Ep. Three (Sequel)

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"Happy Valentine's day, baby!" Ally rush into Tori arms with kisses.

"Ally, it's 4 am...I love you." Tori blushed as she falls into Ally arms.

"Today it's just you and me." Ally interlocked their hands and Tori smiles.

"Can we go out for breakfast?" Tori asked and Ally nods.

"Sounds like an amazing idea." Ally put all the stuff she got for Tori in the house and showed her keys.

Tori goes to get ready as Ally wait downstairs. While she's waiting, she makes her way out back to see the little puppy that Lauren brought home once upon a time who is now bigger than before.

"Hey boy, you hungry?" Ally asked picking him up before carrying him in the house.

Putting food in the bowl, she close the back door, making sure it is both closed and locked to proceed to wait.

"Hey babe?" Tori called.

"Yes baby?" Ally replied following her voice.

"Somehow this $1.5k dress ended up in my closet and I want you to try it on." Tori showed the expensive clothing and Ally rolled her eyes before grabbing the fabric.

Laying the dress down, she takes off her clothes as Tori sits down on the bed. Once her clothes are off, she slides on the dress and turn her back to Tori. Tori gets up and zips the dress up before sitting back down revealing the art to Tori.

"So how does it look?" Ally asked twirling.

"Hmm, maybe it'll look good with these $2.4k shoes..." Tori trailed off pulling the box from under the bed and Ally huffed.

Tori helped her in the heels before standing back thinking.

"Okay, what now?" Ally wondered.

"Here's some $250 hoop." Tori pulled them out from under the pillow and Ally giggles.

"Anything else?" Ally asked putting on the hoops.

"Yes, this $1.2k bracelet." Tori pulls from her pocket and slide it Ally's wrist.

"Tori this is too much, who is this for?" Ally questions as she adjust the bracelet thinking she's just a mannequin.

"Oh it's for you, uh also can you wear this $12.5k, 3 carat diamond ring also." Tori open the box for it causing Ally jaw to drop.

Tori slid the ring on her finger and stood back.

"Tori..." Ally trailed off.

"Ooh, one more thing." Tori runs out the room causing Ally to sit down admiring the ring.

Taking it off, she read inside of the ring saying 'I love you Allyson'

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Taking it off, she read inside of the ring saying 'I love you Allyson'. Smiling, she wiped the tears from her eyes and sighed. Tori enter the room, out of breath, and with a suit case.

"Hmm?" Ally hummed before sliding the ring back on her finger.

"We are going to Dubai on a private jet!" Tori exclaims with excite causing Ally to laugh at how cute she is.

"Tori this is too much." Ally sighed.

"Pfff, this nothing, imagine if it was our anniversary or like I don't know...your birthday. Anyways, that ring is a promise ring but i'll wait for the speech when we make it to Dubai, now come on." Tori helps Ally up and help her downstairs.

"I need clothes." Ally pouts.

"Right I forgot. We can make it to the airport on time so let's get your clothes." Tori take Ally keys and put her jacket on Ally.

"Thank you." Ally mutter as they leave the house.

"Lauren..." Camila whispers as she lightly shake her girlfriend. "Lolo wakey wakey," Camila kisses Lauren on the cheek a couple of times. "Lern, it's time get up," Camila kiss Lauren on her lips this time causing her to stir.

"Hmm?" Lauren hummed and Camila brightly smiled.

"Happy Valentine's day Lo!" Camila excitedly cheer.

"Happy Valentine's day Camz." Lauren yawns and stretches.

"I made breakfast." Camila smiled as she held up the plate with food that smells delicious.

Lauren sat up and seen food that also look delicious. Grabbing the plate carefully, Lauren picked up the fork and took a bite from the eggs.

"Mm." Lauren smiled and pecked Camila on her lips signaling that Camila did a great job.

"I followed the recipe really well." Camila looked down at her finger that has a bandaid on it.

"Did you hurt yourself?" Lauren asked pecking her finger before interlocking their hands.

"It's just a cut." Camila smiled and Lauren moved the now half eaten plate.

"Did you eat?" Lauren wondered.

"Um, no..." Camila played with Lauren fingers.

"I'll make you something." Lauren smile and Camila giggles.

"Fine." Camila gets off of Lauren so Lauren can get up herself.

As they made their way downstairs, Lauren finishes her food before getting everything setup. During the process of chef Lauren's cooking, Camila went on Instagram to post a happy birthday to Justina and also took a photo of Lauren cooking before posting that also. Once actually posting, Lauren phone buzz causing Lauren to look at this notification. Tapping on the notification, Lauren liked Camila's post and did the same with the birthday post and picture of Camila.

"Can you post this?" Lauren asked

"When did you take this photo?" Camila wanted to know.

"I have many, now post the photo." Lauren ushered.

"Okay okay." Camila posted the photos and liked the post on her phone as soon as the notification came up.

"Whatcha think Norminah is going to do for Valentine's day?" Lauren asked plating the vegan french toast.

"Normani is most likey going to eat ice cream and hot cheetos while watching Netflix then go to bed. Dinah might chill her family or her girlfriend since her friends sre occupied." Camila explained and Lauren nods in agreement.

"Justina isn't right?" Lauren wondered as she push the neatly plated plate of vegan food towards Camila.

"Maybe, Dinah might chill with her or something." Camila shrugged.

"Well enough of them, here you go babe." Lauren peck Camila on the side of her head before cleaning up the area.

"What are we doing today anyways?" Camila asked as she pour her syrup.

"I don't know, wanna record videos of us doing stupid shit?" Lauren suggest and Camila giggles while taking her first bite.

"Sounds like a plan to me." Camila agrees.

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