3 - Detective Keith Myers

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*The Picture Above is of the Detective* 

I hurried out the door making sure all the lights were off and all doors and windows were locked up tight. Helmet and keys in hand I hopped on my bike, smirking as it roared to life. Putting my helmet on I pulled out of the driveway and headed off to see Detective Keith Myers like I had done since the day my Father was murdered.

It didn't take me long, I knew the way by heart at this point. As always, Detective Kieth stood there at the entrance to the police station, two coffees in hand with a small warm smile hinting on his lips.

Keith had taken on the role as a father the moment that he arrived on scene. He'd put his suit jacket over me and pulled me away so I wouldn't be able to see my father in such a ugly state. He let me sit inside his car with - stereo on to cover up the sounds of everyone scrambling around the scene to preserve it to collect evidence and piece together the horrific event. He had refused to tell me the details that night, he could tell I couldn't have handled it anyway.

Shaking my head I parked my bike rushed to rip my helmet off and hurried my way over to him, accepting the coffee he held out for me, "Thank you. How's work been treating you old man." I said as I took a small sip.

He chuckled while taking a drink of his own coffee, "The usual. Busy, tiring, frustrating and did I mention irritating? We got a rookie fresh from the academy and he's been messing up all the paperwork for the last two weeks." He grimaced and I couldn't help but laugh loudly.

"I thought you didn't have to deal with the rookies unless it was a homicide? What do you get on the chief's bad side again?" I smirked as he snorted and rolled his eyes extending his arm for me to grab as we walked inside the station.

"No. I usually don't but it was a favor to the Chief since our other officers who usually do the training have been exceptionally busy. Crimes have been increasing lately with that godforsaken Biker Gang in town." He sighed and looked down at me as we entered his office.

I frowned and tilted my head to the side, "Really? They seem harmless. Was at their bar last night and everything was fine... er, almost fine. Almost got pegged in the face by a rogue beer bottle but other than that nothing real eventful happened." I shrugged and looked up at him.

His demeanor went fully into that Fatherly protective mode as he stood just inches in front of me, I could feel the anger emanating off of him, "Nyx those people are bad news. Trouble follows them wherever they go and the people that end up with them always die."

I pressed my lips into a thin line as he shook his head and went to sit behind his desk waving his hand at the chair opposite to him, "I know you like to be reckless, but I don't want you to-" he stopped and signed heavily before looking up at me as I sat, "I don't want you to end up the same way as your Mother and Father did. You're far too important to me and I can't bear to even think of losing you."

I looked out his office window at the hustle and bustle outside his office. It had been 7 years since my parents were murdered and 6 years since my brother's mysterious 'accidental' death. With no family close enough that was willing to let me stay with them and unable to stay with the detective himself I ended up in foster care until I was 18.

Foster care was horrendous. Just the sheer thought of that time in my life sends a shiver down my spine. Brutal beatings... sexually assaulted... it was absolutely horrible.

I looked back up at Keith frowning, "If I can survive what was done to me in Foster Care while grieving the loss of the only family I had ever known and had, I am sure I can handle whatever they intend to throw at me. Who knows, maybe they'd be able to help me find answers of who killed my parents and what really happened to my brother." I stood up shaking my head cutting him off before he could respond, "I've already told you before Keith, I have to find out what happened. It's the least I can do since... since I wasn't there to help them."

"Nyx there is nothing you can do that will bring them back. Nothing. You can scour this entire world looking for answers but it won't change the way things are. They're dead." His words stung.

I walked over to the door, hand lingering on the knob before turning to meet his gaze, "I'm not trying to bring them back Keith. I'm trying to understand why they were murdered. We've been over this countless times. You promised me Keith. Promised that you would be there in their place. Promised that no one would hurt me. Promised that we'd both find the truth... yet here we are - no answers. Nothing. Stuck at the starting point. No evidence. No forensics. Nothing to even give us a hint as to where to go from here. I can't keep this up forever. I have to find out why. I have to."

The tears finally came as I hurried out the door. I couldn't stay. I didn't want to fight. I didn't want to hear what else he had to say. I just wanted to be alone.

He promised. He promised all of those things and looked at where I ended up? I was hurt every single day for damn near 4 years while he was nowhere to be seen, supposedly trying to find my parents murderers when I knew differently. I couldn't blame him though. He was a homicide detective. He always had a full caseload and they weren't easy either. There was never an open and shut case.

I put on my helmet, hopped on my bike and left. I headed off to the last place that I had seen both of my parents alive... The Viewpoint that overlooked the city. We had spent the day together before I headed to Ericas for a sleepover for the weekend. Jake had been stuck at work and unable to make it...

Had I known that that would have been the last time I saw them alive I would have done more... spent more time with them rather than being irritated at not being able to be at Ericas that morning. I would have savoured those last few hours with them... would have done all I could to make the memory a joy filled one instead of laced with guilt and shame.

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