Episode Twenty-Four

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Everyone is on break and is spending time with their families. Camila and Lauren are on their flight to Miami, they are both nervous as to what will happen when their families meet. As soon as the plane lands, they roll their eyes hearing the people clap.

"Everytime." Lauren sighs before the plane stops.

They get up and grab their bags before making their to the airport. Hand in hand and on their phone, paparazzi catch some pictures of them before they looked up.

"There's my mother." Lauren tells Camila as they step onto the escalator.

"She looks so pretty." Camila praised before squeezing Lauren's cheeks.

"I partially get my genes from her." Lauren laugh as Camila roll her eyes.

They step off the escalator and made their way to Lauren's family.

"Hey hunny, it's been so long." Clara hugs Lauren and Lauren smile.

"Yeah, this is Camila." Lauren introduced.

"Or Karla." Camila's mother appears and Camila goes to hug her.

"Holá Mamí." Camila greets.

"Hi sweetheart, how was LA?" Sinu asked.

"It was crazy, Lauren, Dinah, and Tori friends are amazing." Camila says before meeting Sofi with a hug.

"Come on Laur, Halsey is waiting for you." Taylor pulls her.

"Let me guess, she dyed her hair again...or a tattoo?" Lauren assumed.

"No and yes. Just come on." Chris also tugs.

They all make their way out of the airport and see Lauren's dad in the car while Camila's father tries to open the trunk.

"What are you two doing?" Clara asked.

"The trunk is jammed." Michael laughs lightly.

"It's not." Lauren tells him, opening it easily.

"How did she-" Alejandro questions before getting cut off by his daughter.

"Y'all are old." Camila giggles before getting in the car.

Everyone else does the same as Alejandro gets in the driver seat.

"Buckle up." Alejandro tells everyone.

"We are dad." Camila and Sofi responds.

He roll his eyes before pulling off. Making their way to the Jauregui's house, they pull up and get out. Lauren sees Halsey and hugs her.

"I got weed." She whispers causing Lauren to laugh.

"Where's Vero and shit?" Lauren asked putting her hands on her hips.

"They on their way." Halsey brush it off before they both walk in the house.

"Your house is beautiful." Camila complimented and Clara smiled.

"Thank you Camila, go join Lauren and Halsey before they do stupid shit." Clara ushers causing everyone to laugh.

Sofi been ran off so she didn't hear that. Camila walks and sits on Lauren's lap as Lauren wrap her arms around her.

"Oh she your girlfriend?" Halsey asked.

"Yes Hals." Lauren roll her eyes.

"Nice, hopefully she keeps you tied down." Halsey comments causing Lauren to throw something at her as Camila giggles.

Tori, Normani and Ally parted ways as they get into the airport for Texas. Tori and Ally gets on the plane flying to San Antonio as Normani went to Houston. Getting off the plane, It's not what Tori expected to look like but it's still beautiful.

"San Antonio." Ally raised her hands introducing the city.

It was snowing and Ally was prepared but Tori wasn't. They went to the store and bought her a coat.

"It's so beautiful here." Tori smiled as they walked around for a bit.

"Since you have Latin descendants in you, my family will love you." Ally squeals as they make their way to Ally's old home.

Walking up to the house, Ally knocked and was met with her brother.

"Ally! Mom, Dad!" He called before hugging his younger sister.

"Hey Brandon." Ally hugs him back before he pulls away.

"Hi, I'm Brandon." He hold out his hand and Tori shakes it.

"Tori or Victoria." Tori nods and he ushers for them to come in.

Ally parents comes down and they hug her before shaking Tori's hand as she introduced herself as well.

"So you're a Christian as well?" Patricia asked and Tori nodded before showing her the cross on her neck.

"Since birth." Tori smiled and Jerry smiles at Patricia.

"Isn't she perfect for our baby girl?" He asked kissing Patricia on her head and she nods in agreement.

"We'll get settled down and come down for more conversations." Ally tells her family.

"I'm not use to it snowing, it's beautiful here and your home is lovely." Tori comments before going up the stair with Ally.

"She's so sweet." Jerry shakes his head with a smile on his face.

"Her smile is amazing too." Patricia notices as Brandon laughs.

They walk to Ally's old room and open the door to see bright yellow but Tori liked it. Setting their bags down, they take off the heavy clothing and changed into something more comfortable before making their way back downstairs.

"Are y'all hungry?" Patricia asked presenting the food and Ally nodded.

"Sit and let's chat." Brandon directs and they do so.

They chatted for a good hour or so while eating before going to open presents. Everyone received something and Tori actually felt like she was apart of the family. As it reached the end of the day, Tori and Ally grabbed their jackets and went outside. They were in the backyard walking around to just enjoy some time with eachother.

"Your family is amazing." Tori tells her.

"They will appreciate that." Ally giggles causing Tori to smile at her.

"Yeah well, I'm grateful for that." Tori turns Ally to her and plant a kiss on her lips.

Dinah is hanging out with her family and really misses Normani even though it's been a day. As Dinah sits on her phone, scrolling through the media, her cousin pies her sister in the face causing Kamila to squeal.

"Prank wars baby! Hahaha!" Her cousin yells before running away as Kamila ran after her.

Dinah laughs before dialing Normani because of time zones, it's night time.

"Hey babe." Normani greeted clicking off the light to her bathroom.

"Hi, I just wanted to say goodnight before you feel asleep." Dinah admits and Normani bites her lip with a smile.

"Aw thank you, goodnight to you as well. I love you." Normani gets in bed after a nice shower.

"I love you too." Dinah smiles.

"Prank wars!" Regina yells hitting Dinah on the dick causing her to fall.

"Are you okay?" Normani asked.

"I'mma have to go so I can kill my sister..." Dinah tells Normani causing her to laugh.

They hung up the phone before Dinah chased after Regina.

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