What are you wearing?" Normani giggles causing Ryan to roll her eyes.

"Justina gave me this to wear because I'm not sleeping in that dress." Ryan shrugged and leaned on the counter.

"And...Keith?" Normani wondered.

"What about him?" Ryan asked.

"Girl..." Normani trailed off as Dinah entered the kitchen.

"What got this house smelling so damn good?" Dinah asked with her hands in her sweatpant pockets and a smile on her face as she radiated a glow.

"Good morning." Normani smiles lightly.

"Good morning babe." Dinah hugged her from behind.

"I'm not a morning person, but this food..." Justina sniffs the air exaggeratedly causing Ryan to smile at her.

"The power of cooking goes to my bestie." Ryan gestured.

"Thanks bish." Normani baby voiced.

"Where's Kehlani?" Gabriella asked walking into the kitchen.

"She woke up after me and-" Normani tried to explain but Kehlani appeared through the doors cutting her off completely.

"I'm back with the coffees you requested." Kehlani placed the trays on the counter quickly before she dropped them.

"Yay, good morning." Gabriella outstretched her arms and Kehlani fell in them.

"Good morning beautiful." Kehlani says burying her face in Gabriella's neck.

"Y'all make me feel single." Ryan fake gagged causing them to laugh.

"Am I late to the party?" Ella asked taking a seat next to Ryan.

"Nope." Normani confirms as she puts food on a plate.

The following people walked in five minutes later and sat down. They all are at Normani's place so her being the first to wake was a no doubty.

"Hey y'all, hey everyone." Ally greeted and they all said hey hi hello, you know the drill.

"Is everyone going to be busy today? I heard the carnival is opening up tonight." Camila rub her hands together.

"We should go as pairs." Ally suggests.

"They are an odd number of people." Justina points out.

"I'll go by myself, I'm that type of person." Ella shrugs.

"Why don't you and Justina-" Normani was about to say but Ryan cuts her off.

"No, I'll take Justina." She smiled; sly.

"Okay then..." Normani squinted at her bestfriend.

"It's okay, I have a friend already." Ella says pulling out her phone and start texting.

Normani looked over at Lauren who just feels excluded as everyone talked.

"You should invite a friend as well." Normani ushered.

"It's okay, I'll take her." Camila buts in.

"Really?" Lauren and Normani asked.

"Yeah, I don't see why not." Camila shrugs with the same look as Ryan and Normani now understood.

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