Episode Ten

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Camila's POV

Spending time with Lauren is getting fun until you catch feelings for her. How do you not be attracted to her, her eyes are so hard to not fall in. We are currently building a fort as if we are in middle school again. We finished the base and I feel a pillow him me on my stomach. I look at Lauren and she smiles brightly. I grabbed a pillow and hit her back and then we have a whole pillow fight which resulted into my clumsy ass falling and Lauren tripping dramatically to make myself not feel embarrassed that I just fell infront of her. She laughs causing me to laugh as well. I then hear a knock on my door and a loud as voice from someone I used to love.

"Camila! Are you in there?! Give me a second chance please! I love you!" Shawn yells causing Lauren to mock him before laughing.

I get up and open the door causing him to fall on his ass as I place my hand on my hip.

"What do you want Shawn?" I asked as he gets up swiftly before dusting himself off.

"I want you to give me a second chance, us a second chance...please?" He says grabbing my hands making me look down at them.

I literally thought about it then realized something...

"No." I denied sliding my hands out of his making him frown.

"But Mil-" I cut him off not wanting to hear him excuse.

"My gut is telling me that things won't change between and a friend told me to always trust my gut." I almost looked when I said that because I did get that from her.

"I've changed I promise." He tried but I honestly think I'm done with boys for right now.

"I'm good." I tell her before pulling him outside.

"That's it? Four years and we're over like that?" He asked trying to guilt trip me which works when we argue or whatever.

"Yep, goodbye Shawn." I kiss his cheek before walking into my house and closed the door slowly.

I sighed feeling like crying and I guess Lauren can sense that because I feel her arms wrap around me.

Ally's POV

I'm hanging out with Will in the studio and for the first time in a long time, (I'm wearing pants!) he isn't hitting on me. As I write, he make different beats that fits every song in both of our opinions. As time flies, I texted Normani and she didn't answer so I texted Camila which resulted in Lauren texting me instead. What in the hell is going on with my girls? I texted Dinah and she didn't answer either as well as Tori. She's been acting very distant since Starbucks. I'm guessing Dinah broke her trust or something since the three of them probably tell eachother everything. I don't know.

"We are almost finished." Will says and I nod while putting my phone down.

"I can't get in touch with Normani and Camila is a little heartbroken right now." I tell him and he leaned forward kissing me.

It took me by surprise but I didn't lean back so he did it again and secured it. He climbed on top of me and let his hands run up and down my body. Just before his lips attaches to my neck, my phone goes snapping back to reality and pushing Will off. I looked at Normani's name flashing apon the screen causing me to pick up the call and leave the studio to get away from Will.

"Yes Ally?" Normani asked a little out of breath.

"What were you doing child?" I asked.

"I may or may not have gotten into a fight, but listen it's not that bad..." She trails off.

Normani's POV

"Explain to me how did happened..." Ally says and I sighed.

2 hours ago...

"Oh wow, so this is where y'all were and didn't invite me?" Zendaya asked and I can feel all of them roll their eyes.

While I was in the car driving to this place, I invited my bestie to meet my bae so I just wanna see how this goes...

"What do your ratchet hoe ass want?" Gabriella shot.

"You mad that I can take your hunny if I want to." Zendaya fake pouted and Ella held Gabriella back.

"Who taking what now?" My bestie make her dramatic ass appearance.

That's my bestie y'all, Ryan Destiny, actress too.

"And who the hell are you?" Zendaya asked with a stink look.

"Ha, that's Ryan Destiny sis. Big fan." Justina praised and Ryan flipped her hair with a wink towards Justina who fan girled.

"Yes I am also Normani's bestfriend so if you have a problem with her then I wouldn't hesitate to beat yo pale black ass." Ryan gave Zendaya a stink look also.

"You're besties with Ryan? Damn that makes you 100x hotter." Ella blew out some air.

"What?" I asked and they both shrug.

"Two iconic black duos, pretty as ever, and sadly both in a relationship. Damn..." Justina shakes her head.

"First of all, don't come up in here thinking your doing something cause your no-" Zendaya tried speaking but Ryan cut her ass off.

"Why you here then? Judging by these unknown people, they don't want you here sis." Ryan sassed.

"I don't had enough of yo-" Zendaya step closer and so did I with my arms crossed.

"Hey woah, calm down we don't need a cat fight." Dinah tried it but I done have had enough of this ex of hers.

"How about this, we are in a gym so whoever wins the other leaves the group alone and also Dinah alone." Zendaya remarked with a smirk and I raised my eyebrow.

I looked at Ryan and take out my hoops.

"Yes bitch." Ryan hyped me up and I give her my heels.

"Then come on bitch." I ushered and everyone steps back.

Zendeya does the same and went for the hit first but that bitch ain't getting me. It ended up with her trying to get out of my grip (my hands on her hair) as I beat the shit out of her. It then resulted into me dragging that bitch to the ground, she may have gotten a few good hits from me but I broke that bitch nose.

"Fuck off, and leave Dinah alone." I tell her with my arms crossed as Ryan gassed me up from behind me. Zendaya gets up and grab apart of her tracks before leaving.

"That's why you don't mess with my best friend." Ryan puts my hoops  back in and gives me my heels.

I flipped my hair as I hear the others speak.

"Her hottness scale is through the roof now.." Kehlani tells them and Dinah jealous ass gives her a death stare.

"Yas, Ryan you should join the group too. I don't want these four over powering us bottoms." Gabriella suggests as Kehlani hugged her from behind.

"Shit you right, count me in." Ryan flips her hair as I smiled knowing that I get to see my bestie more often.

"Quick question, have y'all too ever fought and who won?" Justina asked.

"We did and Ryan almost got me." I admit causing Ryan to laugh.

"Also quick question, who the fuck is Dinah?" Ryan asked and Dinah looked around when everyone pointed to her.

"If my best friend had to fight for you then bitch you are getting your balls cut off if you screw whatever relationship y'all have going on." Ryan scolded.

"Periodt!" Everyone snapped their fingers causing us to laugh.

"Noted." Dinah nodded as I give her a big hug and she hugged me back.

They all cooed, hooted, and hollered. I looked at my phone to see it light up so I pulled away and grabbed it seeing missed texts and calls from Ally.


"That's it and that's all." I clarified as Ryan got to know everyone.

"Oh okay, when you get a chance....come over to my place and bring Camila." Ally instructs.

"Okay..." I trailed off confused as the phone hung up.

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