Episode Six

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Normani's POV

I hear my phone goes off making me open my eyes and grabbed it.

"Hello?" I asked squinting my eyes to adjust to the light.

"Hey Mani." His voice made my whole body boil.

"What do you want Arin?" I asked agitated that this fool really woke me up.

"Just wanna talk." Arin sighs.

"Oh what? I'm coming babe sorry I got to go bye!" I hung up the phone and blocked his number before laying back on Dinah's chest.

As soon as I close my eyes, my phone rings again causing me to groan which wakes Dinah up but she immediately goes back to sleep. I picked up my phone with a attitude, bad mistake.

"What now?" I asked rudely.

"Child who is your black ass talking to?" My mother asked.

"I am so sorry Mami..." I apologized.

"You lucky I'm not visiting today, but I'm coming by Friday." She tells me.

"Okay." I say and she hangs up.

I lay on Dinah's back and finally doze off back to sleep.

Camila's POV

I just finished cooking my breakfast and Shawn comes in my house as if it's his.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be up." Shawn scratches his head.

"This is my house." I told him.

"Okay, we've been dating for four years now, it should be ours." He said in a duh tone making me roll my eyes.

He doesn't even pay the bills and honestly I'm getting tired.

"Hey Camila why is your door open?" Lauren walks in causing me to choke on my breakfast.

I forgot she was coming over, I get up and clean myself up before pushing Shawn upstairs.

"Hey watch it." He whines like the little bitch he is.

I walk downstair and see Lauren closing the door before locking it.

"Sorry, my boyfriend came barging in my house." I pulls on my sleeve and Lauren wave it off.

"Okay, what are we doing today?" Lauren asked.

"Movies?" I asked and Lauren nodded.

"Sure." Lauren agreed and followed me to sit down.

Ally's POV

It was off day and it's Sunday so you know that means. Church! I get ready and hear my doorbell ring causing me to brush my dress before doing a little dance to the door. I open the door to be met with my family.

"My daughter looking as beautiful as always." My mom, Patricia complimented.

"How's your back Mama?" I asked giving everyone a hug then gave a hug much more carefully to my mom.

"It's getting better, I'm so proud of you." She pinched my cheek as my older brother, Brandon texted away on his phone.

He wasn't the religious type and slept around. Mom supported him no wonder but my dad didn't like his behavior. I lock up my house and get into the backseat of my parents car with my brother.

"So Allyson, any lucky fella or girl yet?" My mom asked as I buckled my seat belt.

"Not yet." I answered and she nodded pulling off to church.

Tori's POV

I decided on spending some time with my little brother. People doesn't really know much about my family because I like to keep that in private.

"How's mom and dad?" I asked.

He always wondered why I always cared about them after they kicked me out. Our mom still gets in touched with me and apologizes everytime we talk, but I forgave her already knowing the truth.

"They're the same." Noah shrugs while sipping his juice.

"Found someone lucky yet?" I asked now that he is eighteen, he told me at fourteen he was going to wait to find someone.

"I should ask you the same." Noah dodged my question with a smirk.

"Nope, now answer me." I hit his leg causing him to roll his eyes.

"Alright fine, yes." He finally admits causing me smirk this time.

"See that wasn't so hard now was it?" I teased taking a sip of alcohol as he puts up his middle finger.

Lauren's POV

I'm laying on my back as Camila play with my locks. I'm honestly was going to fall asleep if her boyfriend loud ass didn't come downstairs.

"Did you make anymore food, I'm starving?" He practically yelled and I hear Camila groan.

"Shawn can you leave please?" She asked as politely as she wanted to.

"But I'm-" He was about to make up an accuse but Camila got up.

"I don't care, leave." She pushed him to the door.

"Bye." Camila huffed and pushed him out the door.

"Adiós!" She slammed the door causing me to snort.

"The movie went off." I tell her.

She looked at me and rolled her eyes. Putting on another movie and go into the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" I asked trying to not laugh.

"To get wine, I have had enough." Camila lets out a loud groan causing me to laugh.

"¿Puedo tomar un vaso?" I asked causing her to grab two wine glasses and closed the cabinet.

"He tenido suficiente..." She mutters again causing me to laugh.

Dinah's POV

I woke up and feel a slight weight on my back so I don't move just in case it's another prank that Lauren or Tori pulled. I looked around and realized I wasn't at my house so it couldn't be a prank. Rolling onto my back, Normani head lands on my chest. Then it had me thinking...

Firstly, my back don't hurt and Normani nails are long so...Secondly, my lips ain't swollen and if we made out then they would plump...Third, I don't have a hickey and that clears it all.

I didn't sleep with her so what happened as soon as we entered her house. I was too deep in my thoughts to not realize that Normani woke up.

"What are you doing?" She asked yawning and stretching causing me to look at her.

"Just thinking about what happened last night." I tell her as she laid on my leg that's proped up.

"Nothing much happened, we took a shower then went to sleep." She tells me with a positive sigh as I nodded grabbing my phone for any missed calls or messages.

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