Episode Twenty-One

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Dinah is hanging out with the gang minus Normani and Zendaya walks into the gym. Everyone dies down seeing her and Gabriella crosses her arms.

"What do you want?" Dinah asked as Solána looks at everyone confused and not having a clue who she is.

"I need to talk to you..." Zendaya sighs and Dinah roll her eyes.

"Whatever it is, I don't care." Dinah jumps out of the ring.

"What if I say I was pregnant." Zendaya looks away while biting her lip.

"After Mani gave you that ass beat, there shouldn't be no child." Ryan sassed.

"Also after you drank at that party..." Kehlani trailed off as Gabriella rolled her eyes.

"Also, the fact that you think that child is anyone's here says a lot." Ella logical ass spoke.

"I know, it's your cousin's." Zendaya says directly to Dinah.

"This hoe." Gabriella mutters.

"YOU SLEPT WITH MASI?!" Dinah yelled walking towards her.

"Dinah I'm sorry." Zendaya stepped away.

"Are you STUPID?!" Dinah asked.

"I was angry and I saw him..." Zendaya lied.

"You were ANGRY, so you SLEPT WITH MY COUSIN who is MENTALLY UNSTABLED?!" Dinah was about to bitch slap her but Normani pulls her away coming out of no where.

"Dinah please." Zendaya says softly feeling tears prick her eyes.

"When you said stay away from me, you should've stayed away from me." Dinah growled.

"Justina, Kehlani, and Ella can you?" Normani ushered feeling Dinah about to jump at her.

"Yes ma'am." Ella nods and they hold Dinah back.

Ryan and Normani goes up to Zendaya and usher her out.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Ryan asked.

"I lied, I couldn't tell her that Masi raped me." Zendaya panicked and pushed out.

"What?" They all said.

"I know I lie a lot but I'm not lying about this, I swear." Zendaya let the tears fall before putting her hand on her stomach.

"Jesus Zendaya." Normani sighs and Ryan face palm herself.

"Masi raped?" Gabriella asked causing Zendaya to step away stuttering.

"I'm sorry for what I did to Kehlani." She looked down and Gabriella honestly didn't care about that.

"Girl, you was raped." Gabriella says before closing the door while Solána hugs Zendaya.

"I don't know you, but you need this." She mutters before pulling away.

"What do I do?" Zendaya asked as tears fell from her eyes.

"Hey it's okay, I'll tell Dinah if you want me to." Normani rubs her arm.

"Okay, I'll let you know..." Zendaya sighs while looking down.

"Everything will be okay, and I swear to God Z...if you are lying to us, we are done." Gabriella says and Zendaya nods.

"I would've told her but she got so angry, I didn't want to tell her that he did that. I didn't know he was mentally unstable like in that way. I'm promise I'm not lying, I tried to call y'all since I have no one else really but I'm guessing I'm blocked." Zendaya explained as the girls look at each other in guilt while Solána pouts.

"Kehlani doesn't have you blocked." Gabriella picks up.

"I- why not?" Zendaya asked.

"Because she's a good person and doesn't hold grudges." Gabriella smile lightly.

The girls hear a knock on the door and speaking of the devil opens the door.

"Dinah's calmed now, I advise Normani to keep her comfort and Zendaya to stay a good ten feet away." Kehlani orders and they all nod.

"Okay, that's fine." Zendaya fidgets with her hands as they make their way in.

Dinah is sitting down, head on one hand, and is staring off into the distance. Normani walks over to her and sits on one lap.

"Look at me." Normani tells her and Dinah obeys.

"I'm calm, I promise." Dinah mutters.

"Come here." Normani ushers laying Dinah's head on her breast.

"Thank you girls, I promise I am telling the truth. Gabriella, listen to Kehlani's voicemail since I'm sure that's the only one that actually went through." Zendaya informs and Gabriella holds out her hand.

Kehlani sighs and give Gabriella her phone as Zendaya left. Gabriella didn't even care about anything else, she just wanted to know the truth. So she left out with Ryan and Solána again. Clicking the voicemail, they turned up the volume and listened.

"I don't know why I'm even calling you. *sniff* I know you won't even get this. You probably blocked me too, I just need to talk to someone. Something happened and I don't know what to do. Dinah's cousin, Masi, he touched me sexually and...*sobs* I don't know, I don't feel great. I feel sick, I went to the doctor and they said I was fine. I don't feel fi-"

The audio cuts off and they press the second voicemail.

"I ran out of time...can you just tell the others to speak to me please if this is going through. *sniffs* I feel so alone and and confused. How do I tell Dinah about this? How do I tell y'all about this. I texted all the others girls, and called but nothing. You're the last person and then I'm giving up. I do feel very depressed right now...I even cut my wrist but it didn't make anything feel better. Everytime I tried to take drugs, they came right back out. I don't feel like living anymore."

Solána had tears streaming down her face as Ryan clamped her hands over her mouth. Gabriella deleted the voicemails before turning off Kehlani's phone. They made their way back into the gym and Gabriella handed Kehlani her phone before hugging her tightly.

"What's this for?" Kehlani asked wrapping her arms around Gabriella.

"Just hold me please..." Gabriella voice cracked and Kehlani nods.

"Hey, you okay?" Ella asked Solána who nodded with a smile but more tears just run down her face

Ella frowned and hugs Solána causing more tears to fall.

"What happened out there?" Justina asked putting her hands on her hips.

"Nothing." Ryan brushed it off before nodding to Normani confirming that Zendaya is telling the truth.

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