43 - I Don't Like Watchers

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*A/N I hope you guys are enjoying this so far! I'd love to be able to talk to you all about the book in the comments! What do you guys think of Roman? What do you think of Nyx and her reactions to him? How do you like Justin? Is he a good guy or bad guy? 

Don't forget to vote on the chapters that you like best and tell me what you love about them! Don't be afraid to tell me what you like or dislike - I can handle constructive criticism! I want to hear from all of you! Without you guys I ain't shit. 

I hope to hear from y'all soon!! Enjoy the update!! Happy reading lovelies!* 


I followed behind Justin, watching every door we passed and every person that cared to glance our way. I was preoccupied with looking at a red haired woman whose emerald eyes were shooting daggers at me that I hadn't realized that Justin had stopped outside a solid oak door before I slammed into his very muscular back. I hissed, wincing as I took a step back to rub my face. Justin glanced back at me and raised an eyebrow following my gaze to rest on the red head that just stood there with a deathgrip on a towel her knuckles were a solid white.

Justin grabbed onto my shoulders and pulled me inside the room. It was beautiful and definitely a study. Floor to ceiling bookshelves lined both sides of the long rectangle room. A large dark redwood desk was delicately built into the wall. I stopped in my tracks taking in everything around me, mainly the vast arrays of books that had filled every ounce of available space of the shelves. I was too busy admiring the room that I hadn't noticed that not only did Justin slip out of the room but Roman was sitting on the edge of his desk watching me with cautious eyes.

I took a step towards the bookshelf closest to Romans desk, examining the covers surprised to see a variety of Shakespearean plays and love stories. As I continued with my examination of the shelves I decided I would break the silence. My fingers pulled out 'Romeo and Juliet' and I flipped through the pages letting my eyes skim over a few passages, "So... You kidnapped me... poisoned me to fake my death, and then decided to have my brother be the one to try to convince me that you were this amazing knight in shining armour that has my best interests in mind." It wasn't a question. It was a statement of the facts.

I snapped the book shut and gently placed it back onto the shelf in it's designated spot before crossing my arms and finally looking over at Roman. His arms were crossed with one stroking his beard calmly as he drank in my appearance before him. Soon his eyes traveled up to mine and he sighed, "I mean you no harm Nyx. I've wanted you since I first laid my eyes on you as a child and while to you that may seem absurd to me it isn't. You've been the only woman on my mind. The only one that has me a complete mess. The only one that I'm addicted to. I want you to feel comfortable around me. I want you to be able to see me in the same light and I don't care how long it takes or what I have to do to prove it to you. I have always loved you."

He stood up, looking at me as if I was a wild animal that was cornered as he took a tentative towards me. I stood my ground, narrowing my eyes at him as he took another step before closing the distance between us. I stood as still as possible as his hand came to gently caress my face. I kept my eyes locked on his as he inched his face closer to mine, his other hand came to rest on my hip, gently pulling me against him. I hated myself. So much at this point. His body was perfectly sculpted and his jeans and grey v-neck t-shirt fit him so perfectly. His muscles constricted as his arm wrapped around my waist effectively trapping me against him. I clenched my jaw trying to ignore the shockwaves of nerves that shot straight to my core, dampening my lace panties.

As if reading what was running through my mind Roman chuckled and a small smug smirk spread across his face, making me want to smack him as hard as I could, "You feel it too then." It too was not a question, it was a statement. Before I even had a chance to respond his lips crashed into mine and I unfortunately let a small moan escape from my lips before his tongue assaulted mine. Instincts kicked in and I wrapped my arms around his neck, one hand sliding up to grab a fistful of his hair as I practically threw myself at him. Soon I was pressed against the bookshelf, my legs wrapped around his waist as one of his hands gripped my ass tightly while the other had a fistful of my hair.

His hand that held my hair let go and slid down my body slowly until it landed at the button of my jeans. Slowly he started to undo it and then Damiens face flashed in my mind. I froze, suddenly realizing that the man I loved was grieving my death not knowing that I was still alive and fornicating with the enemy. Roman hadn't registered my moment and was still working to undo my jeans. I let my hands wander his body, searching for anything that I could use to help me get away. My fingers brushed a concealed pistol that was tucked away on his back, surely he would feel my attempt to grab it. I needed something else, I needed to knock him out and escape... again.

He hummed in approval as he unfastened my jeans, his lips leaving mine to travel down my neck. I looked over at the door and noticed the redhead watching in horror, smirking in approval. I leaned over to whisper into Romans ear, "I'm not a fan of getting it on with an audience and from the look on her face she isn't enjoying the show." Roman froze before grumbling curses under his breath effectively setting me down and moving so I could fasten my jeans back up. Whomever she was, she had just saved me for the moment from the physical control he had over me. He looked over at the doorway, his muscles tightened as rage seeped off of him.

"Rosette." He bellowed, making her shrink back into the hallway. I let my eyes glance between the two of them before rubbing my forehead and sighing heavily, trying to pretend like I was disheartened to be interrupted.

"I should go... It's been quite a weird... day. I'm gonna go and lay down for a bit to process everything I'd learned. You uh... take care of whatever this-" I gestured between the two of them, "-Is." Roman looked like he was about to protest but I held up a hand cutting him off, "Roman, I don't want to hear it. I've been through a lot and have had to relive my parents murder multiple times already on top of just now finding out that my brother wasn't dead but instead here playing tracker. Not to mention that the man I love thinks I'm dead and is probably broken to pieces planning my memorial. I'm not up for whatever the fuck is going on between you two. I just want to be alone for a while so I can adjust to everything. It's not fair to ask me to stay or to say anything other than 'Okay take your time' or 'I understand have a good night'."

I turned on my heels and brushed passed the woman who was shooting me daggers of hate with her emerald eyes before I heard her start her pleas for attention from Roman. I didn't care, now was my chance to find a way out of this damn place.

I hated the many halls and doors to this godforsaken place trying to find my way out. Muttering curses under my breath I was once again not paying attention and ran straight into what I had thought was a wall. Effectively being knocked on my ass I hissed and reached up to hold my face. I growled, rubbing my face before I heard that all too familiar chuckle of Justin, "I'm beginning to think that you're walking into me on purpose." I looked up at him and glared.

He smiled and winked at me holding out his hand to help me up. Against my better judgement I took his offered hand and let him help pull me to my feet, "Wasn't meaning to run into I was just trying to find a way out of this fucking labrynth you people call a manor. I need fresh air especially after Roman practically threw himself at me while that redhead chick watched. You should have seen her face! Man, I felt sorry for her." I shivered just thinking about how she looked as if she had been punched in the gut. Justin raised an eyebrow before pursing his lips in thought. After a few moments a mischievous grin spread across his face.

"Alright but you have to promise to be on your best behaviour okay?" He said as if he was talking to a toddler asking for a toy. I rolled my eyes before looking up at him through my lashes, batting them heavily for an effect of feigning innocence.

"Why yes of course Daddy! I pinky promise to be on my bestest behaviour!" I held out my pinky as a joke but he took it with his for a moment before grabbing onto my wrist and pulling me along and all I could think about was how I was going to knock his devastatingly handsome ass out to make a break for it.

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