Ep. Four (Sequal)

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Normani was making her way to the door after someone rang the door bell. She was confused on who it was and was thinking that maybe she shouldn't answer. Opening the door, she crossed her arms annoyed at the person in sight.

"What do you want Dinah?" Normani wondered as the taller girl stood at the doorway with a smile.

"I'm bored so I came here." Dinah shrugged as Normani rolled her eyes.

"Really, on Valentine's Day? Shouldn't you be with Justina at least?" Normani questioned.

"She traveled out of country with her family and friends." Dinah entered Normani's house causing Normani to raise an eyebrow.

"Well you do whatever, I'mma go cook me some food." Normani ushered off and Dinah frowned.

"Come on, be generous." Dinah begged.

"Why should I?" Normani asked.

"Because we fwiends." Dinah bit her lip.

"What is wrong with you." Normani rolled her eyes again.

"Ugh, I should've brought my wallet." Dinah whined.

"Why don't you ever try learning to cook?" Normani questioned.

"Teach me?" Dinah asked.

"No." Normani shut her down immediately.

"You so mean." Dinah did puppy eyes.

"Stop acting like a child." Normani pushed Dinah's face away.

"So mean." Dinah repeated.

"Why did I say she could stay?" Normani thought out loud.

"Because you love me." Dinah cooed as she wrapped her arms around Normani.

"Don't get it twisted." Normani peeled Dinah's arms off of her.

"Stop rejecting your love for me." Dinah rested her head on Normani's shoulder.

"That died months ago." Normani tells her as she turns on the stove.

"Ouch, I love you why don't you love me?" Dinah wondered.

"I know it's valentine's day but slow down on that love bs." Normani pushed Dinah's head off of her shoulder and Dinah furrowed her eyebrows together.

"Woah, who hurt you?" Dinah raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know, you tell me." Normani squinted her eyes.

"I can't because I don't know." Dinah pulled away from Normani and sat down on the stool in front of her.

Closing her eyes, she went back into thinking. It's the same as the beach, she felt that feeling in her stomach and it didn't make her feel good. She didn't realize she had her eyes closed for so long because she felt Normani tap her shoulder then seen a plate being placed in front of her. Suddenly that pain went awake as she watch Normani walk over to the couch and turn on something to watch as she ate her food. Dinah follows and sit down next to her and they just sat in a comfortable silence as they ate some food. After finishing their food, Dinah ended up falling asleep. Normani allowed her to lay on her lap while she scrolled through instagram on her phone. On the tv she had music playing so she didn't hear Dinah's phone ringing. After a while her phone started to ring and seen that it was Lauren.

"Yes Lauren?" Normani answered.

"Do you know where Dinah is? She have been distanced for a while and Tori and I are a little concerned." Lauren explained.

"What do you mean?" Normani questioned.

"Tori think she might be depressed, I think she might be consuming something she shouldn't." Lauren elaborated.

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