Episode Fourteen

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"Y'all look like y'all just had sex or sum." Justina pointed out causing Normani blush as Dinah laughed.

"That's because they did, look at Normani blushing." Ryan snitched out as Normani looked the other way.

"It's no big deal, the special one was last night." Dinah looked at Normani who looked back.

"Okay, enough eye fucking. Let's meet Ella's new friend." Justina ushers and they followed.

They followed and seen Ella standing next to a woman much shorter than her but she's cute as ever though.

"Hey Ella." Dinah called and she turn to look at crew.

"Oh hey guys, this is Solána. She goes by Sza." Ella's thick accent pulls through and Solána holds out her hand as they all shake it.

"Well, I'm Dinah and this my girlfriend Normani, bestfriend Justina and Normani's bestfriend Ryan." Dinah introduced the ones that are there.

"Where's Kehlani and Gabriella?" Ella asked.

They look around and see Gabriella practically yelling at Kehlani while Kehlani ignores her.

"What happened now?" Justina asked as they got closer to the group.

"She's just tripping, I'm Kehlani." Kehlani holds out her hand and Solána shake her hand.

"Aren't you that one who showed up at my tattoo shop to get your hands done?" Solána asked.

"I was high as ever so probably." Kehlani admits causing everyone to laugh as Gabriella crosses her arms with a huff.

"I'm guessing your Gabriella..." Solána trails off.

"Yes and?" Gabriella gave her a stink look as Solána nods looking away.

"Gabi chill." Ella tells her as Gabriella rolls her eyes.

"Whatever." Gabriella walks away as Kehlani rolled her eyes this time.

"So what do you do Sza?" Normani asked and she looks back up at Normani with a smile.

"She sings, it's beautiful." Ella tells them causing Solána to then look at Ella with a smile.

"When you said friend, you meant girlfriend right?" Justina asked and Ella blushed as Solána laughed.

"No, we're just friends." Solána confirms.

"Great cause I'm single so if you want to slide in my DMS." Justina joked as Ella leaned and hit her.

"Back off." Ella crossed her arms.

"I'm kidding." Justina puts up her hands in defense.

"Well you have other people to meet, it's Normani and I's bandmates." Dinah tells her.

"Oh that's cool." Solána smiled as they walked over to Camila, Lauren, Tori, and Ally.

"Oh hey y'all." Ally always greet first with a bright smile.

"Hey Smallz, this is Ella's "friend" Solána but she goes by Sza." Dinah introduced as Ella gives her a death glare.

"Friend?" Camila asked.

"Ella has a crush on her." Dinah ratted.

"I- I do not." Ella stutters.

"You do, it's okay." Solána wraps herself around Ella's arm as Ella blushes while everyone else laughed.

"Well I'm Lauren and this knuckle head is Tori. Then this is Camila and that's Ally." Lauren introduced the bandmates and Solána waved at them all.

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