Episode Four

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5 minutes later...

"Bye y'all, it was nice meeting you Lauren, say the same for Dinah." Ally waved and they nodded before leaving.

Ally, Normani, and Camila enters the studio, sitting everything they were carrying down. Will comes the bathroom and stop seeing the three.

"Where have you three been, you are late." He asked crossing his arms.

"By like three minutes and we told you that we was going to be a little late." Normani flops onto the couch.

"Doesn't answer my first question." Will rolled his eyes.

"Relax Will, we just meeting Tori and her bandma-" Camila answered but Will cut her off.

"Really Ally? So you give a girl you met like two days ago a chance to get with you but not me? What does she have that I don't?" Will asked.

"Wait, you think Ally and Tori are actually dating?" Camila followed up with a question.

"Will you are acting ridiculous." Ally crossed her arms this time.

"I'll be right back..." Normani muttered looking at a piece of paper and left the studio.

The other ignored her and kept up with the conversation.

"What's ridiculous is you not giving me a chance after years of me trying with you." Will argued.

"You do know that she doesn't have to give you a chance if she doesn't like you, right?" Camila tried.

"Stay out of it Camila." Will snapped.

"No Camila is right, you just assume I may be interested in men, what if I'm not?" Ally asked and Will shut up.

"I- Well...okay fine I'm sorry." Will sits down.

"Wait Ally, what's your sexuality." Camila questions.

"Oh I'm bisexual." Ally giggles causing Camila to laugh with her.

"For fuck sakes." Will muttered while rolling his eyes.

"Problem?" Camila and Ally asked.

"No, you made me think you didn't like men when you like both." Will slaps his thighs before standing back up.

"Her ex was a guy dummy." Camila laughed.

"Whatever, let's get to work." Will ushered and they nodded.

"Wait what about Normani?" Camila asked.

"I'll get her." Ally told them and they nodded.

Ally walked out and seen Normani on the phone while sitting on one of the chairs outside.

"Normani." Ally called and Normani gaze snaps towards Ally.

"What's up?" Normani asked.

"We are getting started, hurry up." Ally tells her before going back inside.

"I have to go..." Normani trailed off with a bite of her lips removing her hands from underwear.

"Okay, thanks for the fun Manz." The person on the phone says and Normani blushes.

"Nickname already, you didn't even take me on a date yet." Normani smirks.

"You best count on me doing that." Normani felt the confidence from the person.

"Well I like it, it's new." Normani got up and fixed herself.

"Good, goodnight." The voice tells her causing her to smile lightly.

"Goodnight." Normani replied before hanging up.

She walked back inside and everyone all said...

"Finally!" Normani laughed before speaking.

"I have to use the bathroom real quick hold on." Normani lightly job and they all groaned.

When she got out, they finally started everything until the girls went home which was around mid-night...

Lauren, Tori, and Dinah all live together since they are like family anyway. They all agreed on moving out when they split on. Lauren and Tori entered the house and sat down for a minute.

"They are hotter in real life." Lauren admitted causing Lauren to laugh.

"Let's tell Dinah what Ally said." Tori suggests and Lauren nodded.

They get up and go to Dinah room. It was quiet, so they knocked and didn't get a response. Opening the door, they heard the shower on which made since.

"We'll tell her after." Lauren told Tori and Tori nodded.

They closed the door and walked back to the living room. They spent fourty five minutes watching TV until Dinah finally came out her room.

"Oh y'all finally home."

"We've been home for almost a hour now."

"Oh I didn't hear y'all hear y'all come in." Dinah moved Tori feet and sat down causing Tori to roll her eyes before laying down the other way.

"What were you doing in the shower for so long?"

"Uh...taking a shower, what else do you do in a shower beside jerk off?" Dinah asked causing Tori and Lauren to look at each other.

"So you took a shower and jerked off, what got you hard?" Lauren teased.

"A Houston hotty." Dinah admits causing Lauren and Tori to look at her confused.

"Houston hotty?" They asked.

"Beyoncé?" Lauren asked.

"Sure." Dinah agreed drinking the water in her hands.

"It's not." Lauren sits up right and crosses her arms.

"Who the fuck is from Houston?" Tori asked.

"Y'all are thinking too much, just enjoy this show." Dinah told them eyes stuck on the TV.

"Whatever." Lauren sits back and go back to watching the show.

Dinah laughed and took another sip of her water. It was morning and both groups were busy so busy that Normani sexting the person she was on the phone with.

"Normani!" Camila and Ally yelled causing her to look up to see them out the car.

"Sorry..." She mutters getting out.

"What's with you and that phone, who are you texting anyway?" Ally interrogates.

"No one." Normani mutters again.

"Like legit no one?" Camila asked causing Ally to face palm as Normani giggled.

"Mila no, don't worry about it." Normani tells her and Camila pouts.

"Why don't you put the down for a second..." Ally trails off slowly putting the phone down which is in Normani's hands.

"Can I just tell the person I'm texting that I am?" Normani asked.

"...Fine, Sure." Ally squinted as they made their way in the studio after going to get breakfast.

"Kk." Normani goes back into texting...

"Ugh!" Dinah groans putting her phone away.

"What?" Lauren asked.

"I'm already bored." Dinah roll her eyes.

"Why don't you stay off of that and sing ad-libs for the song." Tori suggests.

"Go strum your guitar virgin." Dinah shot back.

"Hey!" Tori crosses her arms.

"Oh brother..." Lauren trails off.

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