I sat there and looked at her peacefully sleeping and thought for a moment on all of the things that she had been put through, all of the torment she must have done towards herself to deal with the loss of her family. I'd seen the scars...
She would never admit it to me, and I knew why, no one wanted to admit to self harm. It wasn't something that they were necessarily proud of, especially during that time of their life.
Nevertheless she had them. They were close to areas easily hidden, her chest just under her breasts, her inner thighs closest to her core. It had angered me to see them and I had to admit, it made me want to shake the shit out of her for even doing that in the first place but I hadn't known her then.
I hadn't been there to see what she had gone through. At that time I was in New York just starting my Chapter there. I was knee deep in the shit show and hadn't a care in the fucking world.
Fucking practically any woman that waltzed my way and threw themselves at me, killing whoever the fuck needed to be, and whoever the fuck was dumb enough to get in my way.
That reckless behavior is what got me sent away for a few years. Nothing that I was proud of either.
But what had me the most in awe of this woman was how she was so damned determined to get the things that she wanted. Nothing stood in her way no matter how hard the fucking obsticle was. She pushed through everything with such grace and elegance that it always managed to leave me in fucking awe.
As I was lost in thought about this perfect woman, Zipper cleared his throat as the rest of my Club settled in. I looked over at him and he just raised his eyebrows as a way for him to say to hurry the fuck up and get on with it.
I crossed my arms and rubbed my beard with my left hand, "We've got a big problem. Almost 7 years ago Nyx's parents were murdered in cold blood. They left no trace of who they were and we have it confirmed by a source that it was indeed multiple people involved. They're gunning for Nyx now - something about her being betrothed and all of that fucking bullshit. As far as I see it we need to get Jay on the phone and see what he can dish up on underground cults because I'm almost positive that we are dealing with one."
Zipper cursed, "How the fuck are we supposed to fix this 'problem' if we are dealing with one? Hmm? They're fucking ghosts. They're untraceable. We've seen this firsthand last year when we lost several guys to them for just being at the wrong place at the wrong time!"
I shot him a glare, "Zipper they're fucking people. They're not invincible. If theres a will there is a way. I'm not giving up and her problems are not just mine, they're ours. First order of business is to have Nyx see the cases of her parents. She's got them here. Detective Keith gave them to her before they moved to close the cases and place them into the archives. He wanted her to have everything and I am willing to bet money it was more so because he fucking knew they were going to kill him."
Boozie frowned, "So they're killing everyone close to her to isolate her so when it's time for whatever the fuck they are planning she'll be easier to get to? Was there a threat to you?" He was leaning against the wall, anger pouring out of him.
I nodded, "Not too long ago one was able to break in without making any noise and had grabbed her - told her she and I needed to not be an item anymore or I'd be killed. That's when she was told that she was betrothed. It visibly shook her and has made her be so guarded even with me. She damn near ran off into battle alone. She's got a fucking closet arsinel at her disposal. I'm guessing that Keith did more than just look out for her. The guy trained her and made her prepared to fuck shit up if it came to it."
Asher, my Sergeant at arms growled, "They're too cocky for their own fucking good."
I chuckled darkly, "Yeah they are. So the way I see it, we have a few options on how we can go about this. Using her as bait is entirely off the table. She told me how the cloak that they wear makes them silent. She also said that they're built to fight - the fuckers are all muscle but they're agile. Fast. Deadly. We can't underestimate them or we will die. She also said that he was carrying a silver dagger. He flashed it to her as a warning and I bet you that that is how her parents died. It might have been a fuckign ritual or sacrifice for whoever the fuck they worship. Regardless we need to be careful."
Zipper groaned, "This is going to fucking suck Rip. We've got two shipments of Coke coming in within the next two days and the New York Chapter is planning on being here by tomorrow. I've still got to get the Cartels to back off from the south side of the city. They're pushing hard - word on the street says there's a gold mine in black tar heroin there. They're trying to get their hands on the distributor."
I sighed and rubbed my face, "Well we can send Grim with one of the prospects for the shipments coming in and then we'll have them meet up with the New York Chapter when they get here. I want all eyes on Nyx for the time being. She doesn't go anywhere without one of us with her regardless of how much she bitches. Be sure to always be packing too. Any signs of threats you take them out and get her the fuck out of there as soon as possible."
I made eye contact with everyone in my Club, I was met with dark gazes. They all knew what I was getting at. I was declaring war.
When I had made sure everyone knew I meant what I had fucking said I ended the meeting. The guys decided that they would all stay, waiting for Nyx to wake up so we could see the cases of her parents.
I went back to sitting in the recliner and watching her. Her breathing was even, her eyes rapidly moving to show she was in a deep sleep and dreaming. I kept my focus on her, refusing to let her out of my sight no matter what I had to do. She was my top priority now. Everyone and everything else could fuck off.
I'd protect her even if it meant my life.

Devils Rebels (MC)
General FictionI admit it, I was stupid to think that me of all people would be an ordinary woman. Nope. I've lived through tremendous abuse from being in foster care after my parents were both murdered within 3 months of each other and then the sudden death of my...