Episode Twenty

410 13 6

Normani was freaking out running around.

"I can't do this...I can't do this." She mutters looking around.

"Manz what the hell is going on?" Dinah asked scaring Normani causing her to jump.

"What are you doing here? You have to go, bye!" Normani starts pushing Dinah to the front door.

Dinah picks her up making Normani squeal and drops her on the couch.

"Calm down, what's going on?" Dinah asked.

"I lost Seth and Regina." Normani pouts on the verge of crying.

"They probably just playing hide and seek, now let's find them." Dinah kiss her pout away and help her up to look for the two.

They looked everywhere and when Dinah got close to the closet, she heard munching. Opening the door, she met with Regina feeding Seth cereal.

"What are you two doing?" Dinah crosses her arms as Regina hides the box behind her back.

"Oh you found them, thank God." Normani sighs in relief.

"Give me the box." Dinah ushered and Regina sticks her tongue as Seth crawls to Normani who pick him up.

"hungee." Seth tells her and Normani nodded.

"I'll get mom on yo ass, don't mess with me little girl." Dinah sassed back at Regina as they argued.

"Well I'mma tell momma you cussed at me." Regina crossed her arms.

Dinah squinted her eyes and snatched the box out of Regina smalls hand causing her to gasp.

"Hey!" She yells as Dinah put it on a highest shelf after closing it up.

"Get out annoying." Dinah ushered and she stomped away.

"What's happening?" Hoi or Daniel asked.

"Regina's being a diva." Dinah says.

"Whatever." Regina rolled her eyes.

"I wonder where she gets that from." Kamila indirected as their mother walked in.

"Mommy, Dinah cussed at me." Regina ratted.

"She made a mess in yo closet." Dinah ratted also.

"Y'all are childish." Normani giggles as she feed Seth with a baby bottle.

Milika nods in agreement with Normani before pushing Dinah to do the dishes as Regina cleaned up her mess.

"It's almost Christmas and my family wants to spend time with yours." Camila swings her hands with Lauren as Lauren watch her skip around happily.

"That will happen." Lauren confirms and Camila continues to jump.

Paparazzi is getting them and they didn't even realize until one of them came up to them.

"What should we expect from you two? Are y'all thinking of having a child? Getting married?" The paparazzi bombard causing Camila to become overwhelmed.

"Woah, chill." Lauren replied as Camila cowered behind her.

"Just asking questions." The guy says.

"And we'll address when we are ready to talk about our future." Lauren tells him before opening the door for Camila to their destination.

She walks in and Lauren walks in after. Lauren interlock their hands again as they walk through calming Camila down by kissing her on her forehead.

"So, we are we getting our family members?" Lauren asked and Camila shrugs.

"I think I'll give Sofi a Barbie house. My papa a car, and my mama tickets." Camila named off as she thought.

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