Episode Twelve

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It time for everyone to go to the awards show, today's show is the VMA. As everyone get dress, Dinah and Normani is texting away being all lovey dovey, all the sappiness that comes with being a couple.

on a scale of 1 - 10, how fine and hot do you look rn 🙈

On a scale of 1 to 10, how beautifully sexy are you looking right now 🤭

Odds on you sending your outfit 😘

don't you wanna wait? 😏

Yes ma'am 😩

well I have get going now 😞 the girls are yelling at me

Tori and Lauren yelling at me too, see you soon babe 😘😘

you too baby 🥰🥰💗

"Are you done texting your girlfriend?" Tori asked frustrated.

"Speaking of that, I want to ask her to be my girlfriend on stage if we win so... don't ruin it." Dinah fixes her hat as Lauren pats Dinah's back.

"We winning, no doubty so let's go." Lauren ushered and they followed.

They make their way into the limbo and get their news out. Lauren records everything and put it on Instagram.

"We out here!" She cheered causing Tori and Dinah to put up a peace sign.

"I know y'all dream gang strong, let's get the win baby!" Dinah hollered and so did Lauren.

"LTD for the win, make sure you vote." Tori tells the camera and they nodded.

Posting the videos to her story, they bumped to some music before pulling up. As soon as they existed the car, Cameras flashed and clicked taking millions of pictures of the three.

"Just saying, I know we ain't winning one since we are in the same category as Beyoncé." Dinah waves at fans.

"At least we made it to that point of being in the same tier as Beyoncé." Lauren flips her hair letting the paparazzi get her good side.

They walk where the red carpet director is directing where everyone should go. They stopped and get their outfits straight before having a cue to go ahead. Striking there best pose, the three looked ahead and seen the girls looking like the goddess they are.

"Damn she thick." Dinah basically drooled.

"They wouldn't mind if we go and take pictures with them, come on." Lauren ushered and they skipped to where the girls are.

Dinah puts her arm around Normani who leans in her touch. Lauren pulls Camila towards her a little and they struck a pose. Tori stands next to Ally and put up the peace sign. After a few more photos all silly or serious, they make their way off of the carpet and Normani hugs Dinah as if they didn't see eachother for months.

"You are looking fine girl, damn!" Dinah complimented checking Normani out from all angles.

"Thank you, you looking handsome your self." Normani pulled Dinah in for a kiss but...

"Normani girl!" Ryan called with the crew behind her.

"Hey Ryan and everyone else." Normani greeted back.

"I got them in by convincing the guards that they all sing." Ryan huffs.

"They do all sing, Justina mostly raps though." Dinah laughs as Ryan and Normani looked at her like she was stupid.

"So y'all dumbasses just let me do that knowing damn well you could've proved it yourself. Gosh anyway, I got the runner of this event to put us all near eachother do not worry." Ryan explains.

"That's my bestfriend." Normani praised as Ryan flips her hair.

"Let's go get seated." Lauren says putting her phone away and everyone nodded.

They make their way towards their names/faces and sit down in their assigned seats.


Lauren, Tori, and Dinah won an award and lost an award to Beyoncé which wasn't a shower. Now this award is the one they want though. Normani, Ally, and Camila won all of their awards and just really think their fans.

"And the winner for best blah blah blah." It sounded like gibberish to the three as they crossed their fingers.

"LIVING THE DREAM!" Sam Smith annouced causing the three to pop up.

"Yeah baby!" Dinah yelled as they made their way on stage.

Shaking his hand, they grabbed the award and looked at it.

"Sickkk..." Lauren stretches causing everyone to laugh.

"Since everyone think their fans, I would love to do the same. I would also love to think my family right here because y'all know I don't really have people to depend on. I've been really distant because this day, I always get nervous so thank you guys and you all for the support." Tori looked down to avoid the tears from spilling from her eyes.

"No problem." Lauren and Dinah both say patting Tori's shoulder.

"I don't know if I could top that, but I would also love to thank you all,as people say without you we wouldn't be here. We are all humans at the end of the day so please don't think that is winning this award means we are more valuable than you because y'all helped us get here. Y'all took the steps to get here and y'all won this with us not for us." Lauren holds up the award causing the crowd to cheer.

"Oh I'm next, well uh first I want to say that I am grateful to be here. I am grateful to have such wonderful people in my life. Uh, oh and thanks to Tori for collaborating with Ally because I got to meet this most amazing woman. She is black, beautiful, strong, independent, a boss, and a fierce leader. I really look up to her and I waited so long to finally ask her this question. Normani Kordei Hamilton, will you be my girlfriend?" Dinah asked looking Normani who already had tears in her eyes as Ryan and the crew cheered.

The cameras even panned to her while Camila and Ally cheered as well. She nodded and Dinah jumps up and down.

"Thank you everyone." The three said before Dinah practically ran off of stage towards Normani.

As soon as Dinah reached Normani, she gave Normani a big kiss before leaning back and connecting there foreheads.

"Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend Dinah Jane Hansen." Normani smiled while bitting her lip as Dinah smirks/smiles.

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