Episode Seventeen

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Lauren had a surprise for Camila so she woke up extra early and bought everything she needed. She made her way to the market and grabbed some flowers and chocolates. Those are just extra items, the main accessory is in the car. Walking out the story, she gets in her car and drove to Camila's house. Knocking on the door first, she waited a couple minutes and didn't receive an answer. Going out back, she seen Leo sleeping and went to pet him.

"Hey little buddy. You hungry?" Lauren asked as he wagged his tail.

Lauren opened the backdoor and rolled her eyes as to why it's unlocked before walking into the house. Feeding Leo, she closed the backdoor (locking it) and goes to the front door. Opening it, she grabs all the items and make her way towards Camila's room. Yes she locked the front door, safety and protection first. Lauren opens the door slightly and sees Camila sleeping sloppily in her bed. Laughing silently, Lauren sets everything down and goes towards the sleeping Cabello. Leaning down, she peck her head causing Camila to stir. Lauren took off her leather jacket and boots before climbing on bed.

"Camila." Lauren peck her lips and Camila doesn't wake up.

She pecks her neck before biting it hearing a little whimper but Camila still doesn't wake up.

"Mila..." Lauren cringed at the nickname, she definitely needs a new one.

But she pecks Camila's chest, nothing. She pecks Camila's breast, stir. She pecks Camila's stomach, a hum. She hover over Camila's pussy and bites her lip.

"I have to wake you up one way or another..." Lauren says loudly and Camila still doesn't wake up.

Camila was just in a big shirt so her beautiful legs (to anyone who loves looking at legs like Lauren) shown perfectly. Lauren trailed kisses near Camila's pussy and switched to the next leg. Lauren can see her eye brow furrow as she gets closer. Lauren hooked a finger on Camila's underwear and pulled it off slowly but smoothly. Camila's legs clench together and she turn on her side causing Lauren to smirk.

"This is my lucky side anyway." Lauren mutters and place one leg on her shoulder before diving her tongue inside Camila.

Lauren heard a little moan and looks up to see Camila's eyes shutting tighter the faster she went. Adding a finger, Camila's hand grips onto the pillow tightly as her moans filled the room. Pulling her tongue away, she entered two more fingers making Camila bite her lip and have her back arch. Adding another finger, Camila gasped and her eyes open before they fell to the back of her eyes.

"Oh God." She moans as she bites the pillow.

"I see you finally woke up." Lauren smirked thrusting her hands faster then normal.

"Laurennn." Camila moans in the pillow.

"I think I'mma enjoy this." Lauren palms her growing member as she flick Camila's clit.

Camila clenched around Lauren's fingers before cumming. Lauren pulls her fingers out and massage her bundles of nerves. Camila curls her feet as Lauren pulls her pants off. Taking her dick out, she remove her hand from Camila and rub her dick along Camila's pussy. She could drooled over the sight and felt her orgasm building up already.

"Lauren please do something." Camila begged also massaging her clit.

Lauren gets up with Camila's leg on her shoulder and aligned herself up. Pushing in ten inches, Lauren thrust were long and deep. Everytime she pushed in, she did it rough making it feel like she's hitting Camila in her throat. Lauren grabbed on Camila's thigh and went deeper. She hit Camila's g spot four times in a row having Camila squirt. Lauren smirked and pulled out before she cums inside of Camila. She flops next to Camila who gets up and aligned herself before crashing down on Lauren. She laid herself down and kissed Lauren as she bounced back on Lauren's dick. Lauren's hands trailed to Camila ass giving them a nice squeeze. Camila moaned in the kiss causing Lauren to dive her tongue in Camila's mouth. Camila slowed down her pace and went rougher. As she bounced back, she made sure it went deeper each time.

"Fuck, Camila." Lauren groans.

After few more thrust, Camila squirts again as Lauren pull out and cum on Camila's ass and back.Camila pull away with a exhausted smile before making her way down Lauren's body. Lauren sits up on her elbows and Camila's brushes her dick causing it to twitch a little. Camila grab it, her hand looking tiny compared to Lauren's size. Camila hand went up and down before her lips met with the tip. Lauren bit her lip as Camila's tongue swirled around the slit. After getting to a point, Camila let her mouth push Lauren in more and slowly pull out. She did it for every inch Lauren is until she fully deep throated. Lauren jaw drop before her head drop as Camila strokes went faster. In another thirty seconds, Lauren shot her load in Camila's mouth causing Camila to swallow. She sits up and Lauren smiles at her.

"Showers." Camila pointed and Lauren gets up.

Before Camila could even get up, Lauren smash their lips together before picking Camila up. Carrying her to the bathroom, Lauren steps in the shower and close the shower door before pinning Camila against the wall. Lauren entered herself in Camila again before fucking her against the shower walls. Camila turns on the water soaking them both causing Lauren to smile. Lauren pulled and let Camila down as Camila smiled before going under the water. She pulled Lauren towards her and got on her tip toes to plant a kiss on her lips before pushing her away. Lauren shakes her head before taking a shower with Camila. After they finish, Lauren just put on sweatpants and get in bed as Camila put on a shirt with booty shorts.

"Did you really had to fuck me to wake me up?" Camila asked and Lauren nodded.

"I tried like five times." Lauren rolled her eyes as Camila joined her on the bed.

"Well now I'm tired again so..." Camila lay down and Lauren kiss her on her head.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Lauren asked cuddling with Camila.

"Yes, of course." Camila sighed before going back to sleep.

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