Episode Five

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"Where you going?" Tori asked before Dinah leaves.

"Out bye!" Dinah yells opening the door..

"What do you mean "out bye?" Tori roll her eyes as Dinah halts.

"Are you deaf too?" Dinah plucks Tori on the side of her head causing Tori to slap her hand away.

"Just leave!" Lauren shouts from the kitchen causing Tori to huff as Dinah laughs.

Dinah leaves and make her way to her car. She drives to a dirt bike track.

"There you are Jane, about time." One Dinah friend's, Justina Valentine gave Dinah a hug and someone cleared their throat causing them to pull away.

"And who is she?" Justina asks causing Normani to scoff.

"That's Normani, her and I have a very complicated thing going on." Dinah tells Justina as Justina smirks.

"So y'all fuck yet?" Justina asked them both causing Dinah to laugh as Normani blush before her confidence boosted.

"No, not yet at least." She replies with and Dinah chokes on her spit as Justina pats Dinah back hard.

"Nice one, hopefully Z won't get too jealous and run over you." Justina laughs causing Normani to give Dinah a death glare as Justina walked away.

"It was a drunk mistake I swear." Dinah puts up her hands in defense as Normani grab one hand and yank her towards where Justina is.

"Woah, who is this beaut?" Another one of Dinah's friends, Gabrielle aka H.E.R asked.

"This is Normani, my something." Dinah cleared her throat as Normani looks up at Dinah with her eyes widened.

"Oh really?" Zendaya, basically Dinah's ex asked.

"Here we go..." Another one of Dinah's friends, Kehlani mutters.

"Yes really, I'm single...well after a few more dates maybe not." Dinah smirked at Normani as her friends hooted and hollered except Zendaya as Normani blushed.

"So...we clubbing or naw?" The last of Dinah's friends, Ella Mai asked.

"Hell yeah." Everyone cheered.

"So front or back?" Dinah asked.

"Well I always preferred on getting hit from behind..." Normani admits causing Dinah jaw to drop as her cheek went red.

"Oh she a freak!" Kehlani laughs as everyone laugh along with her.

"I meant do you want to ride on the front of the bike or behind me?" Dinah rephrase causing Normani to blush even harder than before.

"Oh...front." Normani muttered and Dinah grabbed her hand leading her towards the dirt bike.

Normani got on adjusting herself until Dinah got on.

"Safety first." Dinah holds the helmet infront of Normani who grabbed it and put it one.

Dinah reached forward and grabbed the grips and Normani placed her hands on top of Dinah's. Justina pulled off first then Dinah who were followed by the rest. Normani watched as Kehlani and Gabriella, who were on the same bike, did wheelies. After the 10 minutes, they pull up to the club and they get off the bike.

"Why did you tell me to wear black?" Normani asked as Dinah stared as her legs.

"Look at the gang and ask that again." Dinah tells her while looking down still and Normani lifted her chin.

"My eyes are here." Normani bites her lips causing Dinah eyes to shift to Normani's lips before going back to Normani's eyes.

"Come along!" The bouncer roared causing Normani to grab Dinah's hand and lead her inside.

The group make their way to their session to chill when you don't want to dance, basically vip. Sitting down, Ella popped the bottle of vodka open and poured everyone a glass.

"To family." She toasted and they raised their glasses and clinked them together before downing the shot.

Kehlani and Gabriella were the first up.

"We're going to dance." Gabriella tells everyone before leading Kehlani out the vip area.

"The girls are texting me, hold on." Normani whispered to Dinah who nodded.

Normani picked up the phone before leaving.

"How did you score that?" Justina whispered so Zendaya couldn't hear and Dinah shrugged.

"In my opinion, you upgraded." Ella commented also whispered causing Zendaya to scoff.

"I heard that." She crossed her arms.

"You isn't wrong, Ella." Dinah leaned back looking at Normani before checking her out.

"Whatever, I'mma go dance." Zendaya got up and walked out.

As she went passed Normani, she pulled a stink and kept it moving causing Normani to roll her eyes. Getting off the phone, Normani peaks back and holds out her hand causing Dinah to get up.

"Y'all have fun." Dinah tells Ella and Justina.

"Right back at you." Justina leans back kicking her feet up.

Dinah grabs ahold on Normani hand and they make their way to the dance floor. At first, they started with Normani head on Dinah's chest as they swayed to the beat.

"You almost got me caught the other night." Normani looked as Dinah laughed.

"Well maybe don't stick your fingers inside yourself outside. Why didn't you just go to the bathroom?" Dinah asked with a smirk.

"I may or may not be a loud moaner and outside they wouldn't hear me, the walls are thick." Normani looks away avoiding eye contact with Dinah.

"What about the people around you?" Dinah raised an eyebrow.

"The shops were close and stuff, leave me alone." Normani bites her lip while looking down.

"I'm kidding, how did you sleep last night?" Dinah asked rubbing circles on Normani's lower back.

"Well, I wish we were on the phone though..." She trails off.

"Yeah but I was at the studio in like four am so that wasn't going to happen." Dinah laughs as Normani giggled.

"How did we go from me wanting to stab you with the knife at dinner to having phone sex also sexting and lastly to going on dates with eachother?" Normani questions as Dinah laughs.

"Let it happen." Dinah replies before twirling Normani around and letting Normani's back fall against her front.

"We are going back to my place..." Normani told Dinah who put her face in Normani's neck.

"Yes ma'am." Dinah murmured in her neck before swaying them to the music again.

After dancing for a couple more minutes, they went back and grab more drinks with the gang.

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