Ep. Two (Sequal)

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As it inch near Justina's birthday, everyone planned to not pay attention to the event. It's to get Justina a little but hurt so when the day finally arrives then they surprise her. After the basketball game, Dinah and Simone got some shots for the fans/shippers to spazz over.

"What are you getting me for Valentine's day?" Simone asked as they walked to the beach.

"I don't know, haven't thought of a gift yet." Dinah stuff her hands on her pockets.

"Well you have a week, don't think too long." Simone stops and take off her shoes causing Dinah to do the same.

"Did you have to bring your father?" Dinah groans.

"Uh yes, he didn't want to stay in the house and see, your family loves him." She responds.

"Yeah, my mother loves him a little too much." Dinah murmurs as they inch closer to the group of Samoan-Polynesians.

"Hey daddy!" Simone hug her father and he hugs her back before giving Dinah a death glare which she didn't notice since she's staring at the sun...legitimately.

"Hey baby girl, how was the game?" Dwayne asked.

"Fun, Dinah's bestfriend, Justina, is amazing. Funny too." Simone explain very shortly and he puts up a thumbs up.

"Glad you had fun, now let's have fun on this beach, yeah?" Dwayne hyped up and everyone cheered except for Dinah.

"Are you trying to blind yourself?" Milika speaks up.

"Huh?" Dinah look at her very short compared to her family, mother.

"If you keep staring at the sun, you won't have eyes." Milika laughs and Dinah huffed.

Dinah makes her way to the shore and sits down before looking up at the sky. She didn't know how long it has been but she was pulled out of her trance by a voice.

"Deep thinking?" Normani asked sitting down next to Dinah.

"Uh yeah." She admits not finding the need to lie.

"Why aren't you having fun with your family?" Normani asked.

"Hmm." Dinah hummed as she poke Normani.

"What are you doing?" She questions.

"I was seeing if you're a real or a figure to my imagination." Dinah shrug.

"Dinah, I pray for you sometimes." Normani gets up and so does Dinah.

"I think that's enough thinking for today." Dinah muttered as she brush off the sand on her shorts.

"If you need me, I'll be over there with the girls." Normani usher pointing to Ryan, Zendaya, Solána, Gabriella.

"Oh say hi to them for me." Dinah stretches.

"Will do." Normani lightly jog to make her way back over to the girls through the thick sand.

Dinah sighs and walk back to her family who one is getting buried alive, two is fighting by the shore, and the others are just trying to impress Simone's father. 'Pathetic', Dinah thought as she walks over to her brother getting buried.

"What's poppin?" Dinah asked and Hoi looks up at her.

"I was tricked into doing this." He lied as Dinah watch Regina run back and forth with sand.

"Regina, there is sand everywhere, stop wasting your energy." Dinah tells her younger sister who pouts.

"Oh okay!" Regina plops down next to Hoi and start pilling sand in her little bucket.

"Why would you give her tips?" Hoi groaned.

"She's going to pass out before the day even starts, don't worry." Dinah walks away over to her favorite sibling aka her twin.

"Hey twin." Kamila noticed Dinah first and Dinah waved.

"What are you doing?" Dinah questions.

"I am...done. I was fixing up your girlfriend's hair." Kamila pulled her hands away slowly.

"How I look?" Simone asked showing off her hair.

"Cute, only because Kamila did it." Dinah joked trying to find a little spirit of fun.

"Hey!" Simone crossed her arms.

"I'm kidding, you look perfect...as always." Dinah muttered the last sentence looking away.

"Aw thanks! Now make-up?" Simone suggests causing Kamila to excitedly clap her hands.

"Oop- yes I gotchu." Kamila digs through her bag and Dinah roll her eyes before walking away.

Dinah sighs and make her way over to her father who pretty much feels excluded, just like her.

"Hey dad." Dinah pops a seat next to him.

"Oh hey Dinah, how is the career going?" Gordon questions.

"Same as usual, nothing changed." Dinah replies, very nonchalantly.

"What's wrong?" Gordon wondered.

"I just...I just want Normani." Dinah confesses while looking at the young beauty.

"Well you and Simone aren't in a relationship right?" He asked.

"Yeah." Dinah answered.

"Just announce y'all broke up then go back to Normani." Gordon plots everything out.

"I wish it was that simple, I don't know what I did to cause Normani to fall out of love with me and then asked for space. I just feel tired." Dinah put her head in her hands feeling the need to cry as Gordon puts a hand on her back.

"Take a break, hang out with the family, I'm sure it will help." He suggest.

"This family is stressful enough." Dinah mutters before looking at her mother.

"Yeah but you dealt with them for so long, why stop now?" Gordon asked.

"There's no such thing as stopping, dad come on. Let's have fun with our family." Dinah gets up and so does Gordon.

"I love that idea." He laughs as they made their way to her siblings.

"Dad, can we play football?" Vaka asked with Hoi behind him just as excited.

"Sure, wanna join kid?" Gordon asked his oldest and she shrug.

"Will pass the time and sounds fun." Dinah stretches.

"Ooh, let me get into it as well." Dwayne suggest and everyone cheered as Dinah groan.

"Great." Dinah mutters as they all made their way to a playing field which Regina so kindly drew for them.

As soon as the game started, everyone used all their energy except for Dinah who was playing quarterback for her team.

"All we need is a touchdown and we beat you losers." Hoi hyped causing Dwayne to smirk as Dinah shakes her head.

As soon as Dinah snapped the ball, Dwayne came running after counting to five mississippis. Dinah wasn't even paying attention, but when she got a glimpse of him, she never felt herself jump so high which send him falling past her. That left one man open which was her father who she threw the ball to and with the defense of Hoi, they scored a touchdown.

"Boom baby!" Gordon picked up Dinah and Hoi as if they weighted two milk galloons to him.

"Dang sis, you got hops for days." Hoi hypes and Dinah laughs for the first time since she arrived.

"Nice defending lil bro." Dinah gave him an high five.

"You just got beat, how do you feel?" Simone asked her father who roll his eyes.

"You are quite the instigator." Dwayne laughs lightly.

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