Episode Twenty-Three

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It's Christmas Eve and everyone is at Normani's house before they leave for their family's the next day.

"The best couple is in the house." Gabriella annouced walking through the door.

"You mean toxic?" Ryan asked with a laugh.

"I mean, come on babe...she isn't wrong." Kehlani admits and Gabriella frowns.

"Y'all ruined Christmas spirit." Gabriella crossed her arms.

Kehlani put a mistletoe over her head and tapped Gabriella shoulder which resulted into her looking firstly at Kehlani then up. Gabriella squealed and jumped on Kehlani giving her a huge kiss.

"And that's on toxic relationships." Justina snaps causing everyone to laugh.

Ally comes out the kitchen with baked goodies causing the gang to rush to her.

"Just one?" Dinah asked and Ally rolled her eyes setting them down.

"Take ONE!" Ally instructs and they does so as the rest took one as well.

"These are really good Allycat." Normani says sitting down and Ally bow by pulling out her dress.

"Why thank you." She responds before grabbing a cookie.

"I can't wait to open gifts." Solána fidgets as she decorated the tree.

"Girl relax." Ryan tells her decorating the tree as well.

"What's the tea?" Gabriella questions, turning on the lights of the tree.

"Positive." Is all what Ryan says causing Solána to hit her.

"What?" Gabriella asked and Ryan ushers her off.

After decorating and everything, everyone sits down and then a knock on the door came through. Normani gets up and open the door to be met with Zendaya.

"What a surprised." Normani smirks before letting her in.

"Okay, who invited her? Kehlani asked.

"I did." Dinah admits.

"I knew it." Ella laughs.

"If y'all don-" Zendaya pointed to leave but Kehlani stops her.

"Naw I'm kidding, sit and enjoy the show." Kehlani ushers and she does.

"I have the eggnog!" Camila cheers causing everyone else to also cheer.

"Let's play, never have I ever." Justina suggests.

"If you did, then you drink." Lauren explained simply.

"I have to sit this one out, unless you have milk..." Zendaya trailed off.

"It's in the kitchen." Normani tells her and Dinah gets up to get it.

Coming back, she sets down the gallon on the table before sitting back down next to Normani getting comfortable again.

"Is Hansen going soft for her ex?" Justina teased.

"I'm going soft for my second cousin, don't get it twisted." Dinah roll her eyes.

"Awe, that's sweet." Normani kisses Dinah cheek causing her to smile lightly.

"Okay, let's start." Camila laughs.

"Easy, never have I ever smoked weed?" Justina started.

Lauren, Dinah, Kehlani, Justina, Zendaya, and Gabriella took a sit.

"May God be with y'all." Ally prayed and they all laughed.

"Never have I ever...had a crush on someone else then the person you are in a relationship with in this room?" Ella explained.

Basically the whole gang plus Zendaya and minus Solána and Normani took a sip.

"Wait, who did you have a crush on?" Solána asked and Ella pointed to Gabriella.

"I know, because I'm cute bish." Gabriella flips her hair as Kehlani laughed.

"I had a crush on basically all y'all, I can admit." Justina crosses her legs before taking another sip.

"Never have I ever, gotten arrested?" Normani wondered.

Dinah, Lauren, Justina, and Kehlani took a sip.

"It was Dinah fault." Justina ratted.

"How was it my fault?" Dinah asked.

"Your dumbass made that loud ass noise which resulted in the cops chasing us." Kehlani rolled her eyes.

"Y'all wild." Tori laughs.

"Never have I ever...been cheated on?" Camila says.

Camila, Lauren, Dinah, Gabriella, and Ryan.

"She was drunk and drugged." Gabriella tells them and Kehlani roll her eyes.

"Was it Keith?" Normani asked and Ryan nodded.

"Who's Keith?" Dinah asked.

"Her boyfriend before she met y'all." Normani tells her.

"I'm over it and him, I'll go next. Never have I ever, gave someone a lap dance?" Ryan asked.

Ryan, Normani, Solána, Gabriella, Camila, and Zendaya took a sip.

"Yas Mila." Normani gave her a high five causing her to laugh.

They played a couple rounds and Dinah was the most drunk while Ally was the least (no shocker there).

They had a whole conversation before opening gifts. Solána wanted to go last and she did. Ella was the last to receive her gift and she opened the neatly wrapped box. It was small and it had a note attached to it.

"Merry Christmas and congratulations to us..." Ella raised an eyebrow and looked at the extremely nervous Solána.

Ryan pulled out her phone causing Normani to do the same. Ella pulled out the box and opened it to be met with a pregnancy test. Ella jaw dropped and she looked at Solána who was smiling.

"You're pregnant?" Ella asked her and she nodded.

"What?!" and "Congratulations!" flew out everyone mouths as Ella hugged her baby mama.

"They be together for almost a year and Ella gets her pregnant. Kehlani and I be together for almost 4 years and I still don't got a baby in my stomach." Gabriella crossed her arms.

"We ain't discuss no kids yet though and my pull game ain't weak." Kehlani rolled her eyes before taking a sip of eggnog.

"I can also say that." Dinah clinked her glass with Kehlani's as Normani blushed.

"I'm not putting that on my story." Normani mutters before turning off her phone as Ryan laughed.

"Plus, your actual gift is tomorrow." Kehlani kiss Gabriella on the lips and Gabriella had so many assumptions pop up in her head.

"Happy birthday Jesus." Tori and Ally say causing everyone to laugh.

"Let's have a gingerbread house competition, I bought them." Zendaya tells everyone and they nod sitting up.

"Z will be the ref since she is the only one single." Ella suggest and they agreed, so did Zendaya.

They got to building and it was a mess. The team who ended up winning was Ella and Solána since Solána decorations were amazing. After they finish cleaning up the mess and everything else with the Christmas party. They cut off all the lights since it was getting late letting the Christmas lights shine through and started cooking up some popcorn. Normani set up the Christmas movies and they all sat on the couch, floor, beanbag, etc watching the movies until they fell asleep.

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