Episode Seven

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Lauren's POV

It was interviews day and Dinah had this little glow on her. Our manager came up to us with our mics and looked at Dinah weird.

"Why are you glowing?" He asked causing me to laugh as Dinah rolled her eyes.

"I'm not glowing, I can't glow, and I will never glow." Dinah snatches the mic and set it up herself.

He look at Tori and I which we shrugs before giving us our mics. As we finish, we walk onto the set of Ellen as soon she annouced us. I always wanted to meet Ellen so this is a dream come true. We walk on and the live audience cheered us on as we smiled and wave.

"Hello." Ellen greeted first.

"Hey Ellen." Us three greeted back at the same time causing the crowd to cheer again.

"We have a lot to discuss then we'll play a game, is that okay?" She asked and we nodded.

"So we all read and saw you, Tori with Ally...what's going on there between y'all two?" Ellen asked and Tori thought of the best answer.

"A great friendship." Tori answered causing Dinah and I to look at each other.

"A great friendship?" Dinah asked causing me to laugh.

"I can't spoil anything, so that's all I'm saying." Tori said in a duh tone.

"So are y'all friends with the other girls?" Ellen asked and I look at Dinah.

"Yes and no." Dinah answers causing Tori to look at her.

"What do mean by no?" Ellen asked with a little exaggeration.

"The first day we met them, Dinah was being a little wild." Tori ratted causing me and the audience to laugh.

"True by that's not why." Dinah leans back and we shake our head.

"So who is you, Dinah not friends with?" Ellen asked.

"Normani." We all say causing Ellen to laugh while the audience cheered.

"You're not supposed to cheer about that." I tell them as Ellen shakes her head.

We then went onto commercial as Ellen gets everything set up for the game which was the classic never have I ever. It felt like seconds that are going back to recording. Ellen did her announcement that they are going to play and I wipe my hand on my lap because I'm alittle nervous.

"Okay, never have I ever had a crush on a celebrity that I met." Ellen asked.

Dinah and I put it on have while Tori put it on never. Ellen even put it on have causing us the laugh.

"Wait who did y'all two have a crush on?" She asked and I looked at Dinah to answer first.

"There's too many to count, all I'm saying is that there is one more recently." Dinah beat around the bush/suger coated the hell out of the truth.

"And I had a crush on both the Jenners so." I answered truthfully causing the crowd to cheer.

"Never have I ever smoked?" Ellen asked.

I was the only one who put have as the others put haven't, great.

Camila's POV

So it's radio day and I am just ready to get everything done with

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So it's radio day and I am just ready to get everything done with. After what happened on Sunday, I had to end things with Shawn. I couldn't do it anymore, so I know what questions that they are going to be asking me. It's Thursday and we get off Fridays and Sundays. As we get everything set up, I see Normani smiling at her phone which got me curious. I tried to peep over but she keeps her brightness low as hell so I couldn't see shit. She turns off her phone after the whoever directs the cameras told everyone that we'll be on in five. The interviewer had us introduce ourselves so that's what we did.

"Hello everyone, I'm Camila Cabello." I introduced first.

"Hey y'all, I'm Ally Brooke." Then Ally went.

"Hi, I'm Normani Kordei." And lastly Normani went.

"And we're Not A Chance." We all say.

"Or NAC, whatever floats your boat." I added.

"Yes we love that, that's harmony." The interview hyped up causing the people around us to cheer as well.

"So we'll ask just twenty questions if that's okay?" He asks causing us to nod.

"Are they dirty?" Ally asked with her holy self and he shook his head.

"Clean I promise, so first question is...anyone special?" He asked and I roll my eyes.

"No." Ally and I answered before we looked at Normani as she hesitated.

"Maybe." She says causing Ally and I to look at each other.

"Crush, or?" He asked.

The interviewer is just as curious as I am. Maybe that was the person she was texting.

"No, she and I are trying something out. Keeping it private though..." She stretches the last word as Ally smiled.

"We're happy for her." Ally covered the fact that she knew very well as I nodded agreeing.

"Thank you." Normani says very high pitchy before giving Ally a side hug.

"Okay question number two, which artist would you want to collab with?" He asked, a classic question and I will always choose Taylor Swift or Ed Sheeran.

"Taylor Swift or Ed Sheeran." I answered first and quickly.

"Beyoncé or Rihanna." Normani spoke up next, Beyoncé and Rihanna have always been her queens and idols which helped her a lot.

"JLo or Justin Timberlake." Ally says and the same goes for Ally, she reached vocals I can admit I have never reached.

"Alright, if you weren't a singer and went through xfactor, what would you have done with your life?" He asked.

"Probably take up on dancing." Normani speaks first.

"I would become...I don't know a teacher or something." I then answered actually not knowing what I would do.

"And I would own a bakery." Ally says smiling brightly.

Her and Tori has the brightest and biggest smiles I have ever seen which is incredible.

"She stills wants to own a bakery." I told him causing everyone to laugh, including myself.

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