Episode Sixteen

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"Come here." Ally ushered and Tori slowly walk over to her.

She sits down slowly and Ally holds out her causing Tori to grab it.

"I'm sorry." Tori sobbed in Ally's hand and Ally heart broke.

"It's okay, it's not your fault." Ally explains.

"But-" Tori tried to speak up but Ally cuts her off.

"No buts, I should've been there for you but I was too blinded by something I don't want." Ally bits her lip.

"I feel so-" Ally cuts her off again.

"Depressed? Horrible? Guilty? It's okay." Ally rubbed Tori's hands as Tori looked down.

They sat in silence as Tori repositioned herself to laying next to Ally as Ally stroke her hair. Normani enters the room and Ally looks up at her.

"Is she okay?" Normani asked and Ally nodded.

"You can send the rest in, I'm okay now." Ally tells her and she leaves bringing everyone else is.

"Hey Allz." Lauren greeted and Dinah waved also.

"Hey y'all." Ally smiled as Will walked in and leans against the wall.

"This is going to be everywhere and once you get out the hospital, paparazzi are going to be everywhere." Camila sighs and Ally shrugs.

"The guy who hit you passed away..." Normani trails off.

"I heard he was drunk." Lauren pout.

"What about his family?" Ally wondered.

"They wanted to see you and apologize." Normani states.

"I hope they will be okay." Ally sighs.

"Do you care for everyone but yourself?" Will asked

"Yes William." Ally rolls her eyes.

"God greatest gift." Tori mutters causing Ally to smile as Will rolled his eyes.

"I'll be right back." Normani mutters before leaving quickly.

Dinah watched and followed her. The others brushed it off as Camila went and sat on Lauren's lap for comfort.

"Hey are you okay?" Dinah asked jogging over to a hunched over Normani.

"I feel sick." Normani muttered as Dinah hugged her.

"Maybe it's stress and this whole situation upset your stomach..." Dinah shrugs as she sits Normani down.

"I think I'm going to throw up." Nomrnai tells Dinah and she pull away.

Normani rushes into the bathroom and Dinah followed going to grab her hair as Normani emptied her stomach. After she finished, Dinah sits on the sink and flushes the toilet. Grabbing a paper towel, she damper it and gave it to Normani. Dinah rubs Normani belly softly causing Normani to sigh into the touch.

"I need some water." Normani tells Dinah who nods and leave to fetch it.

Going to a vending machine, she put money in getting a bottle before jogging back to Normani who was dozing off to sleep.

"Here." Dinah spoke up, opening the bottle for her.

Normani jumps down and take a mouth full before spitting it out. She interlock her hands with Dinah and they walked out as Normani drinks the cold bottle.

"You cold?" Dinah asked and Normani stops drinking to answer.

"A little." Normani admits.

"Here." Dinah takes off her hoodie and gives it to Normani who puts it on immediately before going back drinking her water with a hand interlocking with Dinah's.

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