Episode Three

800 21 6

"So you give a girl you met like two days ago a chance to get with you but not me? What does she have that I don't...

6 hours earlier — 12:26 pm...

News got out quickly, rumors of them dating, collaborating, leaving the group, etc. The others were started to get curious themselves. So it started with Lauren bombard Tori with questions...

"What is this?" Lauren asked walking into the room as Dinah slept on the couch.

Tori was just finishing tuning her guitar and eating brunch since she got to their hangout just thirty minutes ago.

"A news article." Tori answered putting the instrument in the case.

"Don't play smart, yo DJ!" Lauren shook Dinah until she woken.

"What?" Dinah groaned turning on her side and pulled the covers to her head.

"Tori might be oh let's see, leaving the group...in a relationship... collaborating with someone else, which I don't have a problem with honestly...oh and might be joining another group, what?" Lauren rolled her eyes and sat down.

"I'm only collaborating with Ally, that's all and that's it." Tori puts up her hands in defense and Lauren crosses her arms.

"I can't believe this..." Lauren puts her phone in her pocket and gets up.

"Where are you going?" Tori asked.

"Why did you wake me up bitch." Dinah muttered before dozing off back to sleep.

"I'm going to go get a drink, and not go collab without telling anyone." Lauren joked causing Tori to shake her head.

"It's not that serious." Tori laughed as Lauren shook her head with a smile on her face.

4 hours earlier...

I'm so sorry, I didn't expect paparazzi or news to get around so quickly.

It's okay, my bros don't care 🤷🏼‍♀️

Oh okay, well should we have them meet eachother?

You mean Lauren and Dinah meet Normani and Camila, vise versa? 🥴


Yeah sure, how about dinner? 🤔

Fancy or....


Kk what time?

Does 6 sounds good?

Yes, okay I have to go, see you tonight ☺️

I'll seen you the location 😁

2 hours earlier...

"Wait so you're collaborating with someone from another band?" Camila asked and Ally nodded.

"And you want us to meet them?" Normani continued putting on some lipstick.

"Yes at six..." Ally answered.

The click of the lipstick closing caught everyone's attention and broke the silence between them.

"Okay." Camila and Normani agreed.

Ally clapped her hands while jumping up and down with a smile on her face.

"Okay well since Normani takes longest to get ready, go." Ally ushered away causing Normani to scoff before walking away to go and get in the shower.

Camila and Ally did the same. Once they got out, they got ready carefully with makeup being the longest.

1 hour earlier...

"Dinah come on!" Tori yelled causing Dinah to groan and go down the stairs.

"Why are we doing this again?" She asked putting on her glasses.

"So y'all can meet the girls." Tori pulled then outside.

"Didn't you say six?" Lauren asked fixing her watch.

"Yes and?" Tori questioned causing Dinah and Lauren to raise an eyebrow.

"Let's not...Tori's a perfectionist." Lauren told Dinah before entering the car and Dinah just rolled her eyes before getting in the back.

30 minutes earlier...

Both bands got out of the car with a stretch from the long rides. Making their way in, Dinah on her phone, Lauren checking the place, and Tori looking for Ally. Camila and Normani were chatting as Ally looked for Tori. Once Ally, Normani, and Camila sat down, it took Tori about three minutes to find them.

"Finally." Normani rolled her eyes before sitting up.

"Sorry we're a little late." Tori apologized and Ally nodded as the other two sat down.

"Ooh bread sticks." Lauren reached for one but Normani slapped her hand.

"No touchy." Normani warned/threated causing Lauren to groan.

"Well, let's start by getting to know each other." Ally annouced and they all nodded.

"I'm Tori." Tori held out her hand which Camila only shook.

"Normani." Normani pulled the stinkiest face as Camila rolled her eyes.

"I'm Camila." Camila politely smiled.

There was an awkward silence which Lauren broke after seventeen seconds.

"Lauren." Lauren greeted and they nodded.

"These bread sticks are amazing." Dinah finally spoke causing Normani to look at Dinah eating her bread sticks.

"Did you just touched my breadstick with your dirty ass hands?" Normani scoffed.

"Normani language." Ally scolded but Normani could speak Dinah spoke before her.

"I'm Dinah nice to meet you too." Dinah smirked before placing the half eating piece of dough on her plate causing Normani to pull yet another stink face.

"Ally, I'm starting to regret this." Normani muttered.

"Let's just order drinks." Ally told everyone and they nodded.

After figuring out what to drink then shortly what to eat, everyone engaged into a conversation and actually got along to know each other.

"Wait so you play the guitar?" Camila asked and Tori nodded.

"All she does is play that thing." Dinah tapped her hands on the table.

"When will you stop bullying me?" Tori asked.

"Y'all hear sum?" Dinah asked sitting up.

"Why would you bully Tori?" Camila asked.

"It's how these blondes from california but isn't actually blonde are." Lauren shrugged causing Dinah to kick her leg as Tori rolled her eyes.

When their drinks arrived, they connected everything they like arranging from favorite foods to favorite drinks. It's not everyday a group of celebrities hang out, even though Dinah doesn't like the term giving of celebrity. After waiting another five minutes or least, their food arrives. Then just before they knew it, it was the end of the great evening.

"I'mma head over to my place, bye shorties." Dinah puts up a peace sign before walking away.

"I don't like her." Normani admits with an cross of her arms.

"She actually isn't that bad, she usually just sleeps and be to herself." Tori stuffs her hands in her pocket and the other three looked shock by that.

"I guess DJ just wanted some fun tonight." Lauren shrugged before continuing to walk by Tori's side.

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