Episode Fifteen

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"The collab is up." Will tells Ally as she cleans her house.

"Finally." She clicks off the vaccum and walks into her kitchen.

Tori words kept replaying in her head as if there was a hidden meaning in it. It was so random to her, she wish she could understand.

"So...can I take you out tonight?" Will asked and Ally looks around.

Ally doesn't even hear a word he says, because as soon as her brain clicked, she rushed to grab a pen and paper. Writing down what Tori said, she highlighted the words Tori emphasized the most.

"I maturing, fine, enchanting, energetic lucky, idealistic, naive, grateful, Dinah, everything, proud, really, everytime, see, so, everytime, day..." Ally trails off.

She then look down at the words and read the first letter.

"Ally...?" Will tried to get her attention.

"I, m, f, e, e, l, I, n, g, d, e, p, r, e, s, s, e, d..." Ally reads.

She then wrote it down and read the sadden truth of Tori Kelly.

"Allyson?" Will called.

"I'm feeling depressed." Ally reads and Will furrowed his eyebrows.

"What? Do you need to see someone?" Will asked concerned.

"Yes, I need to go see Tori. I'll be right back." Ally tells him causing him to look at her hurt as she rush out the door grabbing her keys on the way.

"Wait Al-" Will tried to stop her.

She rush into her car and pull off. Stopping at a red light, she pulls out her phone and dial Tori's number. As soon as the light turned green, Ally starts driving and Tori picks up to hear a crash swirving and crashing.

"Ally? Hello? Shit." Tori puts Ally on hold and calls 911.

"911 what's yo-" Tori cuts her off.

"My friend has just got into a car accident, she called me before then but I picked up late, I don't know what street she's on." Tori panicky explains.

"Yes, we've just been reported that a car accident has just occured on ******** St. Police and all are on their way." The lady on the phone informs.

Tori hung up the phone and grabbed her jacket. Lauren and Dinah looks at her confused as she passed them.

"What's wrong?" Lauren asked.

"I think Ally got into a car accident, if only I picked up sooner..." Tori trailed off wanting to destroy something.

"What?!" They both pop up.

"I'll call Normani." Dinah pulls out her phone.

"I'mma call Camila." Lauren annouce and pulls out her phone as well.

"Let's go, they gave me the street." Tori ushered and they rush out the door and towards the block which wasn't far.

They arrive and see police trying to get someone out a car while someone else gets carried away on a stretcher.

"The car is going to blow!" The police chief annouces.

"We got the girl!" The firefighter yells as they run away with Ally in their arms.

The car then explodes as Tori kissed the cross around her neck. Dinah sees Camila and Normani rushing to them.

"Is she okay?" Normani asked hugging Dinah.

"They got her out just in time before the car exploded." Lauren muttered as Camila buried her face against her chest.

Dinah pulls away and crotch down to Tori's heights. She is full on having a breakdown and Dinah ushers them to come calm her.

"She's a tough short girl, she'll be amazing." Normani tells Tori as the police chief walks over to them.

"People has informed me that you two know that girl in the car. She had a springed arm and bruised ribs. Also might have a minor memory lost but she'll be fine. Her location will be in the most known in LA. Lastly, take it easy when visiting, I advise one at a time." He explains and they nodded.

Helping Tori up, they walk to Normani car and got in driving to the hospital. It was definitely going to be all over press and shit that Ally got into a car crash. Pulling up to the hospital, Tori was the first to get out and rush into the hospital. The girls come in after her following her to the room she was headed to. Tori sat down once she reach the door not ready to see Ally after her surgery.

"I heard what happened, is she okay?" Will asked and Tori got up punching him square in the nose causing it to leak as Dinah held her back and Camila pulled Will away.

"Dude relax." Lauren tells Tori.

"I don't know why your punching me, if she wasn't trying to figure out your riddle then she wouldn't been hit by the car." Will wiped his nose and Tori tried to get at him again but Dinah pulled her back.

"What riddle?" Camila asked Will and he shrugged.

"Friends of Ms. Hernandez?" The doctor asks.

"Yes." Normani answered as everyone calmed themselves down.

"She's woke, one at a time please." The doctor tells her and she nodded.

"Stay out here, I better not hear a fight break out and all y'all asses will get kicked." Normani demanded and they sat down.

She walks in and see Ally trying to open her eyes. Clicking off the light, Ally's eyes open and she look at Normani.

"Hey girl." Ally greeted always as happy.

"Hey Allz, how are you feeling?" Normani asked looking back seeing everyone calm before looking at the smaller girl.

"I feel heavy, what happened?" Ally questions.

"You got into an accident, a guy ran the light and crashed into you." Normani tells her and Ally nodded looking around.

"Where are the others?" Ally wondered.

"Outside, who do you want to see?" Normani asked.

"Uh, I don't know...Camila." Ally tells her and Normani nods.

Opening the door lightly, Normani ushers for Camila and stands outside as Camila went in.

Normani squints her eyes as Dinah shakes her head.

"Come here." Normani directed and Dinah got up.

They walked away and Normani leaned against a wall.

"Can you calm down for me?" Normani asked rubbing Dinah chest with one hand and she took deep breaths before nodding.

"This had to happen to the sweetest woman on this Earth." Dinah rest her forehead against Normani's.

"I know, just keep everything under control, okay?" Normani asked and Dinah nodded.

Normani makes her way into Ally's room seeing Camila reading the note.

"What is that?" She asked and Camila passed her the note.

"It's the "riddle"." Camila tell Normani who nods.

She exits again and ushered Tori to come in.

"Let's have them talk." Normani mouths to Camila and she nods before exiting the room.

They walk over to Lauren and Dinah as Will look down.

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