17 - Lost Control

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I lay there on my bed in a pair of short shorts and an old tank top staring blankly at the ceiling. My heart feels like an iceberg within my chest.

I stood up, grabbing a hoodie out of my dresser and padded down the hallway. Looking into the living I saw Rip laying there on the couch, his breathing even showing he was truly asleep. Turning on my heels I padded in the opposite direction heading towards the back yard where I had set up a mini training center. I had a punching bag that stood freely on the porch, a few miscellaneous weight lifting machines and mats that were set together.

I went to the punching bag and took a deep breath before pulling the hoodie over my head and placing it on my lifting bench before I got into position. Feet spread, arms up and close to my body I started hitting the bag.

I picture them, my mother, father, brother, Keith, I pictured all of them and then I picture a black figure laughing over their brutalized body letting the anger feed through me, through my fists as I hit harder and harder, faster and faster.

I could feel myself losing all control now. I kept going allowing myself to incorporate my entire body into the beating of this damn punching bag.

Kicking, punching, elbowing, I did everything I had been trained to do in self defense, a program that Keith made me take with the officers that were in the Police Academy. I had also been trained by Keith himself on how to safely use a firearm if it came down to it.

Breathing heavy I stopped my attack on the poor bag, sweat dripped off of my body as I turned my thoughts to Keith. Giving myself a break I looked up at the sky, thinking about the times Keith and I had met up late at night to talk. I'd always looked forward to those nights. Especially on their death anniversaries. It was a tradition and I couldn't bear the thought of never being able to have those again.

I hadn't realised I was crying until I felt my face grow intensely cool in the midnight breeze. A small feeble laugh escaped my lips as I shook my head and stretched.

I turned back to the punching bag and started the assault again unaware that Rip was now awake standing at the backdoor watching every single move that I made.

I jumped when I heard his voice that filled the silence in my head, "You really are something else ya know that?"

Panting I turned to look over at him, I watched as he looked me up and down noticing he was shirtless, only wearing his jeans that looked perfect on him. My eyes lingered on his crotch before looking up into his eyes.

I shrugged, still a little out of breath, "I'm nothing special. Anyone in my shoes would be doing the same." I mumble as I turn back to the bag, moving it aside so I could walk over to what I called the roman chair.

The roman chair was a machine that you used to work on your core muscles. You rest your arms on the arm of the chair and using your core bring your knees or legs up to 90 degrees.

Before I could pull myself up, Rip rested his hands on my hips pressing his body against mine resting his chin on my shoulder.

I leaned into him as his arms wrapped around my waist.

"I don't think you understand Nyx. Not many people are in your position. No one that I could ever think of would be doing the things that you're doing. They'd leave it in the hands on the police detectives. They'd go about living their lives and eventually forget their loved ones. You on the other hand use it to fuel the fire. It drives you. It keeps you going."

I blushed at his words, "Be that as it may Rip, I'm still nothin special. I'm just a woman looking for answers."

He chuckled and peppered my shoulder and neck with soft kisses before responding, "Nyx, you're still not catching on. That's okay. You will one day I'm sure of it. That bright, beautiful mind of yours will catch on."

We stayed like that for a while, just listening to each other's breathing and watching the stars that covered the sky with a subtle glow.

The cool air slowly started to seep into my bones causing me to shiver. Rip pulled me closer to his body, leaning down to whisper in my ear, "Let's head inside. It's getting colder and you need your rest."

I nodded and gasped when Rip bent down and swiped my legs out from under me, catching me and holding me bridal style and headed inside, "What in the world are you doing Rip?" My voice sounds timid as I look up into his eyes that are filled with mischief. He chuckled and headed straight for my bedroom.

"Taking you to bed duh." He smirked and winked at me as I blushed brightly and looked down at my hands.

He pushed open my bedroom door and set me down onto my feet, "Get some rest. I'll be on the couch if you need me." He leaned down and kissed me softly before leaving me to my thoughts.

I sighed heavily and laid down on my bed and slowly drifted off to sleep.

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