Episode Nineteen

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It was performing day and Normani had sit this one out since she felt very lightheaded. The flickering lights and the heat on stage made her want to pass out. She couldn't do it, so she's watching the girls perform. As the girls finished, she make her way to the bathroom and when she g
went to wipe herself, she seen blood.

"Dammit, and I left my purse backstage..." Normani groans.

She quickly wipes again and flushes the toilet. Getting up and pulling her pants up, she wash her hands quickly and run backstage. Fans spot her getting in her way but she swirves around them and run into the dressing room. Grabbing a tampon, she left out running back to the bathroom, fans once again getting in the way. She never ran so fast in her life, so as soon as she entered the bathroom, she goes back into the stall and does whatever to position the tampon right. Sighing in relief that blood didn't get on her underwear, she pulls up her pant and throws away whatever came with the tampon. Washing her hands, she makes her way out and interact with the fans. Once done that, she makes her way back to Ally and Camila, flopping on the couch.

"Hey girl, what's got you out of breath." Camila asked looking up from her phone.

"My period started and I didn't have my purse in the bathroom. Normani explained drinking some water.

"Ooh rip." Ally says causing everyone to laugh.

"I'll be fine to perform happy to know that my period was the one upsetting my stomach. No wonder I was bloating...a little." Normani roll her eyes as the girls laugh.

"Well, I'm next so shit." Camila gets up and go grab a snack.

"Why when we hit our periods, we talk about it like it's a daily subject?" Ally asked taking a bite of her salad.

"I don't know..." Normani sighs.

"Because, women." Camila shrugs as the girls laugh.

"Hey girls." Will greets.

"Hey Will." Camila and Ally greets back.

"Sup." Normani nods as Ally gave her a questionable look.

"So, they want a Camren collab." Will clarifies and everyone look at him like he's stupid.

"Camren?" They asked.

"Yes, Camila and Lauren." Will said in a duh tone.

"How come Dinah and I gets into a relationship first then we don't get a collab?" Normani asked.

"Don't know, don't care." Will says making Normani scoff.

"Lo and I can arrange something." Camila shrugged drinking some water.

"Great, your deadline is next week." Will confirms causing Camila to spit out her water.

"What?" Camila asked wiping her mouth.

"Yeah, bye. I gotta run around." Will tells them before jogging off.

"Oh well, good luck with that. I'mma go chat up my boo." Normani says pulling out her phone from her purse before leaving.

"I'mma go talk to Tori..." Ally trailed off before leaving as Camila rolls her eyes.

"Whatever." She brushed it off as everyone gave her a look.

"Okay, to get everyone caught real quick, I'll ask three quick question before we end this." The interviewer tells them.

"Okay go." Lauren ushers.

"Your ethics?" She ask first.

"Polynesian, Tongan, Samoan, Danish, Fijian, and American." Dinah says first.

"German, Jamaican, Puerto Rican, Irish and American." Tori then speak.

"Cuban-American." Lauren shrugs.

"Crazy, favorite thing to do in your free time?" She continues.

"Spend time with Normani." Dinah spoke first again.

"You simp." Lauren replies causing Dinah to roll her eyes.

"Okay, spend time with my other friends." Dinah shot back causing Tori to place a hand on her heart.

"Wow!" Lauren and Tori both say before answering the question as everyone laugh.

"Play my guitar." Tori kept the order.

"Take walks and read." Lauren tells her.

"Single or Taken." She wondered.

"Taken." They all replies.

"Oh wow really?" She asked taken back.

"Yeah." Lauren nod.

"Well thanks for your time." She says with a smile to wrap everything up.

"Thank you for having us." Lauren ends the interview as they get their stuff before leaving.

Dinah felt her phone buzz a couple of times before answering it.

"Oh hey babe, what's up?" She asked.

"I just came on, my period was the reason of me being sick." Normani explains.

"Oh okay, cool. We just finished up an interview..." Tori and Lauren heard Dinah voice fade away.

Then Tori phone went off and she laughs.

"Hey Ally..." Tori shows up a peace sign to Lauren who nods.

Lauren goes to sit down and then her phone goes off.

"Hey Lolo." Camila speaks first and Lauren smiles.

"Hey Camziii." Lauren stretched.

"I finally get a new nickname?" Camila asked with a smirk.

"Yes ma'am, what's up?" Lauren asked.

"Will told me we have to collab and our deadline is next week." Camila runs her hand hair through her hair so does Lauren.

"Oh shit...we best get into the studio then." Lauren sighs and Camila frowns.

"At least we get to spend time together." Camila pipes up and Lauren smiles again.

"True, it's going to be better knowing that you're going to be there."  Lauren bites her lip.

"Are you busy for the rest of today?" Camila wondered.

"I have one more interview to go to, want me to come over after?" Lauren asked.

"Yes, if you're suggesting..." Camila mutters the last part.

"I'll be there Camz." Lauren kept the smile on her.

"Kk Lolo, see you later." Camila twirls around.

"You two." Lauren responds before the phone hangs up.

Dinah comes back and sits next to Lauren.

"Was I wrong to assume Normani was pregnant?" Dinah questioned.

"What?" Lauren asked.

"That day just put so many different what ifs in my head to just turn out to be, "I caught my period," type shit." Dinah mimicked causing Lauren to laugh.

"It isn't funny." Dinah frowns.

"What isn't funny?" Tori asked.

"Dinah thought she got Mani pregnant." Lauren wheezed.

"Ooh rip." Tori says causing Lauren to laugh again as Dinah rolled her eyes.

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