Episode Eight

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Ally's POV

Camila, Normani, and I are having a day out before performing tomorrow. It's still radio day but we finished with those. So now Normani is getting her nails redone as Camila get her feet done while I'm getting my hair dyed more blonde and cutting it a little bit.

"My daughter will flip when she see y'all, she's a big fan." The guy doing Normani's nails says.

"We love meeting fans, hopefully we can meet her someday." Normani tells him.

"Of course, she's just at school right now." He spoke a little disappointed.

"We can take a picture or give her something." Normani tells him.

Normani's always like this and it's honestly the best. She does the best or worse things behind management back and doesn't care if she gets caught.

"Really? I don't want to ask for too much." He responds.

"No it's fine." I speak up as I'm getting my hair washed.

The guy literally fangirled himself causing Normani to giggle.

"Camila!" Normani and I call causing her eyes to open.

She took off her headphones, Camila wears them so she wouldn't squirm when the lady does her feet.

"What is it?" She asked pausing her music.

"We need to discuss what to give a fan." I tell her and she immediately says something.

"How about a hundred dollar bill with our signatures." Camila thinks off causing me to roll my eyes.

"Canola no." I say causing them to laugh.

"We can visit her school on Monday." Normani suggests and I literally have no ideas.

"Alright." I agree.

"Bet." Camila puts on her headphones and close her eyes as I do the same while Normani continues a conversation with the father.

After about and hour and so, we finish up and pay a little extra (as usual).

"Just dm and we'll get everything set up." Normani tells him and he nods.

As we make our way, we decided on going to Starbucks. As we enter, fans crowd outside the place scaring the hell out me. We hear laughter causing us to look at the suspects. Of course it had to be LTD aka Living The Dream aka Lauren, Tori, and Dinah. Normani and Camila help me up and we make our way towards their table.

"Hey ladies." Lauren greeted causing me to roll her eyes.

"What are y'all doing here?" I asked fixing my purse and they shrugged.

"We got bored and came here." Tori shrugged.

"Buy me a coffee?" Normani asked Dinah who nodded.

Everyone looked as they walked over to the counter. Camila and I walked over too because we came here for coffee as well. Lauren and Tori appeared behind us wanting something, I don't know.

"Thank you." Normani says before taking a sip of her coffee and followed to sit down.

"What's going between them?" Tori asked and we all shrugged.

"I swear they hated eachother." I backed up because I thought they did.

We hear cooing and look at Lauren who is looking at a baby while making weird noises.

"What are you doing?" Camila asked.

"Oh leave me alone." Lauren rolled her eyes before going back to waving at the family.

Tori's POV

We get our coffees and join Normani and Dinah at the table. They were interacting with the fans as well as Lauren so they wasn't paying us no mind. After a good five minutes of them interacting with the fans, Camila on her phone, and Ally playing with her hair.

"Guys come on, leave them alone so we can have a conversation." I sigh and the three rolled their eyes, scoffed, or huffed.

"Fine." They all say at the same time.

"Put down your phone." I tell Camila causing her to sigh and do so.

"What do y'all want to talk about?" Normani asked sipping her coffee.

"Let's start about what's going on between y'all two." Ally was the first to respond.

"Nothing, I just bought her coffee." Dinah shrugged.

"Yeah, if she asked me I was going to say no so..." Lauren trailed off making Dinah and Normani laugh.

"Plus Dinah was the only one not talking so I asked her." Normani taps her nails on the table.

"Why couldn't you buy your own." Camila asked.

"Finesse." Normani shrugs causing all of us to laugh.

"Your nails are nice." Dinah complimented causing Normani to flex them.

"Thank you, thank you." She flips her hair as us four look at each other confused.

"I thought y'all two didn't like each other..." Ally trails off causing Normani and Dinah to look at each other.

"Because we don't." Normani tells her.

"I'm so confused right now." Lauren holds her head in her hands.

"Anyway, my mother will be following me all tomorrow so we can't hang out." Normani directed that towards and Dinah frowns.

"That's okay." Dinah rest head on Normani's shoulder.

"Okay, what the hell." Camila finally speaks on what's going on.

"What?" They both asked at the same time.

"What is going on between y'all two?" Ally asked again crossing her arms.

"Like in general or what happened five minutes ago?" Normani asked.

"In general." We all say in frustration.

"Oh, we are dating..." Normani trailed off not really sure herself.

"Well basically we are." Dinah agreed.

"Really? I asked.

"Yeah." They both said.

"How long?" Ally asked.

"When did this happen?" Camila also questioned.

"About a week ago." They both kept up the sync.

"Are you kidding me?" I huffed sitting back in my chair.

"No we are not." Normani says.

"Why didn't you two just say something before?" Lauren asked.

"Because we wanted to keep it private." Normani mutters.

"From us?" Ally asked.

"From everyone." Dinah tell her.

"Okay guys, they are together so what? It's not really affecting anything but themselves." Camila backed them up.

"Thank you Mila." Normani smiled.

"You're welcome, we should respect you two's privacy." Camila gave us a look and we nodded.

"Okay okay, congratulations." Lauren says causing them to smile.

"Thanks Lauser." Dinah gave her their handshake or whatever.

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