Episode Twenty-Five

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It's a new year, new year, new everyone. They don't know what to expect from this year. 2015, they all made it...

"Hey girlies!" Gabriella squealed as she ran into the gym with Kehlani behind her.

"Hey, what's up?" Camila asked and Gabriella took a minute before showing them her hand.

From "Omg!" then to "Yas!" and lastly to "Congratulations!". They looked at the ring and Gabriella flipped her hair.

"If Kehlani cheats, she knows what she's getting." Ryan tells everyone and they nod.

"Her dick chopped off?" Normani asked.

"What!?" Kehlani yells.

"Yes and a divorce." Gabriella confirms.

"Damn bro, tough luck." Ella pats Kehlani back as she closes her legs tightly.

"I can't wait for the wedding." Ally praises.

"Same!" Everyone else says causing Gabriella to giggle.

"I'mma be everywhere, I already know." She admits and they hug her.

"Cold feet already?" Zendaya asked.

"Yes sis, this year will be the best." Gabriella sighs.

"Where's Dinah?" Justina asks.

"I don't know." Normani shrugs before sitting down.

"She's with Lauren because Lauren went to go get her from the airport." Camila explains.

"Well, I'm here so." Tori hugs Ally from behind as Ally smiles.

"How was everyone break?" Normani asked.

"It was amazing!" Solána pipes in.

"What y'all do?" Gabriella asked.

"I took her basically everywhere, then let her meet the family back in London." Ella accent pulling through throughout the sentence as Solána kissed her jaw (because Ella being tall, she couldn't reach the cheek).

"That's lovely." Zendaya praised.

"We are here!" Lauren annouced as Dinah put a hand over her mouth.

"Sh." Dinah tells her and Lauren laughs.

"She woke up with a headache and now she's cranky." Lauren explains to everyone.

"Aw baby, come here." Normani ushers and Dinah fell into her arms already about to fall asleep.

"I missed you..." Dinah mutters.

"I missed you too." Normani giggles.

"Well, I spent most of my break fighting with my twin sister." Justina roll her eyes (Mustina 👀).

"You're a TWIN?!" Normani yelled causing Dinah to groan as Normani apologized before giving Dinah kisses.

"You never told us you have a twin!" Ryan crossed her arms.

"I did...I didn't actually. Oh welp, now you know." Justina laughed.

"What did Camren do since they both live in Miami?" Normani asked laughing at the ship name.

"Our families got to know each other." Lauren responds.

"The green eye genes are strong in their family." Camila admits.

"I went with Ally to Texas since I wasn't going to spend anytime with my family." Tori sighs at the last part.

"Tough time with them?" Zendaya asked.

"Yeah." Tori nods.

"Well...who want to go clubbing?" Justina wonders.

"I can't." Zendaya backs down.

"Awe." Ella pouts.

"Everyone else?" Justina asked.

"Naw, y'all have fun. We'll be at home with Zendaya trusting none of y'all wouldn't do anything to hurt us, right?" Gabriella directed and Kehlani nods.

"Alright, tops night woohoo!" Lauren cheered before leaving with everyone else.

"Come on DJ." Justina pulls Dinah shirt causing her to groan.

"Noooooooo!" She says as she gets dragged away from Normani making the girl laugh.

"I love you too." Normani giggles before Justina left with Dinah.

The girls make their way to Ryan's house this time and grabbed wine, water, snacks, you know the drill. Sitting down, they put on KUWTKs and got comfortable.

"I don't like Kim." Ryan scoffs while everyone else looked at her confused.

"Why?" Ally asked.

"She's annoying always flexing off Kanye like he's all that." Ryan rolled her eyes as Normani laughed.

"Girl..." Camila snorts.

They finish watching the latest episodes and Normani gets a call from Dinah.

"Yes baby?" Normani asked.

"I don't want to be here, please help." Dinah frowns causing Normani to giggle.

"Should I get Dinah?" Normani asked and the girls shrug before ushering her the go ahead.

"Please Manz." Dinah frowns.

"I'm coming, hold on." Normani gets up and hang up the phone.

Driving to the location Dinah sent her, she walks into the club and taps on Dinah who is curled up in the corner.

"Yay, you came." Dinah practically jumps on her and Normani rubs her back.

"Come on you big baby." Normani ushers before signalling to the others that she's taking Dinah.

When they got back, the girls see Dinah and cheer.

"We captured one." Gabriella praised as Normani lay down while Dinah lay on her belly.

"It's so quiet and nice in here." Dinah mutters before falling asleep.

Meanwhile the "tops" are having a blast.

"I wonder why you and Ryan don't just date already, y'all two have chemistry and she clearly likes you J." Kehlani takes a sip of her drink.

"I did try to make my move, she rejected me so I vowed to stay away." Justina tells them causing Kehlani to spit out her drink as Ella pats her back.

"How did you get rejected?" Tori asked.

"She told me she didn't like me "that way," like what?" Justina questions herself.

"Anyway, enough about her. We are here to enjoy our time and since we are one man down, we ar-" Ella phone interrupts her causing her to answer it.

"Hey baby, my shoulders and feet hurt..." Solána whines.

"Dammit, I have to go." Ella tells them.

"No! We losing comrads." Justina fakes getting shot and fall causing Kehlani to catch her.

"It's alright soldiers, stay strong." Lauren replies.

They make their way to the dance floor and start dancing. A girl comes up to Kehlani and all of them intervened.

"Hey hey woah sweetheart! We don't do that shit here. This woman is engaged." Justina puts a hand out causing the woman to roll her eyes.

"Whatever, I can still take her from whoever she hooked onto." The girl sassed.

"WHOOO!" Justina yells catching mostly everyone's attention.

"You can't, like you literally can't." Kehlani says sternly.

"Ma'am, that's a sin. Get yo hoe ass away from us and may Jesus be with you." Tori throws water on her thinking it's holy water causing the girl to squeal before running away as everyone laughed.

"Tori, my G!" Kehlani praises before they all left to Ryan's house.

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